Moscow Skyscraper Goes Up in Flames But Does Not Collapse
April 3, 2012

Since September 11, 2001, it has been assumed that all tall buildings that catch on fire will probably collapse.

It didn’t happen last night when Moscow’s tallest building, Federation Tower, which is under construction, went up in flames. The fire raged all night and the building did not collapse.

Maybe it had something to do with the fact the fire had nothing to do with cave dwelling Muslims who hate us for our freedoms.

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64 Responses to “Moscow Skyscraper Goes Up in Flames But Does Not Collapse”

  1. ..because it was not a controlled demolition.. That’s why it never collapsed.

  2. Why did i get a copyright warning from when I didn’t even send my damn message? I wrote about thermite.
    Im a welder and I know it takes a long time to preheat a beam with a torch or a few seconds with a thermite torch to cut it.
    the thermite torch does melt the metal in a heart beat to. I mean any thickness. it looks like smeared butter.
    I don’t know why i got a warning about trademark violations . MAYBE SOMEBODY READS THESE AS THEY ARE BEING TYPED OUT. WHO F’N KNOWS. I will just keep coming back until i get my point out.
    If infowars didn’t do this then the Feds are f’ing with the public here.

  3. The secret is that new “tall” buildings are probably partly rigged for demolition as the finishing part of the construction and when the jets hit the building the resultant fire caused combustion of demolition devises installed in the structure.

    Just a theory.

  4. Regarding building 7, I remember hearing that they said the building came down because of structral damage caused to the foundation from the towers collapsing. This would be a good reason to force the structure down. Of course this doesn’t explain why the other buildings around didn’t suffer foundation damage. They said its because the other buildings were smaller. But they would also have smaller foundations.

    • Larry Silverstein (lease holder of WTC) said in an interview ‘WE DECIDE TO PULL BUILDING 7 BECAUSE IT WAS NOT SAFE”. That weisel (Silverstein) forgot to mention that it will take weeks if not month to prep a building with explosives. The biggest insult to an intelligent mind!

  5. That’s because it wasn’t hit by airplanes first.

    • bldg 7 wasn’t hit by planes. Thank you come again.

      • Ok Prick what brought down the Twin Towers then This article dosent mention Building 7 you keep bringing that up

        • this article **** obviously **** makes reference to building 7. stop drinking fluoride and do some research.

        • Bringing up Bldg. 7 is very cogent to this discussion, as Bldg. 7 was one of the three main buildings imploded on 9-11. Andrew James made the comment that these buildings in Moscow were not hit by airplanes as were the twin towers. Andrew James is asserting that not the fire alone made the 911 buildings collapse, but the fire coupled with the impact from the airliners.

          Extrenix is merely countering Andrew’s argument by illustrating that not all of the buildings that were brought down on 911 were weakened by the impact of airliners. Building 7 had a relatively minor fire, was not structurally weakened by the impact of an airliner and yet, it came down at near free fall speed just like the twin towers.

          By the way, fire an aluminum projectile at a steel girder and the solid aluminum projectile will disintegrate or vaporize. Have you ever seen the video of the F-4 Phantom jet crash into the concrete barrier? The F-4 is being propelled to nearly 600 mph along a high velocity rocket sled, where at the end of the rail line, the jet traveling at nearly 600 mph hits a concrete barrier. The F-4 explodes and the material nearly vaporizes. The concrete barrier is still intact.

          Structural steel is much more dense and has an extremely greater structural integrity and strength. If that airliner hit the massive steel beams in the inner core of the buildings, the airliner would have been shredded like cheese going through a food processor. Jet fuel by the way is designed to burn at lower temperatures and in no way would cause a fire to burn at the temps registered at the WTC.

        • C-130 Avi8tor. I disagree with your assement. Since steel is much stronger then concrete they use much less of it. Concrete building tend to be massive. Thats why an impacting object disintergrates, but steel structures are relatively lightly framed. So an impacting structure would not disintegrate.

          But your reference is interesting when considering the Pentagon structure.

        • You are right Simpleman. Most of the people never heard about Bldg 7 coming down. In my opinion the video refers to the twin towers and not W7!
          W7 was brought down by controlled demolition (read my above comment) as well the twin towers! BOOM BOOM BOOM fire fighters witness hearing (twin towers) before collapsing into dust. 911 was an inside job!

    Darn and after 30 years of thinking I finally got it. dhooooo!


