Kids All Over America Are Being Put On Buses And Sent To Alternate Locations During Terror Drills

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The American Dream
Tuesday, March 27, 2012

All over the United States, school children are being taken out of their classrooms, put on buses and sent to “alternate locations” during terror drills.  These exercises are often called “evacuation drills” or “relocation drills” and they are more than a little disturbing.  Sometimes parents are notified in advance where the kids are being taken and sometimes they are only told that the children are being taken to an “undisclosed location”.  In the years since 9/11 and the Columbine school shootings, there has been a concerted effort to make school emergency drills much more “realistic” and much more intense.    Unfortunately, the fact that many of these drills are deeply traumatizing many children does not seem to bother too many people.  Do we really need to have “active shooter” drills where men point guns at our kids and fire blanks at them?  Do we really need to have “relocation drills” where kids are rapidly herded on to buses and told that they must surrender their cell phones because they will not be allowed to call anyone?  Our schools more closely resemble prison camps every single day, and it is our children that are suffering because of it.

It is also important to keep in mind that much of the time these drills are not the fault of local school administrators.  Often, these drills are being mandated at the state level.  Our politicians have become obsessed with “school safety” in recent years, and apparently their idea of “school safety” involves deeply traumatizing our kids.

Earlier today I was doing some research and I came across a forum where a parent was describing a relocation drill that would soon be happening at a school in Oklahoma.  Well, I went to public schools all my life and nothing like this ever happened when I was growing up, so I wanted to do a little digging to see if this was actually happening around the country or if it was just an Internet rumor.

Unfortunately, what I found out was quite disturbing.

It turns out that “relocation drills” are being conducted at schools from coast to coast.

For example, the following is an excerpt from a letter to parents about a relocation drill that took place in Woodhaven, Michigan….

Our school district continues to focus on the safety of staff, students, and our community. We have a detailed emergency plan so we can respond effectively to major catastrophes. We work closely with the fire and police departments from the City of Woodhaven and Brownstown Township to implement this plan. As part of these efforts, we are conducting a practice emergency drill on May 19th. It will begin at about 9:20 a.m. and conclude by 11:30 a.m. This practice drill will simulate a boiler explosion at Patrick Henry Middle School. We will evacuate all staff and students from PHMS, Erving Elementary School, and the Administration Building.

The Woodhaven and Brownstown Township Police and Fire Departments, DTE Energy, and staff from Wayne County RESA will help secure the buildings and monitor this practice drill. Erving Elementary staff and students will be evacuated by bus to Bates Elementary School, and PHMS students and staff will be evacuated by bus to Woodhaven High School.

But just putting kids on buses and taking them to other schools was not enough.  During the drill, some students and school staff were instructed to pretend to be injured.  In addition, parents were instructed not to call the school during the drill and children were instructed not to call their parents….

As part of the drill, we will pretend that some students and staff are injured. Pretend victims will be assessed and transported to nearby triage centers. Please be aware that Hall Road and Van Horn Road may be closed to traffic for all or part of this drill. There will be a number of emergency vehicles at PHMS and Erving Elementary School during the drill. Your cooperation is necessary for this practice drill to be successful. During drills and emergencies like the one we are planning:

• Please do not telephone the school. Telephone lines are needed for drill emergency communications.
• Impress upon your children the need to follow directions and take drills seriously.
• During an evacuation drill or a real emergency, students will be kept at their school or will be evacuated to another site. They will be released only to adults listed on their emergency contact form. Any adult picking up a student (reunification) will be required to show picture identification.
• Students and parents should not communicate by cell phones during the drill or emergency situation. Students need to be attentive to the instructions from school and safety personnel.

But at least in that drill parents knew where their children would be taken.

That was not the case during a recent relocation drill in Coeur d’Alene, Idaho….

Students at Lakeside School District walked out of their schools this morning to prepare for the worst case scenario. They were transferred by bus to an off-site location in less than a hour. But it was only a drill.

Their Bus Evacuation Drill started at 9 a.m. and students were transferred to their undisclosed emergency location and returned back to school.

“As you might expect, student safety is our first priority and security is tight even during a practice,” Karyn Stockdale, district clerk, said.

