‘Iran bans aim to divide state, nation’

“The main aim of the sanctions imposed by arrogant powers is the Iranian people so that the pressure will cause people to become frustrated and separate from the Islamic establishment. However, by God’s grace, they will fail in this conspiracy as they still do not know our people and officials,” the Leader said in a meeting with the Judiciary officials on Wednesday.

Ayatollah Khamenei added that various propaganda campaigns launched against Iran especially under such pretexts as human rights and the nuclear energy program also aim to create a divide between the Iranian people and government.

“These bullying powers which lyingly call themselves the international community are trying to deprive the Islamic Republic of Iran of its popular support base,” the Leader said.

The Leader further stated that the Iranian people are well aware of enemy plots and this is why their participation in various fields has become more vibrant.

Ayatollah Khamenei said despite all-out efforts by the US to lay siege to Iran, “They are currently surrounded by serious and unsolvable problems while Iran, by God’s grace, has all necessary means at its disposal.”

“Under these conditions, cooperation among all organs and the three branches [of the government] is necessary, an obligation, and incumbent,” the Leader added.

Ayatollah Khamenei said any form of divergence among the three branches of government will be detrimental to the country, emphasizing that all branches should unite in their efforts to defend Islam and Iran’s independence and identity.


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