Jackie Chan is producing Chinese action movie shot in Syria, set in Yemen

BEIJING, CHINA - JANUARY 01: Actor Jackie Chan attends the Press Conference of "Wish Dragon" on January 1, 2021 in Beijing, China. (Photo by Fred Lee/Getty Images)

Martial arts movie legend Jackie Chan is to co-produce a Chinese movie partially filmed in Syria inspired by events surrounding Beijing's 2015 naval evacuation of Chinese and other foreign citizens from Yemen as the joint Saudi and UAE-led coalition launched its on-going war against the country, targeting the Houthi-allied armed forces who seized the capital, Sanaa, the year before. Although Chan is the film's executive producer, there are reportedly no plans for him to visit Syria. The movie, entitled Home Operation which is also produced by UAE-based Chinese filmmakers SYX Pictures was announced last year. At the time, director and co-producer Song Yinxi explained that "It is the one of few Arabic theme films in China, but it will be […] Source

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