It was later revealed they were bussed to Benewah Wellness Center as their acting evacuation shelter.

It was “later revealed” where the “undisclosed emergency location” was?

I am sure a whole bunch of parents were thrilled when they heard about that.

What purpose is served by herding kids on to a bus and taking them to an undisclosed location?

School officials just seem to take these little “exercises” way too seriously.

For example, check out the tone in the following excerpt from a school newsletter from one school in Pennsylvania….

“As mentioned in a separate letter in our CB Electronic Envelope last Wednesday, our school will be involved in an Off-Site Relocation Drill. This practice opportunity will sharpen our skills and provide us with the chance to review important safety procedures in the event of an emergency. This Relocation Drill isscheduled for Friday, December 16, 2011. Here are some very important reminders for all parents and families:


In every classroom, teachers will prepare students for this activity. To ensure that every child and adult arrives safely to the relocation site, no child will be released for any reason during this practice activity or real emergency. All parents are asked to review the detailed letter explaining the official steps for such drills and practice activities.”

No child will be released for any reason?

What if there is a family emergency?

What if a child becomes very ill?

Our schools are becoming way too militarized.  It really is quite frightening to see what is happening to us.

It takes a lot of effort to pack up all of the students and all of the staff at a school and ship them off to an alternate location.

The following is another example from one school in Iowa….

The second drill is planned for Thursday at 9:15 a.m. During the second drill officials will simulate a relocation of the entire EE-12 student body and staff by school buses.

For some schools, this kind of a drill has now become a regularly scheduled yearly activity.

The following is from a school handbook in Vermont….

Lockdown drills are practiced several times a year. In a Lockdown students remain quiet and undetectable behind a locked door. Students prepare for these drills and are supported by their teachers. Saint Albans City School practices, at least once a year, an emergency evacuation/relocation drill where we leave the school building and go to alternate sites.

Keep in mind that it says “at least once a year”.  That means that it could happen even more frequently if they want it to.

Some schools even have plans for students to be “housed temporarily” at alternative locations.  The following is from a school website in California….

Evacuation Plan: Requires that all building occupants leave and go to an alternate location. Evacuation may mean only going outside and away from the building until an all-clear signal is given. In some circumstances, students and staff may need to be transported and housed temporarily in another location until the Go-Home Plan can be put into operation.

In some instances, parents are encouraged not to pick their children up at all in the event of a major emergency.  The following is from an article in the Washington Post….

School administrators in the Washington area yesterday stepped up preparations for possible terrorism, and most school districts told parents that they would be prevented, or strongly discouraged, from picking up their children in the event of a biological or chemical attack.

So what measures would be taken to keep parents from getting to their children?

That is a frightening thing to think about.

But these “relocation drills” are not the only kind of drills that parents need to be aware of.

In many areas of the country, schools are holding “active shooter” drills where men in full military gear are pointing guns at children and firing blank rounds.

The following is one recent example that happened in Brecksville, Ohio….

The emergency drill at Brecksville-Broadview Heights High involved hundreds of students, including members of the Drama Club who portrayed wounded and panicked students.

Junior Ashley Elek said Chardon High School was on their minds as they went through the very realistic looking drill, in which many students were “killed” and “wounded.”

In many areas of the country, there is not always advance notice of these “active shooter” drills.  Sometimes students are told that there will be an “active shooter” drill and sometimes they are not.

Sometimes teachers do not even know that an “active shooter” drill is coming.  When that happens, the results can be incredibly traumatic.

Just check out the following example from New Jersey….

About 50 teachers at a New Jersey school experienced a terrifying moment when a shooting rampage turned out to be a drill, but the teachers didn’t know it.

It happened Aug. 28 at the Phillipsburg New Jersey Early Learning Center.

A man burst into the library and started shooting. But the gun didn’t have any bullets, just blanks.

Teachers took cover under child-sized tables, crying and trembling.

“People are crying. The girl next to me is trembling and shaking. You heard people crying. You heard other people praying. It was pretty dramatic,” one teacher said.

Can you imagine?

Why would we ever want to put our children through that?

