Minneapolis police arrest 10 protesters

Police arrested protesters in Nicollet Mall near the 9th Street intersection of Minneapolis shortly after 11 p.m. local time on Saturday (0400 GMT on Sunday).

Earlier in the night, the 99-percenters moved off Peavey Plaza following a short verbal confrontation with police. Protesters have planned to camp out in the plaza until winter.

Police told protesters they were violating a public nuisance law, and could not have their tents in the plaza as they blocked entry to the plaza as well as the Minnesota Orchestra.

In response, the 99-percenters walked with their tents in hand to Loring Park, where another group of the demonstrators had gathered.

After the meeting in the park, protesters walked back to Peavey Plaza, where police told them they still could not put up their tents. Protesters then abandoned the effort to retake the plaza and took to the streets.

Protesters marched through the streets of downtown Minneapolis with their tents and megaphones. Then, they took to Nicollet Mall, where police made the arrests.

The worldwide Occupy movements emerged on September 17, 2011, after a group of people rallied in New York’s financial district with the motto of “Occupy Wall Street” to protest corporate greed, top-level corruption, and poverty as well as social and economic inequality in the US.

Despite police crackdowns and mass arrests, the Occupy movement has spread to many major US cities as well as to Australia, Britain, Germany, Italy, Spain, Ireland, Portugal and other countries.


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