London 2012 Olympics: Offenders to Face ‘Instant Justice’ Under New Court Plans

Tuesday, 26 June 2012 10:12


‘Prosecutors will be on call 24 hours a day to assist, with courts sitting between 8am and 7.30pm, according to plans disclosed by The Times newspaper. The timescale for offences began on May 1 and will run to September 30.

Those alleged to have committed crimes will be assessed under a defined “Olympics offence”, dependent on whether it happened during the Games, at a venue or involved an athlete, spectator or official.

Offenders will also be “beamed” into virtual courts in Camberwell and Bromley using a live video link, to save the time and expense of transporting prisoners and minimise traffic disruption.’

Read more: London 2012 Olympics: Offenders to Face ‘Instant Justice’ Under New Court Plans

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