I think that some of these twisted sickos actually enjoy the thought of making little kids pee their pants.

In some cases, children are told during these “exercises” that a particular group of Americans is attacking the school.

For example, during a terror drill at a public school in Muskegon County, Michigan, students and teachers were told that “homeschoolers” were the ones attacking them….

“The exercise will simulate an attack by a fictitious radical group called Wackos Against Schools and Education who believe everyone should be homeschooled. Under the scenario, a bomb is placed on the bus and is detonated while the bus is traveling on Durham, causing the bus to land on its side and fill with smoke.”

In another case in New Jersey, students were told that the gunmen were from a group of “fundamentalist Christians” called “The New Crusaders”….

“Investigators described them as members of a right-wing fundamentalist group called the ‘New Crusaders’ who don’t believe in separation of church and state. The mock gunmen went to the school seeking justice because the daughter of one had been expelled for praying before class.”

What possible purpose do drills like those have?

Sadly, those running things keep wanting to make these kinds of drills as frequent as possible.

In New Jersey, new guidelines require that a “security drill” be held at public schools at least once a month.

As you can see from this document, an “evacuation to relocation site” drill is one of the kinds of drills that can be chosen to satisfy this requirement in New Jersey….

The following are examples of other security drills that schools can hold:

• Shelter-in-place; Reverse evacuation; Evacuation to relocation site; Testing of school’s notification system and procedures; Testing of school’s communication system and procedures; Tabletop exercise; and Full scale exercise.

When I was growing up, there was just one kind of emergency exercise.  When the fire alarm sounded, we all trudged out to the football field.  We stood around and talked for a few minutes and then we went back inside.

But the environment in U.S. public schools today is totally different.  Our children are being forced to endure endless “relocation drills”, “lockdown drills” and “active shooter drills”.

These drills are just another reason why many parents have decided that it is time to pull their kids out of the government schools entirely.

Our public schools more closely resemble prison camps than they do institutions of learning.  Millions of our kids are leaving high school dumb as a rock, but they do know what to do when the alarm goes off.

So what do you think about these drills?  Please feel free to post a comment with your opinion below….


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38 Responses to “Kids All Over America Are Being Put On Buses And Sent To Alternate Locations During Terror Drills”

  1. Yesterday Alex Jones, his crew and fans were totally destroyed by my factual arguments which they could not answer. Their lies imploded and they were caught out on fraudulent stories time after time.

    Guess what their final strategy was. After I left the blog site, the made a close copy of my blog handle “ALEA” changed to “.ALEA”. They then place false words under my name and replied to their on false words with supposed winning arguments.

    That’s right, that’s how much this website hates truth and free speech. When challenged for their fraudulent activities they had nothing to say. They can only issue insults and then fake peoples words with copycat blog handles.

    This again proves Alex Jones fans are shallow fakes. They should be held accountable for their lies and manipulation of week minded Americans.

    The mission of this website is to lie its way into your wallet and suck out as much money as possible. There is absolutely no love of freedom or liberty from these hideous fake Alex Jones types.


    Yesterday Alex Jones, his crew and fans were totally destroyed by my factual arguments which they could not answer. Their lies imploded and they were caught out on fraudulent stories time after time.

    Guess what their final strategy was. After I left the blog site, the made a close copy of my blog handle “ALEA” changed to “.ALEA”. They then place false words under my name and replied to their on false words with supposed winning arguments.

    That’s right, that’s how much this website hates truth and free speech. When challenged for their fraudulent activities they had nothing to say. They can only issue insults and then fake peoples words with copycat blog handles.

    This again proves Alex Jones fans are shallow fakes. They should be held accountable for their lies and manipulation of week minded Americans.

    The mission of this website is to lie its way into your wallet and suck out as much money as possible. There is absolutely no love of freedom or liberty from these hideous fake Alex Jones types.


    Yesterday Alex Jones, his crew and fans were totally destroyed by my factual arguments which they could not answer. Their lies imploded and they were caught out on fraudulent stories time after time.

    Guess what their final strategy was. After I left the blog site, the made a close copy of my blog handle “ALEA” changed to “.ALEA”. They then place false words under my name and replied to their on false words with supposed winning arguments.

