McDonald’s slams NYC Mayor Bloomberg in tweet over large soft drink ban

McDonald’s has a message for New York City mayor Michael Bloomberg, who is trying to ban large soft drinks in the city: what’s wrong with a little individual responsibility?

“.@MikeBloomberg We trust our customers to make the choices that are best for them,” the company said in a tweet on Friday.

Lovers of large sugary drinks — and individual freedom — have been in an uproar since Bloomberg announced this week a plan prohibiting certain places from being able to sell soft drinks larger than 16 ounces.

McDonald’s and other businesses have blasted the proposed ban.

“Public health issues cannot be effectively addressed through a narrowly focused and misguided ban,” said McDonald’s USA spokeswoman Heather Oldani. “This is a complex topic, and one that requires a more collaborative and comprehensive approach.”

Appearing on NBC’s Today Show on Friday, Bloomberg defended the ban. He also claimed he’s not being hypocritical by also supporting National Doughnut Day, which is today.

“It doesn’t sound ridiculous,” Bloomberg said. “One doughnut is not going to hurt you. In moderation most things are OK.

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