Mechanism is in Place to ‘Fix’ 12 Elections for Obamas/Soetoro



I have
been writing about vote fraud since 1993. Few Americans became interested
in the cold reality that since the mid-1960s our elections have been rigged
until the 2000 presidential election and the farce known as ‘hanging chads’. ~ Devvy Kidd

As regular readers of my columns know I belong to no party; I left the
Republican Party in 1996 over vote fraud and the putrid world of dirty
politics where the truth didn’t matter. It still doesn’t to party hacks
whose only goal is to climb the political ladder of power.

Florida recount energized Democrats; the howling was heard from coast
to coast. Laughable when you consider the Democratic Party machine is
more famous for vote fraud than Republicans. Both sides engage in it and
that’s a fact.

2004 presidential “election” was another farce. An illusion
to keep the herds believing their vote actually counted. It only counts
when those who count the ballots put it in the desired win column.

2008, Richard Hayes Phillips book, Witness
To A Crime: A Citizens’ Audit of an American Election
, was published.
That book is an absolute condemnation of vote fraud in the State of Ohio.

Phillips, who I interviewed when I had my radio show, examined 126,00
ballots, 127 poll books and 141 voter signature books from 18 counties:

“Thousands of ballots in heavily Democratic precincts were pre-punched
for third-party candidates. Voting machines were rigged, tabulators were
rigged, ballot boxes were stuffed, ballots were altered, ballots were
sorted according to candidate, and ballots were destroyed.”

and impartial elections is our absolute right in this country regardless
of what party you belong to or what candidate you support. For the destroyers
and their minions, putting the same incumbents back into office to carry
out the planned destruction of this republic is the only goal.

The Department
of InJustice under Eric Holder, a racist and as corrupt a political animal
as they come, is going after many states in their attempt to stop voter
registration fraud.

The Democratic Party wants illegal aliens, felons
and dead people voting. It’s the only way they can win. A dirty machine
stealing our elections for their agenda.

has no constitutional authority to run for the presidency. He didn’t in
2008, yet that malignant narcissist and pathological liar continues to
camp out in the the people’s White House because of cowardice by judges
and career politicians.

Barry Soetoro, the last known legal name for Barack
Hussein Obama, is already on the campaign trail and now – unless it is
stopped – the mechanism is in place to fix the election in his favor –

Company Will “Count” American Votes Overseas In November

the Spanish online voting company SCYTL bought the largest vote processing
corporation in the United States, it also acquired the means of manufacturing
the outcome of the 2012 election.

For SOE, the Tampa based corporation
purchased by SCYTL in January, supplies the election software which records,
counts, and reports the votes of Americans in 26 states–900 total
jurisdictions–across the nation.

the largest election results reporting company in the US, SOE provides
reports right down to the precinct level. But before going anywhere else,
those election returns are routed to individual, company servers where
the people who run them “…get ‘first look’ at
results and the ability to immediately and privately examine vote details
throughout the USA.”

, “this redirects results …to a centralized privately
held server which is not just for Ohio, but national; not just USA-based,
but global.”

although the votes will be cast in hometown, American precincts on Election
Day, with the Barcelona-based SCYTL taking charge of the process, they
will be routed and counted overseas…

has also been claimed that SCYTL CEO Pere Valles is a socialist who donated
heavily to the 2008 Obama campaign and lived in Chicago during Obama’s
time as Illinois State Senator.

Unfortunately, given what is known about
the character of Barack Obama, such rumors must be taken as serious threats
to the integrity of the 2012 vote and the legitimate outcome of the election.

much has been written about the threat of nationwide voting by illegals
in November, it is still true that most election fraud is an “inside”
job. And there now exists a purely electronic voting service which uses
no physical ballots to which an electronic count can be matched should
questions arise.

Add to this the fact that the same company will have
“first count” on all votes made in 14 US states and hundreds
of jurisdictions in 12 others, and the stage is set for election fraud
on a scale unimaginable just a decade ago.”

gets worse

the CEO of SKYTL, Pere Valles, a socialist who donated heavily to the
2008 Obama campaign and lived in Chicago during Obama’s time as
Illinois State Senator, will be counting our ballots.

He used to be VP
and Chief Financial officer of GlobalNET, a NASDAQ publicly traded telecommunications
company headquartered in Chicago.”

we should be concerned

what does this mean for all us non-European voters here in America?

to Michael Savage, “[T]his critical component to a free election,
the transparent tabulation of votes, will not be handled by individual
precincts but by a company over which we will have little control…

problem is that once the votes are merged, it will be impossible to go
back and check their integrity at the local level. It is very likely that
this is the final step in Barack Obama’s corruption of the voting

It has the promise of enabling him and his cohorts to control
the outcomes of federal elections with no accountability. On top of that
it’s one more step toward a global government.”

are no Americans on the Board of Directors of Scytl—but CEO Pere
Valles once lived and worked in Barack’s old stomping grounds, Chicago.”