    That’s right, that’s how much this website hates truth and free speech. When challenged for their fraudulent activities they had nothing to say. They can only issue insults and then fake peoples words with copycat blog handles.

    This again proves Alex Jones fans are shallow fakes. They should be held accountable for their lies and manipulation of week minded Americans.

    The mission of this website is to lie its way into your wallet and suck out as much money as possible. There is absolutely no love of freedom or liberty from these hideous fake Alex Jones types.


    Yesterday Alex Jones, his crew and fans were totally destroyed by my factual arguments which they could not answer. Their lies imploded and they were caught out on fraudulent stories time after time.

    Guess what their final strategy was. After I left the blog site, the made a close copy of my blog handle “ALEA” changed to “.ALEA”. They then place false words under my name and replied to their on false words with supposed winning arguments.

    That’s right, that’s how much this website hates truth and free speech. When challenged for their fraudulent activities they had nothing to say. They can only issue insults and then fake peoples words with copycat blog handles.

    This again proves Alex Jones fans are shallow fakes. They should be held accountable for their lies and manipulation of week minded Americans.

    The mission of this website is to lie its way into your wallet and suck out as much money as possible. There is absolutely no love of freedom or liberty from these hideous fake Alex Jones types.

    Yesterday Alex Jones, his crew and fans were totally destroyed by my factual arguments which they could not answer. Their lies imploded and they were caught out on fraudulent stories time after time.

    Guess what their final strategy was. After I left the blog site, the made a close copy of my blog handle “ALEA” changed to “.ALEA”. They then place false words under my name and replied to their on false words with supposed winning arguments.

    That’s right, that’s how much this website hates truth and free speech. When challenged for their fraudulent activities they had nothing to say. They can only issue insults and then fake peoples words with copycat blog handles.

    This again proves Alex Jones fans are shallow fakes. They should be held accountable for their lies and manipulation of week minded Americans.

    The mission of this website is to lie its way into your wallet and suck out as much money as possible. There is absolutely no love of freedom or liberty from these hideous fake Alex Jones types.


    Yesterday Alex Jones, his crew and fans were totally destroyed by my factual arguments which they could not answer. Their lies imploded and they were caught out on fraudulent stories time after time.

    Guess what their final strategy was. After I left the blog site, the made a close copy of my blog handle “ALEA” changed to “.ALEA”. They then place false words under my name and replied to their on false words with supposed winning arguments.

    That’s right, that’s how much this website hates truth and free speech. When challenged for their fraudulent activities they had nothing to say. They can only issue insults and then fake peoples words with copycat blog handles.

    This again proves Alex Jones fans are shallow fakes. They should be held accountable for their lies and manipulation of week minded Americans.

    The mission of this website is to lie its way into your wallet and suck out as much money as possible. There is absolutely no love of freedom or liberty from these hideous fake Alex Jones types.


    Yesterday Alex Jones, his crew and fans were totally destroyed by my factual arguments which they could not answer. Their lies imploded and they were caught out on fraudulent stories time after time.

    Guess what their final strategy was. After I left the blog site, the made a close copy of my blog handle “ALEA” changed to “.ALEA”. They then place false words under my name and replied to their on false words with supposed winning arguments.

    That’s right, that’s how much this website hates truth and free speech. When challenged for their fraudulent activities they had nothing to say. They can only issue insults and then fake peoples words with copycat blog handles.

    This again proves Alex Jones fans are shallow fakes. They should be held accountable for their lies and manipulation of week minded Americans.

    The mission of this website is to lie its way into your wallet and suck out as much money as possible. There is absolutely no love of freedom or liberty from these hideous fake Alex Jones types.


    Yesterday Alex Jones, his crew and fans were totally destroyed by my factual arguments which they could not answer. Their lies imploded and they were caught out on fraudulent stories time after time.

    Guess what their final strategy was. After I left the blog site, the made a close copy of my blog handle “ALEA” changed to “.ALEA”. They then place false words under my name and replied to their on false words with supposed winning arguments.

