Kuwaiti opposition calls verdict null

Describing the verdict as “null and void” and politically motivated, the opposition, which made significant gains in the February election, said on Monday that the constitutional court should reverse its decision to avoid “turmoil” in the country.

“From a legal viewpoint, the ruling is null and void … and accordingly has no value,” said a statement signed by 35 former MPs.

“We urge members of the constitutional court and the Supreme Judicial Council to rectify the situation and reverse its decision to avert the country from legal chaos and turmoil,” it added.

On Wednesday, the constitutional court, whose rulings are final, declared February’s legislative election won by the opposition illegal and reinstated the previous pro-government parliament. The unprecedented verdict came days after Kuwaiti ruler Sheikh Sabah suspended the parliament for a month following a row between the cabinet and lawmakers.

The court says that two decrees dissolving the previous parliament and calling for a fresh election, both issued in December, were found to be unconstitutional.

Leading opposition MP Mussallam al-Barrak, however, has considered the ruling “a coup against the constitution” and urged the opposition groups to take a united stand.

The former lawmakers have also called on Kuwaitis to hold a protest rally on Tuesday against the verdict.


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