Is Coal Dirty?… The Real Facts on Coal Combustion


To describe carbon dioxide as a “lethal air pollutant” is an irresponsible lie. We are winning the war about Man-made Global Warming. About half of the population still think that the carbon tax will do
some good! Why??? It is all about “cleaning up dirty coal energy”. ~ Viv Forbes

The seeds of public concern were sewn with Penny Wong’s Machiavellian
linking of “carbon” and “pollution”. She was assisted by the gross
stupidity of the coal industry leadership in promoting nonsense like
carbon sequestration as a “clean coal” option.

The public naturally
assumed “if they need to spend billions to produce “clean coal”,
obviously we are now using “dirty coal”.

This generation of coal
industry leaders is more culpable than the greens – they should have
known better – they have betrayed their shareholders, their employees
and the nation.

The whole “dirty coal” program was assisted by the continual portrayal
by alarmist media and government propagandists of power station cooling
towers belching “pollution”.

As carbon dioxide is an invisible gas, this
is clearly a lie. What is seen are clouds of water vapour with no more
pollution potential than wispy white cumulus clouds or boiling dark
nimbus thunder-heads.

The climax of this all was a letter published in the Queensland Times of
Ipswich, a town founded on coal mining, describing carbon dioxide as
“one of many lethal pollutants released by coal combustion”.

What are the FACTS on coal combustion?

When we burn any carbon fuel such as coal, oil, wood, gas, grass, candle
sticks, cardboard or cow manure, it produces several gases. Burning a
typical Australian thermal coal in air would produce mainly nitrogen
(68%), carbon dioxide (21%), water vapour (7%), oxygen (1%), argon (1%)
and ash (2%).

So 98% by weight of coal combustion products (the first five) are
natural gases merely being recycled to the atmosphere from whence they
came. None are toxic. All are invisible except for water vapour.

To describe carbon dioxide as a “lethal air pollutant” is an
irresponsible lie – it is surprising to see such rubbish in print.

Carbon dioxide is the most important and essential atmospheric plant
food, without which there would be no plants, no herbivores (which live
on plants), and no carnivores (which live on herbivores).

Our coal is simply another form of trees and plants that grew in
Australian soils in a previous era. Ash is unburnt mineral matter that
comes naturally from the soil and should go back there.

Almost all of
the ash is now captured in modern coal fired power stations, but is
released freely in bush fires, barbeques, wood stoves, cow manure
cookers and open air cremations.

Soot is a product of incomplete combustion and is not produced in
modern, well-designed power stations. It is no more dangerous than burnt

It is true that some coals can produce some SOX (oxides of sulphur) and
NOX (oxides of nitrogen) but these are caught in modern filters and
cleaners. Only small traces enter the air.

They could be annoying, and
would be dangerous if concentrated in city air, but EVERY normal
component of coal is an essential plant nutrient, and far from being
invariably toxic, is often in short supply in the broader environment.

Anyone who raises crops or animals often needs to supplement soils,
pastures or animal feeds with nitrogen, sulphur, phosphorus, calcium,
magnesium, copper, zinc and selenium to name a few.

The few coal combustion products that are genuinely toxic, such as
mercury, occur rarely and in tiny quantities. If present, special
filters are used to ensure they are not released.

Australian coals are
generally very low in mercury, indeed lower than in the average earth
environment. Naturally occurring rocks containing mercury (as found at
Cinnabar in Queensland), dental amalgams and the new “green” fluoro
light bulbs represent a far greater mercury danger.

In Earth’s long history, today’s level of atmospheric carbon dioxide is
very low and the green world will benefit greatly from any additional
carbon dioxide we add to the atmosphere!

That is why nurserymen add carbon dioxide to their greenhouses!


Viv Forbes – July 14, 2012 – posted at CanadaFreePress



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