Alias Barack Hussein Obama Exposed on Power Hour as a Fraud


The Power Hour radio show Joyce Riley, exposes the FACTS they have uncovered about Obama’s past that “may be surprising, even shocking, to some”
Obama is really Barry Soetoro.  Barack Obama is a fabricated name. ~ Audio

Riley reveals how Obama got a Connecticut Social Security number using
the fabricated name Barack Hussein Obama.

Saudi Arabia (the nationality of the majority of 9/11 hijackers and
of bin Laden) donated $20 million to Harvard to buy an admission for
hooked on drug Barry Soetoro under the fictitious name of Barack Hussein

Even though Barry attended Harvard he has no bar license.  
Barry never filed a case or a motion.  Barry rescinded his law license
as to not be disbarred for fraud.  No evidence exists that Barry Soetoro
ever legally changed his name to the assumed fictitious name of Barack
Hussein Obama.


Numerous official government documents records Obama being legally
registered as Barry Soetoro. School registries shows the registration of
Barack Obama under the name Barry Soetoro. During his Occidental
College days he is registered as Barry Soetoro.

The first name of a child is always the same from birth. If
throughout his childhood Obama went by the first name of Barry then
legally his birth name would have to be Barry.

In order to register any
child for school an official birth certificate must be presented. To
receive a government grant proof of citizenship and birth must also be

All of the evidence is stating that Barack Obama’s legal
first name is Barry not Barrack.

A biography of Obama’s Occidental College days states that when Obama was 18-19 he attended school as BARRY SOETORO.

While being sworn in as an attorney in the State of Illinois, Mr
Obama had to provide his personal information under oath. He was asked,
if he had any other names, he responded none.

In reality, he used the
name Barry Soetoro in an entry in the journal of the California assembly
in reference to grants given to foreign exchange students.

Soetoro/Obama clearly defrauded the State Bar of Illinois and perjured
himself while concealing his identity. Anybody else would’ve been
disbarred for this and the matter would’ve been forwarded to the
district attorney for prosecution for perjury and fraud, however nothing
was done to Mr. Obama.

More importantly, why did he conceal his

If Obama didn’t legally have his name changed from Barry to Barack
then the birth certificate he passed to Congress is a fake, a forgery.

If his name was registered as Barry Soetoro even though Obama claims his
real name is Barack Obama then Obama defrauded the state of California
in order to receive college funding. 

Obama knowingly presented a false
document to the state wherein he claimed to be a foreign student in
order to illegally acquire financial aid.

U.S. Code


§ 1015. Naturalization, citizenship or alien registry

(a) Whoever knowingly makes any false statement
under oath, in any case, proceeding, or matter relating to, or under, or
by virtue of any law of the United States relating to naturalization,
citizenship, or registry of aliens; or

(b) Whoever knowingly, with intent to avoid any
duty or liability imposed or required by law, denies that he has been
naturalized or admitted to be a citizen, after having been so
naturalized or admitted; or

(c) Whoever uses or attempts to use any
certificate of arrival, declaration of intention, certificate of
naturalization, certificate of citizenship or other documentary evidence
of naturalization or of citizenship, or any duplicate or copy thereof,
knowing the same to have been procured by fraud or false evidence or
without required appearance or hearing of the applicant in court or
otherwise unlawfully obtained; or

(d) Whoever knowingly makes any false certificate,
acknowledgment or statement concerning the appearance before him or the
taking of an oath or affirmation or the signature, attestation or
execution by any person with respect to any application, declaration,
petition, affidavit, deposition, certificate of naturalization,
certificate of citizenship or other paper or writing required or
authorized by the laws relating to immigration, naturalization,
citizenship, or registry of aliens; or

(e) Whoever knowingly makes any false statement or
claim that he is, or at any time has been, a citizen or national of the
United States, with the intent to obtain on behalf of himself, or any
other person, any Federal or State benefit or service, or to engage
unlawfully in employment in the United States; or

(f) Whoever knowingly makes any false statement or
claim that he is a citizen of the United States in order to register to
vote or to vote in any Federal, State, or local election (including an
initiative, recall, or referendum)—

This evidence is sufficient to annul the presidency of Obama.


July 4, 2012 –



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