Mother suffocated children then slept with bodies in hotel room, court hears

Mr Pillado Quintas told the court: “Being fully aware of the minors´ ages
and that the element of surprise would prevent them defending themselves
from attack, especially as they were sleeping, she took the boy in her arms,
and with the intention of terminating his life…covered his head with a
plastic bag.

“Immediately she took the five year old in her arms…covered her head with
the same plastic bag.”

The children were “totally incapable of defending themselves,” he added. Ms
Smith, from Lichfield, Staffs, arrived at court in handcuffs, with a haunted
look and wearing flip flops, white trousers, a patterned top and black
jacket, flanked by armed police officers.

The jury was told she arrived in Spain in December 2007 with daughter Rebecca
and her partner Martin Smith, from North Shields, who was on the run, wanted
in the UK on child sex charges.

Son Daniel was born in Barcelona in July 2009, although the court heard it was
not clear who either child´s father was.

Martin Smith was detained by Spanish police at their flat in Barcelona on a
European arrest warrant on May 7 2010.

Ms Smith took the two children to the seaside resort, checked into the £53-a-night
hotel on 15 May, and killed them two days later.

Prosecutor Mr Pillado Quintas today called for Ms Smith to be jailed for 38
years – 19 years for each count of murder

He told the jury they must decide if Ms Smith knew she was killing her children
and whether she knew it was wrong.

He added: “The prosecution says she was not suffering from a mental illness.”

They must also decide if she was suffering from an “insurmountable fear”
when she killed the children, he said.

He asked them: “Would a person who is afraid of somebody hurting their children
kill those children. Is this logical?”

Defence lawyer Jenifer Lahoz Abos said her client admitted killing the two
children but called for her to be acquitted on mental health grounds.

Ms Lahoz Abos said Lianne had had “an absolute emotional dependence on her
partner Martin Smith.”

Ms Smith dabbed her eyes with a tissue as her lawyer described her descent
into mental illness after her partner’s arrest.

She was suffering from severe “major depressive disorder and psychosis”
and lost all contact with reality, the lawyer said.

“She felt she was being watched, hounded and threatened, losing touch with
reality and believing two people from English social services were following
her, watching her, and they were going to come and take her children and
hand them to other families for adoption, so she started to run,” the lawyer

Ms Smith panicked and believed her life and those of her children were under
serious threat, the lawyer said.

When she killed the two children she was “in a psychotic state” which made
her incapable of understanding what she was doing, the lawyer said.

After killing the children she tried repeatedly to kill herself but failed, it
was said.

Ms Lahoz Abos asked the jury of eight men and three women: “Is it possible
that someone of sound mind could do such damage to the person they love
most, to their own children?”

Ms Smith´s partner Martin Smith, a TV psychic, was jailed for 16 years at
Manchester Crown Court in March 2011 after being convicted of abusing Lianne
Smith´s daughter from a previous relationship, Sarah Richardson.

Mrs Richardson, a nurse, has previously waved her anonymity to describe in an
interview how Martin Smith abused her for a decade, after attempting to put
her in a hypnotic trance.

Martin Smith, 46, convicted of 11 counts of rape, attempted rape, indecency
with a child and indecent assault, hanged himself in his cell at HMP
Manchester in January.

Ms Smith’s trial continues.

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