    That’s right, that’s how much this website hates truth and free speech. When challenged for their fraudulent activities they had nothing to say. They can only issue insults and then fake peoples words with copycat blog handles.

    This again proves Alex Jones fans are shallow fakes. They should be held accountable for their lies and manipulation of week minded Americans.

    The mission of this website is to lie its way into your wallet and suck out as much money as possible. There is absolutely no love of freedom or liberty from these hideous fake Alex Jones types.

    V-man Mace Reply:
    March 27th, 2012 at 6:16 am


    ALEA Reply:
    March 27th, 2012 at 6:47 am

    V-man Mace, The truth hurts you, but please dont cry. Honestly why are Americans all such wimps?

    V-man Mace Reply:
    March 27th, 2012 at 7:40 am


    Why do you waste your time…

    You are an insignificant PEON.

    ponykeg Reply:
    March 27th, 2012 at 7:42 am

    Alea, send this message to your other citizen brigade brown shirt friends. The atrocities committed under the color of law in Nazi Germany were legal until the Nazi regime fell. After the fall of the Nazis they were tried, convicted, imprisoned, executed, and if they escaped they were hunted down like dogs until their dying days. I know that what you are doing is not exactly criminal though still childish and annoying, but as you continue down your career path as citizen brigade goon, just remember that your bosses are twisted psychopaths and that this reign of terror will end, just look at history, you will see countless examples of twisted power hungry freaks turning on each other and toppling their whole house of cards, and leaving their faithful mindless cronies to face the music for what they considered doing their duties, regardless of the abuses they had committed against humanity.

    So Alea, just consider this a friendly reminder to be careful with your life decisions, and make the right choices, in the long run perhaps flipping burgers would be a better choice, at least it’s honorable honest work that will not end up with you living in a spider whole the rest of your life.

    Jonquil Reply:
    March 27th, 2012 at 8:08 am

    INSANE! I can’t believe that the Alex Jones’ crew is stooping so low as to pretending to be ALEA and putting repetitive annoying posts up in ALEA’s name in order to make him appear to be a total DOUCHE-TARD!

    This is below the belt! I believe in freedom of speech, but nobody has the freedom to put speech in somebody’s mouth! They’re making ALEA look stupid on purpose just so people can laugh at him and think that he’s pathetic!

    I, for one, don’t believe that ALEA is truly STUPID enough to put up annoying repetitive posts! GAME is UP! EPIC FAIL! The sorry attempt to make ALEA look like a doofus troll douche-tard is DEBUNKED!!!!

    Jonquil Reply:
    March 27th, 2012 at 8:09 am

    (Do you think I was sarcastic enough that ALEA will get it?!?!)

    mrbinary Reply:
    March 27th, 2012 at 8:50 am

    Easy answer…don’t send your children to school on the day of the drill.

    Do not walk willingly into the shower.

    mrbinary Reply:
    March 27th, 2012 at 8:50 am

    Quite simply…stop playing THEIR game.

    Startover Reply:
    March 27th, 2012 at 10:44 am

    Yes mr binary,
    Look at the mural on the wall of the Denver Airport
    This is what taking children is all about

  2. I remember when my primary school had fire drills with the alarm bells going off. Those were loud enough to make it impossible to hear what anyone else was saying. This was enough to have some kids turn look pale or start crying. I can’t imagine what being taken on a bus *and* having the only form of communication with your parents taken away is going to be like.

    Menzoberranzandweller Reply:
    March 27th, 2012 at 5:37 am

    The day they actually mess with my child will be the day heads roll, and I will probably go down, but not before the responsible people pay.

    Chantel Reply:
    March 27th, 2012 at 7:26 am

    I completely agree with you.

  3. Yesterday I called you out as a bot for the traitors working in fusion centres… you disappeared for a bit and came back spouting spambot/chat bot coding just as I said you were, good job. Every response you had was algorythmic coding. It is like the operater turned the human imitation off just to see how folks would respond to that one… always looking for another psych eval aren’t you.

  4. Dear Moderators,

    Why are you allowing ALEA to VIOLATE OUR FREEDOM OF SPEECH by repeating his own post so many times that all other comments are pushed to the bottom of the page?