  7. It caught fire and did not collapse?? So what?. I didn’t read the part where it got hit by a jet doing 500 mph also.

  8. next time you go to a bank take a withdraw slip, write on the back this is a stick up and put it back in the pile and then wait for some poor shmoo to fill it out and take it to the teller and then watch the fun.

    • Yeah that would be fun watching your dumbass go to jail, THEY HAVE CAMERAS IN BANKS DUMBASS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  9. i have a good idea,,,,the next time a building needs to be demolished (ie) high rise a privet contractor should remotly fly a plane into it too see if the building falles like 9/11 film and document it too see if a plane can vaperize a building…. then we will have 100% prof that 9/11 was a false flag.

    • Now that makes more sense than anything I have heard anybody say, Good Job


  10. Maybe the building didn’t collapse into it’s ownn footprint because buildings don’t burn as hot in Moscow as in New York, because the laws of physics are different over there and Al Gore didn’t wave a majic wand?

    Or maybe this building wasn’t rigged with demolition detonators and ordinance?

    Gee, I don’t know which it is!

    • Well… when you combine sex deprived Muslims with the urge to attain the only sure way to heaven and be rewarded with the perpetual virgin and an unlimited amount of little Bachi Boys… with thermite… the building was certain to come down.

      It was a win, win situation for both the Luciferian Globalists and Islamic world. Since then… Troops have been sent across the globe to help the Muslims establish strict Sharia and kill off all the unbelievers of allah.

      The worthless unbelievers are culled so the satanic government of Islam can grow in force. A perfect plan being implemented right before our eyes! Syria is on the chopping block… Iran is being warned… Egypt and Libya have been successful… who’s next?

      The Luciferian have their cleansing papers wiping up the smell of death that the Muslims leave behind. Together they work in harmony… one supplies the weapons and fake police and the other kills off the unbelieving Infidels.

      Just wait until this crazed Islamic Caliphate comes into existence!

  11. Well since I did not see a jumbo jet smash into the Russian building with a full load of jet fuel and not to mention the damaged caused by the force of the impact, I would conclude that this is comparing Apples to Oranges.

    • wow simpleman, you fail !!

    • Apparently, you have not done any 911 research at all. Then you proceed to call this a matter of “Apples to Oranges”. You have to be joking. If you mean what you say, you have to be amongst the most naive and gullible who bought “The Official Lies” of The NIST Report and the completely discredited 911 Commission.

      • Ok I am sorry I didnt realize that you were an expert, But let me say this I dont believe the official explanation that the Gov has gave us as the gospel truth either, But anybody with any common sense can see that a jumbo jet crashing into a building and a simple office fire are two different animals so try to convince someone else that you know what your talking about I never ask you, Prick

        • hey fucking retard what plane hit bldg. 7?

        • @gordy three horses

          Debris from Flight 11 showered onto the building.

        • @Gordy
          This article does not ask why building 7 collapsed does it and If you want my opinion I would say explosives brought that one down.

          By the way only low class losers call people RETARDS, asshole!!


    • Which jumbo smashed into Building 7?

      • Really

      • The same one that smashed into the Pentagon.

        You know, the INVISIBLE one that fits through

        a 12-foot round hole.

    • simpleman really is a bit simple aint he

      • The building collapse on 9/11 is not as simple to explane as all these experts on here have proclaimed either

      • No comment. There are a lot of people that need to really do something called studying. I don’t think it was intentional disinformation, just ignorance of the facts. Facts do not change with time.

  12. Just like the Windsor Tower fire in Madrid, Spain in 2005. A massive fire raged in this 32-story skyscraper. The fire was started on the 21st floor. Arson was was suspected to have caused the fire to start on the 21st story. The fire went on for 20 hours, this steel building did not collapse.

    This massive inferno in Madrid has been used by many architects and scientists to prove that steel buildings like WTC 1 2 and 7 do not fall to the earth and obliterate to dust (thermate and micro nuclear bombs were used on all buildings). The residue and radioactive isotope readings prove it beyond any question. Three buildings of the World Trade Center were obliterated to dust due to short duration fires not hot enough to even bend steel.

    In 1945, the Empire State Building withstood the impact of a U.S. Army Air Corps B-25 bomber. Fourteen lives were lost, but the steel structure remained standing after the unarmed trainer plane slammed into the building’s 79th floor. The accident was ruled by authorities to be caused by pilot error, after Lieutenant Colonel William F. Smith Jr., a decorated veteran of World War II and experienced pilot, apparently lost his way in the dense fog that had enveloped Manhattan that Saturday morning in July.

