Kim Jong-Un Death Rumor Sparks Twitter Frenzy

Rumors of North Korean leader Kim Jong-Un‘s death took Twitter by storm Friday.

The report, which originated on the Chinese microblogging service Weibo, has not been substantiated by any formal press. But that didn’t stop it from going viral on the Internet. “Kim Jong-Un” is currently trending on Twitter and ranks sixth among Friday’s top 10 Google searches.

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The unconfirmed report suggests that Jong-Un, son of the late “Dear Leader” Kim Jong-Il, was assassinated in a military coup while in Beijing, China. News of an “unusually high” number of cars outside North Korea‘s embassy in China contributed to the rumor’s staying power.

The rumor really blew up when a fake Twitter account appearing to represent the BBC “confirmed” the news.

The fake BBC tweet was picked up and retweeted by many users, causing more confusion about Jong-un’s status. But a closer look revealed the account’s lack of authenticity, and the warning bells were sounded.

Late Friday afternoon, all of the faux BBC account’s previous tweets were deleted, leaving only an admission that the account was a fake.

According to Matthew Keys, deputy social media editor at Reuters, access to Twitter accounts that are “engaged in non-parody impersonation” can be revoked and given to the brand being impersonated.

Reliable news about North Korea is notoriously difficult to find, as the government is secretive and disallows access to foreign press. However, a senior U.S. official told NBC News Friday that the Jong-un death rumor runs toward “the false end of the spectrum.”

Mashable cannot confirm the accuracy of the rumors, but this isn’t the first time that Twitter has “killed” someone. Bill Cosby, Eddie Murphy and Fidel Castro are just a few celebrities who have been able to paraphrase Mark Twain and declare that the Twitter-based rumors of their deaths were greatly exaggerated.

What do you think the Kim Jong-Un death rumor says about the nature of breaking news on Twitter? Sound off in the comments below.

Images courtesy of Flickr, zennie62

This story originally published on Mashable here.

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