  5. I’ve been a bad bot, a really bad bot, hahaha. Or…I mean, 10100111001011110001,lol.

    ALEA Reply:
    March 27th, 2012 at 6:57 am

    excellent contribution to liberty. First fake my handle, then add nothing.

    Just own up, you at prison planet are all fake liars and you wouldn’t know liberty if it bit you on the leg.

    Morally people like you and Alex Jones are responsible for 911. It’s your type of sick mentality that makes sick “made in America” repulsive to the world.

  6. ALEA, what do you do for a living? Besides harass people who share a view that differs from your own, of course. You are posting on here so often that I cannot imagine you doing anything else. If you are a productive member of society, then you must be on here all day at work. If that is the case then your employer should be notified of your lack of ethics. But a much more logical conclusion is that this is your job. Now I am not one of these suckers with AJ’s dick stuck to the inside of my cheek but I do share a common world view with some of the members here. You however seem to be completely at odds with everyone that posts here. Why is that? Honestly, I would like to know. I have seen others argue with you and I know that most believe that you are a “troll”. I would just like to know what your agenda is. Do you have one?

    ALEA Reply:
    March 27th, 2012 at 6:51 am

    Thats a classic. The same people blog here all day long. But if one points out Alex Jones is a liar, then only that one is told he spends too much time here.

    Even you must know how gutless you are. What a hypocrite. No wonder America has become a pile of crap, with people like you living there.

  7. Alea or who ever you are, you are a waste of time and space. why don’t you go bother some other sites that don’t report any truth and are brainwashing the public . you are not wanted by people who want truth.

    ALEA Reply:
    March 27th, 2012 at 6:52 am

    Because I’m tired of nerds like you and Alex Jones thinking you can spout lies all day. That’s a good enough reason.
    What reason do you have for being a traitor to America?

  8. This movement of chlldren by police is just shocking. I haven’t lived in the States for a long time, but if this was happening to mine, I would raise such a furor about it, expose it, and fight. What is wrong with the people there? Don’t they realize what is happening. What kind of government does thing s like that…? Only fascist and communist complete state control…. you are abdicating your children to a monsters

  9. This is being done in preparation for martial law when they round up all our children and send them to reeducation camps, and to cause the parents to do anything they’re told to in order to see their children again (which will never happen).
    That’s exactly what the nazzi’s did in WW2.
    This IS preparation for them to kidnap our children and then to murder us all.
    History tells this story over and over again.

  10. How about a drill wherein all the children are evacuated when Ben Bernanke is sighted on campus ? “Attention children! Quickly, grab your lunch money. School staff are instructed to grab all copying equipment and anything else which can be used to create counterfeit currency, including ledger entries. You will board those Blackhawk helicopters in the parking lot and be prepared for a not-very-long flight to the nearest FEMA camp.” Of course, parents could opt-out their children from the drills by providing their DNA and submitting to complete background checks, government-administered psychological tests, enhanced TSA patdowns, and warrantless home inspections.

  11. This is a sure way to get patriots to come out with their guns and forcibly retrieve their children.

    And they will stage another WACO at the FEMA detainment camp when we try.

    Who’s really willing to allow this BS to go that far?

    I think we should get our guns out and go their asses NOW.

    Why wait until they hold our kids hostage…?

    V-man Mace Reply:
    March 27th, 2012 at 6:32 am

    **Go get them NOW*

  12. interesting to know that people in rubber rooms have access to the internet

  13. the message “interesting to know that people in rubber rooms have access to the internet” is for ALEA

    ALEA Reply:
    March 27th, 2012 at 6:53 am

    If you have watched Alex Jones long enough, then you must be an expert on rubber rooms. Keep on bouncing of the walls. Good luck with that.

  14. This would be them “testing the waters” so to speak.
    The next step is full out mass kidnapping followed by mass murder.
    These people are being led by Satan… ALL of them, and are going to kill 1/3 of mankind (The beasts of the earth in Revelation) before they’re cast into the lake of fire and brimstone. Where the smoke of their torment rises up forever.

