More than 45,000 back gay marriage: AME

More than 45,000 Australians have told a Senate inquiry that they support same sex marriage, the lobby group Australian Marriage Equality (AME) says.

A Senate committee is examining the Marriage Equality Amendment Bill 2012, proposed by the Greens and independent MP Andrew Wilkie, that would allow same sex couples to wed.

It’s due to report to Parliament on June 18.

AME’s national convener Alex Greenwich said at least 45,000 people had made submissions to the inquiry supporting same sex marriage.

The submissions were made via AME’s website and that of political group GetUp.

“This is the most submissions received in favour of any bill ever in the history of parliamentary inquiries,” Mr Greenwich said.

“That’s going to send a strong message to politicians.”

Thousands more submissions, both in favour and against same sex marriage, have been made directly to the inquiry.

A summary on the Parliament of Australia’s website shows that as of March 26, 54 per cent of those who had made submissions agreed the law should be changed to allow same sex marriage.

Forty-five per cent disagreed and one per cent were undecided.

The deadline for submissions ended on Monday and a public hearing is due to be held in Sydney on April 12.

Former NSW premier Kristina Keneally, Wallabies player David Pocock, Sydney Lord Mayor Clover Moore and 130 clergymen had made submissions in favour of same sex marriage, Mr Greenwich said.

Greens Senator Sarah Hanson-Young said the number of submissions showed that Australians cared about marriage equality.

“Australians have made their voices clear,” she said in a statement.

“Now it’s up to parliamentarians from both sides to listen to them and act accordingly.

“Cupid does not discriminate in love and it’s time the Marriage Act was amended to reflect that.”

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