    The Empire State Building as everyone knows is still standing and is a landmark 102-story structure.

    The fire in the Moscow skyscraper just points out the obvious again. Steel structures do not collapse due to fires.

    • -was..

      • N-e-g-r-o-b-a-m-a should tell the Unions, foreign labor must be better.

  13. This tower was saved because, in Russia, all fire is owned exclusively by the state department. This just goes to show you that if we emulated the communist doctrine here in the US, our tall buildings would be protected from any disaster.

  14. I’m just postulating that their ‘E’ Team didn’t get the date on the calender correct…

    Domari Nolo †

  15. if fire didn’t brought down the Beijing Mandarin Oriental Hotel, then fire will never ever bring a building down.

  16. The sun was out when both forest fires started. Lets ignore the magnifying glass in the meadow. Clearly daylight causes forest fires.

  17. It would depend on the height (therefor wieght) of building above the floor where the fire is. At the world trade center, the second plane hit lower down on the building, which collapsed in 30 mins.

  18. the problem here is that those who believe fire actually took down building 7 will say that the fire spread near the groud floor of the tower and not on top. Building collapsing because the fire was on top floors would be even more unlikely.

    • Nah I think something to do with big fucking building crashing into it had something to do with it going down. And lets not fuel storage tanks for the B7 generators burning on the crippled building.

      The case with the moscow building…is it is…ding ding ding. Structurally sound!

      • you are so profoundly retarded. Nothing crashed into building 7 but the size of your stupidity.

  19. Satire man. Chill out.

    Infowars has a subheading for articles all about 9/11 and are trying to wake people up with the truth of what happened. I highly doubt this writer thinks the Muslims are to blame.

  20. If your point here is to refer back to 911 I have news for you.

    I spoke with my astrologer and she assured me that the laws of physics were suspended and the structural anomalies only occurred on 911 because mars passed by Jupiter and sat in Saturn on the way to the house of Aries at the same time some guy name Pierre in France was doing the HOKEY POKEY. Therefore suspending the laws of physic and causing the anomalies on that particular day,

    She says this only happens like once every 1 billion years so we should not expect to EVER see these things happen again.

    • I want a personal astrologer.

      Pierre is also in jail for his role in all this.

      • Sure, y not…Makes as much sense as the 911 commission report..

    • I was living in a suburb of New York City on 9/11. The laws of gravity were not suspended. The town residents and their cars and bikes did not float into space. On 911, you saw the manifestation of true EVIL intentions. The buildings were literally blown up through highly advanced controlled demolition using military grade thermate and micro nuclear bombs. The yield of the bombs at the base were 150 kilotons or more. Bombs were laced throughout the structure and thermate was used as the “beam cutter”. EVERYTHING FELL AT FREE FALL SPEED IN ALL BUILDINGS AND WAS TOTALLY COMPUTER CONTROLLED.


      So much for the astrologer. Mythmaking, its trendy.

      • Right… now come to accept the fact that some Muslims failed that day on their missions… whether it be cowards or inconvenience. They didn’t accomplish what they were sent to do. That meant “Plan B” had to go in effect without the aircraft being driven into the building.

        Muslims did 9/11… and their Luciferian Globalists aided their mission by opening the doors to the Muslims could fly in and attack the Great Satan [America] that has aided their all time enemy the Little Satan called Israel.

        3,000 people died on 9/11 because America has been friendly with Israel. Mubarak, Saddam and Ghaddafi were ousted and killed because of their non-aggressive stance to the Little Satan too. To do such a thing is contrary to the satanic Quran! How dare they do such a thing!

        3,000 and then thousands more of our loved ones killed in a fake, false war with Muslims! All Muslims are either terrorists are fake Muslims! And those not devout to the Quran fake Muslims will pay for their lack of obedience to the Quran for not being terrorists!


    You say… “Maybe it had something to do with the fact the fire had nothing to do with cave dwelling Muslims who hate us for our freedoms.”

    FACT #1… Muslims hate America and consider it the Great Satan! They hate our freedoms… they hate gays… beer drinkers… Christians… unbelievers of allah… FREEDOMS WE TAKE FOR GRANTED WHICH MUSLIMS HATE! FREEDOM TO A MUSLIM IS ENFORCING THEIR BELIEFS ON EVERYONE ELSE AND CONTROLLING THE WORLD!

