Jurors to continue deliberating on Bond

Jurors in the trial of the man accused of murdering Melbourne woman Elisabeth Membrey will begin their sixth day of deliberations on Thursday.

Shane Andrew Bond, 45, has pleaded not guilty to murdering Ms Membrey, who was last seen leaving the Manhattan Hotel in Ringwood in Melbourne’s east, where she worked as bartender, on December 6, 1994.

In his closing address in the Victorian Supreme Court trial, prosecutor Geoff Horgan SC urged jurors to accept the evidence of a witness who said that Bond was interested in Ms Membrey but she was not interested in him.

Mr Horgan said she had rejected him and he had killed her.

Defence barrister Michael O’Connell SC told jurors there was no physical evidence against Bond and they could not be satisfied of his guilt.

After a two-month trial before Justice Terry Forrest, jurors began deliberations on Friday.

They retired on Wednesday at 5pm after spending the Anzac Day public holiday in deliberations and will resume in the morning.

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