Mundine to lead GenerationOne

Aboriginal leader Warren Mundine will head up GenerationOne, a private sector campaign organised by mining magnate Andrew Twiggy Forrest to increase indigenous employment.

Mr Mundine will in June replace outgoing chief executive Tim Gartrell, who is taking up a role at Reconciliation Australia.

“I’m excited and honoured to be taking up this new role and look forward to cranking up the campaign,” Mr Mundine said in a statement on Thursday.

GenerationOne, a non-profit organisation, aims to tackle indigenous youth unemployment alongside the federal government-supported Australian Employment Covenant (AEC).

The AEC’s initial goal was to place 50,000 indigenous people into jobs within two years.

That target has been exceeded, with 61,000 jobs promised and so far 10,000 jobs have been filled.

Mr Forrest said Mr Mundine believed strongly in the power of employment to rid indigenous communities of welfare dependency.

“There is only one way to tackle welfare dependency in indigenous communities and that’s to give people the best alternative – a career,” he said in a statement.

Mr Forrest and Mr Mundine called on the Labor government to deliver on its 2008 promise to provide the necessary training to fill the jobs.

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