    Do you consider that freedom?! I don’t!!!

    FACT #2… Muslims DO live in caves… they emulate Muhammad!



    You sissy ass writer who posted this article… what? Can’t you put your name on it?!

    • Jesuits hate our freedoms or any nation that wants to lives free.
      Roman Catholic Church created Islam.
      Many will find that to hard to wrap their brain around.
      Please folks research it.

      • Just because Muhammad married some demented woman doesn’t mean the Vatican created Islam.

        That makes a lot of sense… aye?

        Create something to be in opposition of what you stand for and do. Isn’t that like putting your own knife to your own throat?!

        You’re ridiculous!

        But I will add… the Vatican bows to the satanic government of Islam!

        • Troll

    • Was it you Kurt? Was it you Saman?

      Speak up! Show yourself and take credit for your filth!

    • LOL ROFL hahaha, Muslims hate us for our “freedoms”. Wow thanks for the laughs bud!

      • You’re laughing?

        Or… you’re too stupid to know better.

        Devout to the Quran Muslims despise sinful America. Even though they’ve virtually come up with every way to permit every sin a man could conjure up… it HAS to be done in accordance with Islamic Sharia Law.

        Example… Attending the religion of your choice is freedom. Islam will do away with that. And there are more restrictions disguised as freedoms that are only applicable to Muslims.

        A Master Class… enforcing subjugation upon the unbelievers of allah and Muhammad. THAT IS NOT FREEDOM! But Muslims want you to believe it is. Which in turn causes the masses to convert for the special privileges due Muslims.

        Islam is a totalitarian government controlling every aspect of everything you must do. Having the freedom we have in America to choose most of what we wish is against Islam. Therefore Muslims hate America and will eventually enforce Sharia upon us all. Democracy is their avenue to do so.

        PS… I’m not your “bud”… fuk wad!

        • Troll.

    • Those aren’t Muslims you’re talking about. Those are terrorists, and every last one of them deserves what they’re gonna get. If your God tells you to kill, you need a new God.

    • sumsrent..have you read any good Jewish books lately? If you want to talk about HATE of Americans, French, Germans, Itaians, Arabs, Chneese, Japanese, and pretty much EVERY nation on earth then just open up your jewish books. In fact they are not prejudice they HATE every person in the WORLD the SAME and call them ALL PIGS.

      They believe that you can LIE, CHEAT and even KILL any non “jew” with impunity in the jewish courts. They believe that it is THEIR right to rule the WORLD and that the ENTIRE WORLD belongs to them.

      However, there is ONE group they seem to HATE the most and that is saying a lot because they really HATE the entire world. Nw this is not a race of people it is just a SMALL group of people and they are, REAL CHRISTAINS. They hate REAL christain (as opposed to the FAKE ones) because they cause them the most trouble in that they REVEAL WHO THEY REALLY ARE and are NOT FOOLED by them.

      THe FAKE Chrsitains they do not like at all but they do LOVE THEIR MONEY! So they need them around to help them PAY for their WORLD PLAN and of course to keep the rest of the world in a state of GUILT and worship of them.

      • Why are you turning this into a Jewish thing?!

        FACT… Muslims, subjugate, enslave and kill… it is their duty to allah.

        Q: Where in this world are Jews killing others in the name of their god?

        Show me one incident? One… somewhere. Can you find one?

        Now go to the website TROP… “The Religion of Peace” and see the thousands upon thousands killed by Muslims in the name of allah! And these aren’t war type situations. They’re Jihad for allah! Common everyday, devout to the satanic Quran Muslims… some killing randomly too. Screaming allah akbar!

        If you can stomach that… then go to Bare Naked Islam and see the gore and filth of what Muslims do to their victims. Dismembering and dancing frantically around the corpses of their dead shouting in celebration waving the body parts in the air like savages!

        This is Islam! Coming to America! Invading every western nation in this world! Bent on the destruction of mankind for a satanic god known as allah!

        Stick it up your fat, lazy, dumbed down ass!

  22. If burning skyscrapers collapsed demolition teams would simply set them on fire and dispense with the explosives.

    But if burning skyscrapers could collapse firefighters’ agencies would never allow them to be built, to begin with.

    A little logic saves a lot of debating.

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