Mars Attacks: Military Prof Says Pentagon Has Plan to Fight Aliens

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Kurt Nimmo
April 10, 2012

Mars Attacks: Military Prof Says Pentagon Has Plan to Fight Aliens mars attacksFollowing the Second World War, a newly minted national security state designated the Soviet Union as a mortal enemy. It inaugurated the Cold War, a multiple trillion dollar, decades-long bonanza for the military-industrial complex Eisenhower would later warn about. Korea, Vietnam, and dozens of other countries around the world became the battleground for an epic (if largely mythical) and profitable struggle against an enemy created by Wall Street bankers (who also empowered Hitler and the Nazis).

Following the takedown of the Soviet Union, the ruling elite manufactured the specter of Islamic terrorism. This fictional enemy has provided an effective if limited pretext for continued military adventures and mass expenditures. It has also fed the growth of a domestic police and surveillance state. However, like the Soviet “threat,” the Islamic boogeyman does not have the capacity to truly frighten the masses and stampede them into unquestioning servility. It does not have the capacity to inculcate them with the proper fear-based mentality for permanent war.

Enter the alien threat. The scheme was pushed over the Easter holiday on Australian television by Professor Paul Springer from the U.S. Air Command and Staff College. During an interview, Springer said the government and the Pentagon have plans for an alien invasion.

The idea of an alien invasion is nothing new. Ronald Reagan mentioned the farcical possibility during a speech delivered before the United Nations in 1987. “In our obsession with antagonisms of the moment, we often forget how much unites all the members of humanity. Perhaps we need some outside, universal threat to make us recognize this common bond. I occasionally think how quickly our differences worldwide would vanish if we were facing an alien threat from outside this world,” he said, alluding to the “common bond” of world government.

Aerospace executive and space and missile defense consultant Carol Rosin claims she had a discussion with Dr. Wernher von Braun, the former top ranking SS officer who headed up the Nazi rocket program during WWII and was sent to America to oversee its space program. According to Rosin, Wernher von Braun said the global elite will use a fake alien invasion in order to consolidate power and implement world government.

The Pentagon, of course, spends a whole lot of our money preparing for infeasible invasions and crises – including the discredited theory of climate change – but before you dismiss the idea of an alien invasion as ludicrous, consider the fact a number of prominent people are pushing it, including the Keynesian economist Paul Krugman and the renowned physicist Michio Kaku (see videos below). Not surprisingly, Kaku said we’d need a world government to fend off the threat. Krugman approached the unlikely prospect from an economic perspective, claiming in essence an alien invasion would be the greatest make-work project in human history and would help us out of the current economic downturn (also created, like the fake alien threat, by the global elite).

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The man-made climate change crowd – exceedingly desperate now that their junk science theories have been disproven – are also pushing the alien invasion threat. A “scenario analysis” published by Cornell Universality states that aliens may punish us for emitting carbon into the atmosphere.

“A preemptive strike would be particularly likely in the early phases of our expansion because a civilization may become increasingly difficult to destroy as it continues to expand. Humanity may just now be entering the period in which its rapid civilisational expansion could be detected by an ETI because our expansion is changing the composition of the Earth’s atmosphere, via greenhouse gas emissions,” the report states.

“Green” aliens might object to the environmental damage humans have allegedly caused and wipe us out to save the planet. “These scenarios give us reason to limit our growth and reduce our impact on global ecosystems. It would be particularly important for us to limit our emissions of greenhouse gases, since atmospheric composition can be observed from other planets,” the Guardian reported last August, citing authors of the dubious report.

The reason for a fake alien invasion is not really important, though. What matters to the global elite is creating a super-crisis far worse than anything that could ever be produced by cave-dwelling Muslim terrorists manufactured by the CIA or posed by a super-state like the Soviet Union.

If Jim Marrs and others are correct – the United States military has an array of technologically advanced space craft and other technologies– these may be used by the elite to stage the ruse of an alien invasion and usher in world government as a savior.

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32 Responses to “Mars Attacks: Military Prof Says Pentagon Has Plan to Fight Aliens”

  1. Unfortunately, this will happen and everyone will go along with it. Hopefully not, but it will work and usher in the NWO OWG. And then we are all screwed in the end.

