Man charged with Thomas Kelly murder

An 18-year-old man has been charged with murdering Thomas Kelly, who died after being punched in Kings Cross earlier this month.

The man, from Seven Hills in Sydney’s west, was arrested at a sports field in Belmore at about 7.30pm (AEST) on Wednesday.

He was then taken to Campsie Police Station where he has been charged with murder, assault occasioning actual bodily harm, and two counts of common assault.

He was refused bail and is due to appear at Burwood Local Court on Thursday.

Police allege that Thomas was “king hit” in the face by a stranger on Saturday, July 7 as he walked in Kings Cross with his girlfriend.

The teenager was rushed to hospital in a critical condition with severe head injuries and died two days later when his family decided to switch off his life support.

Thomas’ death has sparked renewed calls for compulsory 3am closing and 1.30am lock-outs to help curb violence in the notorious nightclub district.

A memorial for Thomas will be held at The King’s School in Parramatta on Friday.

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