ALERT!… Chemical Castration… Caused By Popular Hair Growth Drug



Warning to all men who are considering using Propecia to treat their
male pattern baldness: it causes sexual dysfunction in nearly all users
and this is often PERMANENT! ~ Video

The alternative, Rogaine, is not much better and carries a risk of
causing skin problems, dark circles and accelerated aging. Fortunately,
there IS a natural (and much safer) alternative.



Please lend your support to Kevin Malley, who is on hunger strike to
draw attention to the ravages of Propecia by circulating this story.…

More on Finasteride side effects

Rogaine side effects discussed in a forum:

Natural alternative to hair loss drugs: Dermarolling and injections of platelet-rich plasma made from the recipients own blood:


TheTrutherGirls – May 25, 2012 – posted at IntelHub



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