    AggressivelyAwesome Reply:
    April 10th, 2012 at 1:32 pm


    Yes it will….many will fall for the false flag.

    Do some research on Wernher von Braun and a woman by the name of Carol Rosin.


    Vic Reply:
    April 10th, 2012 at 1:47 pm

    He said: ” the last card Carol the last card, the extra terrestrial invasion, all lies but people will believe it is happening.

    they been back engineering UFO technology since WW2. IMagine how many they have built since.

    The alliens are not all evil , they probably are similar to our human race? some good and others evil???

    Vic Reply:
    April 10th, 2012 at 1:48 pm

    Eisenhower signed a deal with the ET who visited in 1954. Maybe it was some form of trojan horse operation???? exchange of technologies and what did they give away in exchange?

    Huggles Reply:
    April 10th, 2012 at 1:57 pm

    Seems to me that someone needs to hand out anti-pyschotic drugs like MMs in the Pentagram.

    The US has so many enemies, any invading aliens simply need to recruit nations with a score to settle.

    Tom Reply:
    April 10th, 2012 at 2:20 pm

    Vic – Anyone who thinks there are aliends out there need their head examined. And Ike most certainly did NOT deal with aliens…

  2. this would take GLOBAL cooperation ……never happen

    Super Duper Man 1776 Reply:
    April 10th, 2012 at 2:10 pm



    Tom Reply:
    April 10th, 2012 at 2:22 pm

    hammerhead — They already HAVE global cooperation. The ratio toda is probably something like 79% cooperation, 21% good men doing nothing.

    Startover Reply:
    April 10th, 2012 at 2:53 pm

    The Pentagon can’t even stop “Aliens” from entering Arizona

  3. These people are the Aliens. Throw them off the planet now.

  4. the more things move forward the more it smells project bluebeam

    They been here for a long time. why would they not have tried to take over before now????
    they been mining here for a long time.

    THis in my view is propaganda to prepare for what Ronald regan warned about?????

    Super Duper Man 1776 Reply:
    April 10th, 2012 at 2:12 pm

    They been here for a long time





  5. 100% utter bullshit.

  6. Can you see why? Alqueda is melting , people now know Alqueda is a CIA creation.

    so there only way to save there evil empire is an allien lie invasion creating the next dictator Alqueda illusion.

    Vic Reply:
    April 10th, 2012 at 1:58 pm

    It has begun

    the mind conditioning of the people by mainstream media.THis is it.

    Can you see it?

    the next 9/11 false flag might probably be such an ” independance type of operation killing millions to show how serious it is????? but like Von Brown said : ” the last card, the last card …………. will be the extra terrestrail invasion. nothing but lies.

    Vic Reply:
    April 10th, 2012 at 2:06 pm

    IT all boils down to the ONE world government. deception via a created enemy!!!!!

  7. I’ve heard about Wernher Von Braun. And this has been going on for years, probably since the Roswell crash in ’47 or even before that. Thank God for PrisonPlanet.Com and Coast To Coast Am every night. To find out what’s really going on.

    Super Duper Man 1776 Reply:
    April 10th, 2012 at 2:13 pm






  8. Just wait and see…according to new revealed mayan artefact it said”he will come from the sky”so 21 dec may be as well the contact date if you beleive that mayans were just a poo poo bunch of slave ant their mystic calendar given by aliens tell about when they come and when they will return.

    Super Duper Man 1776 Reply:
    April 10th, 2012 at 2:14 pm


  9. We’re in trouble when a .10 cent imagination has control of a trillion dollar technology.

    What else? We’re eating Happy meal products manufactured from pureed human fetus, pink slime composed largely of lean human flesh bought by the tonnage from China and India and mechanically mixed with a small amount of animal meat. FDA denies this, so that makes it okay. Some attorney though this up, by the way.

    We’re participating in pharmaceutical research on our own children, and we’re standing off watching TSA pedophiles slide their hands between the labia of 7 year old females in a manner that would rival a teen male putting the make on his girlfriend. This is the new moral standard of America. HELL YES MUSLIN BROTHERHOOD (by the way), BECAUSE AMERICANS ARE TOO FUCKING STUPID TO PUT A STOP TO THIS.

    And America responds by…ELECTING MORE NEOPOLITICIANS!

