Two men drown at Byron Bay beach

Two Indian men who drowned at a northern NSW beach spent up to 10 minutes underwater before they were dragged ashore by rescuers.

The men, who police said were aged 24 and 25, were swimming with a group of friends at Belongil Beach, Byron Bay, when they got into difficulty about 1pm (AEST) on Sunday.

It is understood they got caught in a rip and people on the beach raised the alarm.

Lifesavers plunged into the water and found the men on the ocean floor just beyond the surf break.

Police said the men were underwater for up to 10 minutes before they were taken ashore, where rescuers and paramedics tried in vain to revive them.

They were taken to Byron Bay Hospital but were declared dead on arrival.

A third man who also got into difficulty at the beach was saved. He was taken to hospital with minor injuries.

Byron Bay detectives are investigating the accident and will prepare a report for the coroner.

It is thought the men were swimming outside the flagged area and in an unpatrolled part of the beach.

Royal Life Saving Society duty officer Jimmy Keough said the accident highlighted the dangers of swimming at unpatrolled areas of a beach.

“A short walk to the patrolled area would have certainly prevented this tragic loss of life,” Mr Keough said.

A 49-year-old man from Macquarie Fields drowned after falling from rocks while fishing in Sydney’s south on Saturday.

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