Iran to raise petrochem. export capacity

Ali Reza Baoushdar, official in charge of docks and petrochemical pipeline projects in Iran’s southwestern port, Mahshahr, said Saturday the new docks would also make the export of liquid petrochemical products possible for the first time.

The official stated that the new development will facilitate export of liquid petrochemical products like ADC (azodicarbonamide), caustic soda, heavy-end, methanol, butane-1, and gasoline which are respectively produced by Arvand, Bou-Ali, Fanavaran, Amir Kabir, and Shazand petrochemical plants.

Baoushdar added that a new loading system and 15 loading arms would be made operational in Mahshahr which will make simultaneous loading and offloading of 15 petrochemical products possible.

“Mahshahr port is currently capable of exporting nine million tons of petrochemical products,” he added.

On April 14, managing director of Iran’s National Petrochemical Company (NPC) said the Islamic Republic has exported USD 14 billion worth of petrochemical products during last Iranian calendar year (ended March 19, 2012).

Abdolhossein Bayat added that production and export of petrochemical products will further increase during the current Iranian calendar year (started March 20).

The Iranian government hopes, by encouraging private companies, to further engage in petrochemical market, to decrease dependence on the export of raw materials such as crude oil and natural gas, and to focus more on non-oil exports with more added value.

In line with that policy, the NPC plans to invest more than USD 50 billion in development of private petrochemical projects by 2015.


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