Maryland police thwart possible attack after threat echoing Colorado joker by man with weapons arsenal

He repeated the threats in two phone conversations on Monday, three days after
Holmes unleashed his shooting spree inside a Colorado screening of the new
Batman film, killing 12 and injuring 58.

“The message here is if you call your business, if you call a loved one,
if you call anybody and you threaten to do harm, kill people, we’re going to
believe you,” said Hank Stawinski, the deputy police chief.

Mr Prescott has not yet been arrested as prosecutors consider whether to bring
charges, and if so, with what. At least 13 of the weapons were legally

According to the affidavit, he had recently been fired by a sub-contractor for
Pitney Bowes, a document and software conglomerate.

The the affidavit also stated that police believed Mr Prescott was referring
to the Colorado shootings when he called himself a joker.

The Joker is a fictional villain in the Batman series.

The connection “is fairly obvious, and that’s the way we took it,”
said Mr Magaw, the police chief.

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