Max Keiser: Cancer is How They Will Take It All

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Aug 2, 2012

Alex talks with former Wall Street stockbroker and filmmaker Max Keiser about the continuing implosion of the economy as the euro crisis plagues global economies, cuts factory and productive output, stimulates endemic joblessness, and the Federal Reserve warns the economy may be stuck in permanent slow growth.

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8 Responses to “Max Keiser: Cancer is How They Will Take It All”

  1. apparantly, the only way for em to be stopped..
    considering how “banksters” etc would just buy the jails and free themselves,
    would be introducing DC, Wall Street, big banks, corporates, CIA and more..
    to some “good old fashioned rope and tree psychology”.

    mpennery Reply:
    August 2nd, 2012 at 4:04 am

    Trees and ropes would be a nice short term solution but we’ll forever be plagued by the birth of evil humans and we need to know how to prevent these immoral SOB’s from killing us and/or destroying our planet’s ability to sustain our lives. It seems the way is to starve them of their profit and control by being self sufficient. The more of your own water, food, energy, protection and other basics you supply for yourself, the more power you have and the less they have over you. And we have to find as many ways of NOT giving them any of tax money they use to enslave us. Plus the fatal flaw with capitalism is that it always needs to grow but it can’t as it’s managed now. Then the elite use this argument to say our population is a problem as we’re consuming our resources and we need to culled. If we had just a law that said 1) you can’t make anything that is toxic or isn’t biodegradeable or that can’t be recycled and we forced the release/unchaining of the several viable free energy technologies, we could turn the economy loose. The future of our species is high technology combined with self sufficiency and zero waste. This is the long term solution to these current dramas.


    Lexington, ky

    Ho of Babylon Reply:
    August 2nd, 2012 at 5:00 am

    we need a society based upon equilibrium not growth regardless of its level of technology

  2. Plenty of guillotines at the Fema Camps.

    Vic Reply:
    August 2nd, 2012 at 8:34 am

    my question? why would people prefer dying by a guillitine than standing up trying to stop these war criminal banksters?

  3. when the traitors in the dcgov gave the federal reserve bank as king of the country and world with the dollar being created in nothing and slaved on america people to sweat the value of nothing to steel what you have and create the irs to my you a criminal out of you if you dont give that crap worthless money back …this inslaved the entire nation white black brown….only ones not effected were the antiamerican moneychangers who have done nothing but use there criminal powers to never work and own everything in the hidden corporations scams ownership….the federalreserve is a complete crime against gods people and all the creation of what we know of ….the worst terroist that have ever lived or breath on this planet….monster mangod murderers plain and simple

    Vic Reply:
    August 2nd, 2012 at 8:35 am

    the plan is no prisoners it is called EXTERMINATION of the slaves. 7 billion people is too many to controll. They only need 500 million max.

  4. The self chosen vampires have done this to many civilizations before, and nobody names them as the real evil. The beauty of what is coming soon down the (Albert) Pike, is Judaism and the slave philosophy of Modern Christianity are both going to be obliterated. All humans have consciousness and Free Will, whether they use it or not, so anyone claiming to be “chosen” should be annihilated immediately as a dangerously insane monster.

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