‘Moscow talks to clarify West goodwill’

“The Moscow meeting is a good ground to test the goodwill of Western countries,” Jalili, who is also Secretary of Iran’s Supreme National Security Council (SNSC), told reporters on Monday.

“The concerns they [will] raise [in Moscow talks] in view of responses and topics that we gave them during the Baghdad talks, will provide a good ground to prove the Western countries’ goodwill,” Jalili said.

Iran and the P5+1 launched the second round of their fresh multifaceted talks in the Russian capital, Moscow, on Monday.

The Iranian negotiating team is led by Jalili while the P5+1delegations are headed by EU foreign policy chief, Catherine Ashton.

The two-day negotiations are slated to follow up on the previous talks held in Iraq and Turkey.

Iran and the P5+1 held three sessions of plenary talks in Baghdad in May after an earlier round of negotiations in the Turkish city of Istanbul in mid-April.

They had previously held two rounds of talks, one in Geneva, Switzerland, in December 2010, and another in Istanbul in January 2011.


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