Harris is truly a warrior when it comes to vote fraud in this country.
Her web site, BlackBoxVoting, is dedicated to nothing but vote fraud and
a lot of hard work goes into keeping us informed. Bev
breaks it down even further

a major step towards global centralization of election processes, the
world’s dominant Internet voting company has purchased the USA’s
dominant election results reporting company.

you view your local or state election results on the Internet, on portals
which often appear to be owned by the county elections division, in over
525 US jurisdictions you are actually redirected to a private corporate
site controlled by SOE software, which operates under the name

good news is that this firm promptly reports precinct-level detail in
downloadable spreadsheet format. As reported by in
2008, the bad news is that this centralizes one middleman access point
for over 525 jurisdictions in AL, AZ, CA, CO, DC, FL, KY, MI, KS, IL,
IN, NC, NM, MN, NY, SC, TX, UT, WA. And growing.

local election results funnel through SOE’s servers (typically before
they reach the public elsewhere), those who run the computer servers for
SOE essentially get “first look” at results and the ability
to immediately and privately examine vote details throughout the USA.

2004, many Americans were justifiably concerned when, days before the
presidential election, Ohio Secretary of State Ken Blackwell redirected
Ohio election night results through the Tennessee-based server for several
national Republican Party operations.

is worse: This redirects results reporting to a centralized privately
held server which is not just for Ohio, but national; not just USA-based,
but global.

mitigation against fraud by SOE insiders has been the separation of voting
machine systems from the SOE results reports. Because most US jurisdictions
require posting evidence of results from each voting machine at the precinct,
public citizens can organize to examine these results to compare with
SOE results. Black Box Voting spearheaded a national citizen action to
videotape / photograph these poll tapes in 2008.

the merger of SOE and SCYTL, that won’t work (if SCYTL’s voting
system is used). When there are two truly independent sources of information,
the public can perform its own “audit” by matching one number
against the other.

two independent sources, however, will now be merged into one single source:
an Internet voting system controlled by SCYTL, with a results reporting
system also controlled by SCYTL.

SCYTL internet voting, there will be no ballots. No physical evidence.
No chain of custody. No way for the public to authenticate who actually
cast the votes, chain of custody, or the count.

is moving into or already running elections in: the United Kingdom, France,
Canada, Norway, Switzerland, United Arab Emirates, South Africa, India
and Australia.

is based in Barcelona; its funding comes from international venture capital
funds including Nauta Capital, Balderton Capital and Spinnaker.”

in your state authorized SCTYL to count your vote?

Your state legislature?
Get on the phone and find out.

Do YOU want our voting system to be controlled

This monstrous set up will make sure fraud is once again shoved
in our faces while Soetoro and his global pals laugh in our face.

has also contracted with the Department of Defense, W. VA, NY, DC, AL
and Florida for overseas ballots and military votes. This is truly one
of the most brazen plans I’ve seen since I first began writing and speaking
out about vote fraud stealing our elections.

fraud has been allowed to flourish for decades because most candidates
will not demand a hand recount of the ballots in front of the public.
I’ve written about it over and over and over until I’m blue in the face.

If Sharron Angle had audited the vote in Nevada, Harry Reid would not
be in the U.S. Senate today. Of
course, the entire U.S. Senate is serving under a law that does not exist
Candidates owe it to their supporters to audit the dang vote when they

I am
not exaggerating when I tell you that stinking communist in the White
House will once again get elected even though no one has the right to
vote for him because he does not meet constitutional requirements.

boots on the ground in the millions demand answers and stop SCYTL from
counting a single vote in this country and for our military. When this
is published, I’m sending a copy to my state representative and a few
others in our legislator who actually care about our voting process because
Texas is on the list.

If you’re a tea party group, 9/12 group or just
an individual like me – get on the phone and demand answers from your
state representative and your county clerk.

Ask the county clerk about
what type of machine will be used to steal your vote in November. Why
waste your time and money supporting a candidate for president when we
know the fix is already in for November?


Devvy Kidd – May 24, 2012 – posted at NewsWithViews



Company “Scytl” To Count American Votes In November Election

2- (TN)
4/12 – Shelby County Performed Unauthorized Alterations in its (Not uncertified!)
Voting System by Bev Harris

Rigged 2008 Election
(Just the same as the Republicans did in 2000
and 2004)
2- Obama
Team Stole Election, Bribed Jesse Jackson And Took Russian Money In 2008

$8 billion trick?

Hayes Phillips – A Citizens’ Audit of an American Election
(1 hr 36
minute video)

Oct. 22, 2004. Vote Fraud: What They
Aren’t Telling You

2- Sept. 10, 2007.
Vote fraud: it’s not just the machines

3- March 1, 2010.
Will Vote Fraud Determine Upcoming Primaries – Again?

4- Oct.
10, 2010. We Must Stop Vote Fraud On November 2, 2010

5- Oct. 13, 2008.
Presidential Election: One Giant Fraud

6- Master
list of voter fraud columns over the many years



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