Microwave Radiation Dangers in Your Home

Microwave Radiation Dangers in Your Home

Magda Havas demonstrates how WiFi connects your laptop, iPhone and iPad to the internet via microwave radiation. You will also learn how WiFi base stations, portable phones and baby monitors constantly radiate microwave radiation. The Swiss Government feels that all of these devices have the potential to do great harm if used incorrectly and warn their citizens.

This is a link to the web page that has additional information.

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While the rest of the world rushes onwards with the wireless revolution, Switzerland — the country that invented the World Wide Web — and the largest telecom provider — SWISSCOM which is owned (52%) by the Swiss government – have decided to light up the public school’s wired networks using fiber optics FOR FREE!

But there is one catch — the schools must use LAN — local area networks. Specifically, the Swisscom application documentation states that the schools pay for the internal wiring and connect their devices (PC, printer) via an Ethernet LAN/10BaseT/RJ45 and then connect it to a Swisscom AG’s CISCO router on site. Swisscom then brings the fiber optic connection to the school.

Most schools in North America are opting for a WiFI wireless local area network (WLAN) that allows computers and laptops to be connected to each other without wires. But the Swiss government prefers — LAN — wired networks that do not emit microwave radiation. For example, on their public health website, they specifically warn about the dangers of WiFi:

“Only switch your WLAN (WiFi) on when you need it. With laptops, in particular, it is a good idea to switch the WLAN (WiFi) off as otherwise the device will repeatedly try to connect to a network, leading to unnecessary radiation…and caution should be exercised primarily when using devices held close to the body, such as laptops, PDAs and Internet telephones”.

When any kind of electronic device is used, it often creates its own EMF. The structure of the EMF varies, depending upon the frequency and intensity of the electricity; however, all EMFs have the power to become harmful if you are exposed to them too often or for long periods of time.
It is clear, then, why having so many technological gadgets in one’s home can be dangerous. By living amongst a variety of EMFs, you can interfere with the delicate electricity that works within your own body.


When your body’s electrical system is altered, there are several different health problems that can occur. These include brain tumors, exhaustion, heart problems, and a higher risk of cancer, including leukemia. Furthermore, people have reported other health conditions associated with EMF exposure, but research has not yet confirmed the long-term effects that electromagnetic radiation from household items can have on an individual.

When it comes to the dangerous technological devices within your home, wireless routers contribute a great deal to EMF exposure. Wireless routers allow electronics to communicate without the inconvenience of wires, but in doing so they are spewing massive amounts of radiation throughout your home. In fact, an average wireless network can transmit radiation at the same frequency as a microwave.

But the intensity of the radiation is not the only danger. Whereas other electronic devices are turned off at some point during the day or night, wireless routers are on all the time. This results in your home being covered in EMFs every hour of every day. Furthermore, the wireless networks of your neighbors may be infringing upon your space. If you can pick up a neighbor’s wireless signal on your laptop, then their EMFs are infiltrating your home.

The best thing you can do to avoid overexposure to EMFs is to cut down on the amount of electronic devices that you use. If you are not using a particular computer, printer, scanner, television, microwave, or other technological gadget, go ahead and turn it off and unplug it. Unplugging it is important, because even if these devices are off they can still emit radiation.

Furthermore, if possible, forgo a wireless router and stick with the traditional, non-wireless alternative. This may be a challenge if you have several laptops that you use to connect to the Internet, but if you primarily use a desktop you should be able to achieve this without any problem. Additionally, opt for a printer that plugs into your computer, rather than one that connects electronically. If you cannot go without a wireless router, try to limit EMFs in other areas of your home by unplugging anything you are not currently using.

Wireless routers can be a dangerous source of EMFs, and if you can do without them, you can greatly improve your family’s health. If not, cutting back on the use of other electronics can help reduce the total radiation to which your family is exposed.

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