Mexico Imports Eggs… Prices Rise 60 Percent in Two Weeks


Secretary of Economy
Bruno Ferrari said that 132,000 tons of eggs have been imported with the
objective of stabilizing prices, which have risen nearly 60 percent in
the last two weeks.

said that the eggs were imported from Canada and the United States.
Under the North American Free Trade Agreement, the price is 14 pesos per
kilogram, but consumer costs may vary depending on the retailer.

Consumer Protection Agency (Profeco) director Bernardo Altamirano said
that speculating on this basic food staple could bring fines up to 3.5
million pesos and jail time.

a press conference on Thursday, Ferrari said that the Federal
Competition Commission (CFC) will begin investigating the production and
distribution chain of the egg industry for illicit practices.

economy secretary said that Mexico will import eggs from countries that
it doesn’t have trade free trade agreements with, like China, Ukraine,
and Turkey. He added that these imports will be tariff-free. Egg tariffs
are currently at 45 percent.

García de Alba said that despite the bird flu outbreak at some poultry
farms in Jalisco, there should be no reason for increases in the price
of eggs.

He said, “Everything makes one suspect that there are contradictory practices behind the price increases.”


Leticia Paula Cruz – July 7, 2012 –



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