    What aliens? Hell if aliens had a superior technology what the fuck would they want from earth? Child molestation? Necromancy? Do you think such a race would waste it’s time here given that they could traverse the galaxy in a fraction of the time it takes us to cut out the heart of a living female child victim and transplant it into Dick Cheney? What could such a superior race want with the primitive neo inhabitants of earth? NOTHING! Which this is the reason this will never happen except in the childlike imagination of of the occult government of the UK.

    benth163 Reply:
    April 10th, 2012 at 3:02 pm

    Coast get a friggin grip you moron. Jesus idiot, we don’t your shit on this comment section.

  10. Like I said, .10 cent imagination, trillion dollar technology, a whimsical Piccadilly circus.

  11. Alex, Alex, Alex, it finally comes to the forefront……. No wonder you have given short shrift to why the Elite and their Eugenics programs want to take out over 3/4 of humanity.

    You think Aliens are poo poo, and so much tinfoil hatted falderal. Why is it that you are so on top of everything else, but act like this story is pure bull shit. You’re about to loose this paid subscriber, unless you get your head out and soon.3

    You think the government is full of shit on almost all other subjects, but then you buy the party line that UFOs and Aliens are stuff of comic books and nothing to be paid attention to.

    This is serious stuff mister, and of course they don’t want us to be informed about the possibility that a war with Extraterrestrial Entities, with all our wonderful new hardware, won’t place us in a favorable bargaining position to save our lives.

    The other aspect of this is that getting rid of 3/4 of the population of earth, doesn’t serve the masters, as they need us slaves to prop up their profits. Eugenics I believe was developed as a means to affirm to our friends from space that our aggressive species won’t be a problem when there is few left to mount a civil defense against them. The Elite believe by doing so, they will have earned a place at that bargaining table. NOT !!! Once they have proven that they could take out almost an entire population for self serving reasons, those “FRIENDS” won’t consider then worthy of life seeing as how they betrayed their family of humanity !!!

  12. Fuck. At this point I’d rather take my chances with the aliens.

  13. Thanks Tom. Wow you sound like you have it all down. (Retard??)

    Yes their are et/ed’s. Just because they haven’t flown down and landed on this piece of shit planet doesn’t meant they don’t exsist.

    And ah, caps-lock boy, the last thing I want is your chicken shit eating lips, kissing my ass.

    There will be no project bluebeam and Michio Kaku is a nwo/jpl shill. Always has been. And he’s a has been liar that’s about to loose his job.
    There’s lots of evidence coming out NOW that world war3 is being stopped by these beings.
    American-Kabuki, John Kettler, David Wilcox, and others are all revealing that et/ed’s are preventing the wars and stopping the nwo.

    Hello???, haven’t you guys wondered why we haven’t attack iran yet?
    Newsflash,,, we did and our weapons didn’t function. Our drones don’t work, and that’s the same for iran. They tried to attack us in the gulf and they were stopped by forces unkown and unseen.

    I’ll be happy to provide links if anyones got the interest to leave pp for 5 seconds and read something new. Holly shit folks. This has beed going on for months now.

    Wake up!

    bgootz Reply:
    April 10th, 2012 at 3:52 pm

    ill def take those links.. i have been looking into et stuff for a while now, and anything new would be of help… thanks in advance…

  14. Every f-ing day it’s another g-damned way the bastards want to get that SOB carbon footprint shit going here on earth so they can tax the fk out of us – everyone. We’re not paying enough – the middle class is paying for both ends and these rotten to the core freaks and perverts just keep pushing and pushing to destroy everything on earth. The scientists out there are saying – the earth cares for itself – it repairs itself and will shrug us off of this planet whenever it wants to. Enter gov’t and all it’s toys to help destroy our earth. Gov’t = liars, cheats, theives, anything black and sordid.

  15. We are now in orbit around your earth and in three of your earth days shall land and invade to cull the human species known as Victoria Secret Supermodels. They shall be useful for our sortid breeding experiments to be uploaded to our youtube channel…hot alien sex fiends.

    Once you go drac…you never go back.

  16. LOL, space aliens!!

    Sometimes you just get more down to earth common sense from Al Murray than you do from Michio Numberwang Kaku or the folks at the Pentagon. At least in the UK we’re prepared to say we’re pissed!

    w w w.

  17. (insert tatical faceplam here)

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