Massachusetts "Educational Center" Uses Violent Electroshock on Teenager

Massachusetts “Educational Center” Uses Violent Electroshock on Teenager

April 12th, 2012
Category: Latest News |

The Judge Rotenberg Educational Center is a facility that provides services for children and adults with “severe developmental disabilities and emotional or behavior disorders”. In the past decades, the Center garnered negative criticism due to its use of aversives such as electric shock, the withholding of food, spanking with a spatula, pinching of the feet and forced inhaling of ammonia.

The recent release of disturbing footage from the Judge Rotenberg Educational Center – featuring a restrained teenager who gets electroshocked 31 times – brought the controversy to a whole other level. While the Center claimed that the use of electroshock was a form of “therapy” to change behavior, the footage shows an all-out torture session under the watchful eyes and laughs of Center employees.

Here’s a news report on the recently released of the footage from 2002 (the administration of the Center somehow managed block the broadcasting of the tape in the past).

Graphic video of teen being restrained, shocked played in court

Video of a student restrained and shocked for hours at the Judge Rotenberg Center was played in court on Tuesday after a years-long battle by the center to keep it from the public eye.The video, which shows former resident Andre McCollins screaming, writhing in pain, and begging for help, was played at the start of McCollins’ trial against the Canton-based Judge Rotenberg Center.The Rotenberg Center convinced a judge eight years ago to seal the video, and the battle continued up until Tuesday morning when their attorneys asked Superior Court Judge Barbara Dortch-Okara to bar FOX Undercover’s camera from recording the video as it was played.

Dortch-Okara denied the center’s request, clearing the way to give the public the first look at how these controversial electric shocks are used. The video was taken by one of the center’s classroom cameras.

McCollins, then 18 years old, was shocked 31 times that day in 2002. Lawyers for the center and its clinicians say it was part of the treatment he needed to quell his aggressive behavior.

“These are dramatic tapes, there’s no question about that,” said attorney Edward Hinchey, who represents two of the Rotenberg Center’s clinicians. “But the treatment plan at the Rotenberg Center, the treatment plan that Andre had in place on October 25, was followed.”

It was an emotional day for McCollins’ mother, Cheryl, who was in court watching as the beginning of her son’s ordeal was played.

Andre is shown seated at a desk inside a classroom as a staff member asks him several times to remove his coat. He stays still, apparently not responding or removing his coat, until he is given a shock.

He screams and falls to the floor, yelling as he tries to hide under his desk. He was eventually restrained face-down, a helmet on his head, without breaks for food, water or the bathroom.

“I never signed up for him to be tortured, terrorized and abused,” Cheryl McCollins told the jury. “I had no idea, no idea, that they tortured the children in the school.”

She also testified what her son was like when she visited him three days later after the incident. She said she found him in a “catatonic” state.

“I couldn’t turn Andre’s head to the left or the right. He was just staring straight. I took my hands and went like this,” she said, waving them as if in front of his eyes. “He didn’t blink.”

McCollins did get Andre to Children’s Hospital that day, where he was diagnosed with acute stress response caused by the shocks. The jury also heard her testify about watching the video and hearing staff members laughing while her son was on the floor.

Inspired by MK-Ultra?

“Going over the rainbow” is a code used in Mind Control to signify dissociation.

Kim Noble’s painting named “Too Much” depicts a horrifying scene of torture that is very similar to what was filmed at the Judge Rotenberg Educational Center.

One of the features of the Center is “Rewards Street”, a place that is meant to be a replica of the Yellow Brick Road in The Wizard of Oz. As seen in previous articles, the fairy tale is heavily used Mind Control programming by handlers to make their slaves “go over the rainbow”, a code for dissociation (incidentally, the Center’s logo features a rainbow). Here are some pictures of Rewards Street taken by photojournalist Rick Friedman.

Dr. Matthew Israel welcomes guests to Rewards Street or ”Yellow Brick Road”

Students are strapped with fanny packs and holsters and can be electroshocked at any time.

Dr. Israel and “Dorothy” in the “Crystal Forest”

In 2011, Dr. Israel, was charged with misleading a grand jury over the school’s destruction of the tapes, as well as being an accessory after the fact. The Center was also banned banned from subjecting new admissions to severe behavioral interventions including electric shock, long-term restraint, or aversives that pose risk for psychological harm. Let’s hope the McCollins win their case against the dispensers of these sadistic treatments.

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