Man admits to pointing laser at chopper

A Taiwanese national has pleaded guilty to shining a laser at a police helicopter during New Year’s Eve celebrations in Sydney.

Yu-Wei Chang pleaded guilty to two charges in North Sydney Local Court on Tuesday.

He has been charged with threatening the safety of an aircraft and possessing a laser pointer in a public place.

Legal aid representative Patrick Conaghan said Chang came to Australia on a working visa and was trying to find work as a tour guide.

Mr Conaghan said that Chang brought the laser with him, which was a pointing device he used while working in the Taiwan tourism industry.

Chang used the device at Bradfield Park at Milsons Point, which caused the police helicopter to shine its spotlight and prompted Chang to hand the laser to a nearby police officer.

“He did not intend any danger, any malice,” Mr Conaghan said.

The maximum sentence for both offences is two years, the court heard.

Magistrate Ellen Skinner will sentence Chang later on Tuesday.

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