JP Morgan & Co killed Greek pensioner

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Russia Today
Monday, April 9, 2012

Max Keiser lays the blame at the architects of austerity fascism.

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3 Responses to “JP Morgan Co killed Greek pensioner”

  1. BAU…Business As Usual

  2. Yeah, my advice, please don’t lose your conscience contact of the Lord; don’t put your faith in money, or live by it. It’ll act like sand in your hands, you won’t be holding it very long, I assure you.

  3. Sad… so horribly sad. Last Thursday one of my relatives while visiting related the story of an 83 year old woman who she had lunch with occasionally. She really enjoyed her strength and likeability. When she hadn’t seen the lady in her neighborhood, she inquired. To her shock and horror, the dignified matron with historic standing in the community was in a nursing home in a state of despair. Her only son’s suicide left her with no one to assist her in those aged years and also a fatherless child. He lost his lucrative job. This was the day the news broke about the Greek pensioner. I tried to relate the two events to show her that the banksters and their bully enforcers are at the root of it all with their fiat cash, CDOs, CDWs, carry trade, derivatives of every vile type and she just didn’t want to hear that NEGATIVE stuff. It was a complete disconnect. Just tried to smash into one sentence HYPERINFLATION bearing down, grow FOOD, get WATER source, store BARTER items, DROP fiat, KEEP some gold/silver(yes can’t eat it), BUY protection, PREPARE. And hope no nukes get airborne. Knew I couldn’t tell her about Adam Fergusson’s “When Money Dies” book, though it is a lockstep to what’s coming for us if we don’t repudiate the fraudulent Federal Reserve, the theft machinery that is called debt, and rein in the Pentagon answerable to no one. Few people in the Weimar Republic thought that things could get so bad so fast. Same for Greece. The biggest necessity now is to PRAY for guidance and act to reestablish our Constitutional Republic. She gave me a hug and said she appreciated ALL my efforts but it’s all just too NEGATIVE.

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