Moore’s constituents ‘angry’ over new law

Sydney Lord Mayor Clover Moore says her outraged constituents will be writing to the NSW governor to protest a new law that bans state MPs from also sitting on local councils.

Ms Moore has chosen to recontest local government elections in September rather than remain in NSW parliament.

But the member for Sydney says she’s sad that her 24 years as an independent MP is being forced to come to an end.

“A lot of people are really angry about what’s happened and in fact they’re going to write to the governor,” Ms Moore told reporters in Sydney on Thursday.

“People are calling into the electorate office, they’re emailing, they’re writing, they’re phoning.

“They’re outraged, they’re really angry that their democratic, elected member, who should be able to see out a full term, is unable to do that.

“The general tenor is that the people of the electorate of Sydney have really been discriminated against.”

Ms Moore said she would speak to NSW Governor Marie Bashir herself about the new law if she gets a chance.

She said the news of the law, which was passed on Tuesday night, shocked her and it still hasn’t sunk in.

“It’s probably a bit like a death, it’s just happening this week and I’ve had a very busy program at work,” Ms Moore said.

“I (still) don’t fully realise what’s happened but I was pretty upset.”

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