  15. This generation need their parents more than any other generation that preceded them. Unfortunately, the NWO has done a fine job of breaking down the two-parent household.

    Take your kids out of the propaganda machine and home school them.

  16. Hmmmm.. Maybe having your kid wear a GPS device is a good idea.

    Images for Incurable Kinds of Thoughts.
    Click hotlink.

  17. These kinds of drills condition kids to feel that the world is a hostile and unsafe place to live. They are conditioned to feel/learn that paranoia and mistrust are “teambuilding” emotions. FEAR is the name of this game, and it is this state of mind that’s needed to fully embrace the propaganda terrorist lie, epitomized by the George W. Bush statement following the 9/11 disaster… “Either you’re with us or you’re with the terrorists.” In my opinion, these drills should be considered a form of child abuse!

  18. The article notes that one of the schools asked that no calls be made to the school during the “drill” so that the phone system could be used for the fake emergency calls of the “drill.” That’s completely unrealistic, because if this “terror” drill scenaria were to actually be real, and not a bogus narrative helping to write a fake history, then the call for the parents and the public to stand down from using the school’s telephone system is a tacit admission that the phone system is inadequate for use during a real, large-scale emergency. They are admitting that the phone system can’t handle the inevitable calls from parents and news media that would come into it in a real-world emergency. This would seem to give the school district some liability over which they could be sued because they are a “deep-pockets” entity. They make no explanation for why their phone sytem is allowed to be sub-standard for a terror situation, and, certainly, they do not give any information about any plans to upgrade the system. Could it be that they know it will actually NEVER need to be used, because real, large-scale terror attacks do not really exist, and are only a narrative of the beast entity known as The State? Of course that’s why! Terrorism, as feared and promoted by the ruling junta of the U.S. is a sham (er, uh, I mean scam.).

  19. Its an exercise IN terror. Learn how to be afraid. As for this ALEA character if its not a bot then it has to be one of these touchy feely TSAgents who is afraid of losing his position of “trust” being able to touch kids legally.

  20. Guys..guys…guys…listen. You really want to mess up the drills? EASY.
    When they relocate your kid somewhere else, have your kid escape and run home or to the nearest phone (which may be hard to find) and phone you to come get them.
    Counter THEIR plans with plans of your own!!
    Escape the school, escape the bus ride, escape when you get there. That way, the teachers or police or anyone involved will actually be playing the role of Captors chasing the hunted. I believe this would be GREAT practice for the real thing. My kids already know that they’re supposed to do this whenever a drill like this happens so that they can be prepared and know what to do when the real deal comes to their school while they’re in it. They’re not afraid to bust a window or go down to the boiler room or hide in the ceiling, or jump the bus after hitting the adult or teacher who is watching them during the bus ride. They’re not afraid to take control of the bus or get the driver to stop. They know the game well and they know the protocol to take when it happens. MY kids are trained to be the ones who will SAVE your kids (if they can) ESPECIALLY if they feel the threat is real.
    What I’m saying people…listen REAL GOOD. You train your kids what to do in case of fire?
    Train them also what they need to know and do in case of something like this. Train, Train, Train until they can do it backwards and in their sleep. Be smarter than them(Gov’t, school adm., teachers.
    They won’t know how to handle the situation of a lost or missing child when they run their drills.
    And you on the other hand, will.

  21. This has nothing to do with protecting the children!

    The trauma induced upon the children, from the drills, will make many of them regress intellectually. Behavioral problems will more than likely surface in the near future. This was proven decades ago in some research conducted by Kurt Lewin who invented “sensitivity training” so the teachers could become effective “change agents”. In addition, because the children’s parents are not around during the drills, the children will look at the educators/State as their savior.

  22. Hmmmm, as in, oh for pities sake! This is not the norm as in an everyday situation in public schools. I worked as a teacher, consultant, and administrator in public schools for over 25 years, my children were educated in public schools; at no time did I see or hear of a situation such as the one described. School personnel are extremely careful about notifying parents about any change in daily routine. These situations, as presented, are either grossly exaggerated or outright lies to make something intrinsically good (education of our children) seem evil. Try something else to promote your agenda.

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