Israeli Family Purchases Fake Olympic Tickets For $3,100

Giant Olympic Rings at St Pancras International station. Photo: wiki commons.

One of the Horesh family’s favorite pastimes is watching  sports, so this year, Daniel Horesh’s parents decided to surprise him, in honor of his Bar Mitzvah, with tickets to the biggest sporting event of the summer: the 2012 London Olympic Games. They found tickets on the website and they paid for entry to the swimming and basketball finals.

“He [Daniel] was very much looking forward and knew in full detail all types of the competitions” said his father to Israel’s Channel 2.

The Horesh’s paid approximately $3,100 for the tickets and were told they would arrive at their house by July 10. The tickets never came and when the family asked for an explanation from the site, they were left with no answers.

Had the Horesh family investigated, they would have discovered warnings from the official Olympics’ website notifying users of unauthorized ticket sellers, including the website they purchased from.

“You should check very well before going on sites that aren’t safe. We were probably naive,” said Maya Horesh.

The family will be flying to London within the next few days to purchase genuine tickets to the Games.

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