Michelle Obama Takes Aspen Ski Vacation a Month After Hawaiian Beach Vacation… (Thanks to Your Hard Earned Tax Dollars!)



In January 2009, before the president signed
his failed $787 billion stimulus bill into law, Barack Obama lectured
America saying… “Everyone must sacrifice for the greater good… Everyone must have some skin in the game.” Everyone except Barack and Michelle Obama. ~ Jim Hoft – Video

A month after returning from her 17 day Hawaiian vacation, Michelle Obama is off to Aspen for a ski vacation.

White House Dossier reported:

Michelle Obama has embarked on a skiing vacation with her daughters in
Aspen, Colorado, according to the Aspen Daily News. The first lady, who
just returned last month from 17 days of relaxation in Hawaii, is skiing
in Colorado on Presidents’ Day Weekend for the second year in a row.

Last year she went to Vail. Michelle’s decision to ski out West again
instead of hitting slopes closer to Washington would seem an inopportune
choice for a first lady who is helping her husband campaign on issues
of “fairness.”

The Obama campaign has set itself up as the defender of
the poor and the middle class against the “One Percent,” a theme which
clashes with the image a first lady who is taking frequent and exclusive

Just last August, she sojourned on Martha’s
Vineyard, and the month before she travelled to southern Africa for a
trip that mixed official business with tourist outings like an African

In July 2010, she took an exorbitant excursion to the
southern coast of Spain, flying out with friends and family on a large
jet that often serves as Air Force 2 and then staying at a ritzy hotel.




Jim Hoft – February 20, 2012 – posted at Freedom4Um


Source – HumanEvents



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