Mitsada soldiers storm Ofer prison wards

[ PIC 30/03/2012 – 01:50 PM ]

RAMALLAH, (PIC)– IOF soldiers of Mitsada anti-riot squad stormed on Thursday night two wards at the Ofer prison near the southern West Bank city of Ramallah.

Palestinian captive Husam Abu Muhammad told PIC that Mitsada soldiers stormed wards 11 and 12 about 11:00 pm Thursday night and raided the rooms in the lower floor after forcing the captives into the laundry room for more than one hour.

He added that the soldier humiliated the captives and asked to lift their clothes and stand on one foot claiming that they were searching for mobile phones.

The soldiers confiscated a number of electrical appliances and some clothes that belong to the captives claiming that they were banned.

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