Nanny State: Walking Is Dangerous

Kurt Nimmo
February 29, 2012

As Alex Jones demonstrates in the following video, the state has gone overboard in its effort to regulate, control, and revenue-generate from all aspects of public and private life.

Alex uses a private pier in Panama Beach, Florida, as an example of the absurdity of the nanny state – the pier has footsteps painted on its boardwalk instructing people how they are expected to walk on a narrow, restricted area reaching out into the Gulf of Mexico.

It may seem petty, but the boardwalk is but another example of how we are increasingly herded about like cattle, often by storm troopers armed to the teeth with the latest military technology. Get out of line and you might receive the human equivalent of a cattle prod – a taser wielded by “peace officer” dressed in a black paramilitary uniform.

Examples of the coercive and often violent police state are legion. In the past week, a father was arrested and slapped in cuffs because his daughter drew a picture of a toy gun in school.

Earlier this year, a child playing tag on a school playground was accused of sexual assault and a sexual battery charge was placed on his permanent school record, thus almost certainly making sure he will be under the control freak microscope of the state for the remainder of his life.

Signs that nearly everything is illegal abound. An article posted on today runs through a short list of things that will get you in hot water with the law – from selling herbal remedies to children offering lemonade and Girl Scout cookies at roadside stands. Just about anything the state can regulate and tax is illegal without their permission, filling out applications in triplicate and forking over various fees and taxes.

  • A d v e r t i s e m e n t

All levels of government partake in the unwarranted intrusion into the private affairs of Americans – from local and state government to the feds. In 2009, for instance, the federal government had nothing better to do than shake down garage sales under the flimsy pretext that they were protecting American consumers from dangerous and defective products.

It is now a crime punishable by summary execution to non-violently refuse to cooperate with police and other officials of the state, as a 54-year old Sunday school teacher recently learned in the moments before she was murdered by Officer Friendly for refusing to roll down her car window.

Not only is walking dangerous and possibly illegal, breathing may soon be as well. Increasingly, all activity related to the production of carbon dioxide – including breathing – is being looked at as a way for the state to revenue fleece the masses under the pretext of protecting us from our own foolish behavior.

“Right now, eight million people are walking around on the streets of New York City heedlessly inhaling precious oxygen and exhaling carbon dioxide, treating the skies over their fair city ‘like a municipal dump, depositing carbon dioxide free.’ Shouldn’t they be forced to pay for the ‘privilege,’ too?” John Perna mocked a New York Times op-ed back in 2007 before the theory of man-made global warming was unmasked as a especially pernicious ruse designed to force you to pay carbon taxes.

Officialdom at all levels of government is not concerned about supposed carbon crimes against the planet or defective baby toys swapped at garage sales. It is simply looking for additional creative ways to confiscate more and more wealth from the producers in society. It is also interested in imposing its control freak mandates on all human activity.

It’s an old story – a parasitical state sucking away the wealth of the productive until all treasure has been confiscated and civilization reduced to an orderly population of slaves and prisoners eking out dismal subsistence in a global version of the Soviet gulag.

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41 Responses to “Nanny State: Walking Is Dangerous”

  1. they wont let a grandma knit yarn on an airplane..
    because knitting needles for yarn ARE WMD’S !!

    • I needed that … thank you …

  2. Damn! I live no more than an hour from that pier. I wished I could have known he was going to be there. I would have loved to shake his hand and say thank you for his contribution to the waking of myself and many others.

  3. My God. That poor woman. The Sunday school teacher. I missed the story when it was here originally. Sometimes stories here pass way to fast. I think the story needs to be reposted again.

    For the past several years I have watched things decline in this country to a dictatorial state with the police out of control. I am saddened by the fact that Americans no longer have the heart to fight back and fight for the rights that GOD gave them. I fear everything will be taken from us before those of us that are willing to stand, do. Then those that truly fight for justice and freedom will be portrayed as terrorists. I can promise you that your grandfathers, after coming home from WW2 would NOT have allowed this to happen in our country. THEY would have fought back. WE are to busy watching porn on the computer or the next thriller movie. GOD help us all. We need a wake up call and I fear it is coming soon.

    To the man that lost his wife. I truly feel for you. She looked like a very beautifull lady. I am sure you felt privileged for every day with her. I lost my wife not far from you in Winchester in 2000. God bless you. May you find justice for your loss.

    • Are you referring to: Cop Shoots 54 Year Old Sunday School Teacher to Death for rolling up window? Here is the link: htt*://w w So sad, I could not bring myself to even watch the video. (:

      • Yes I was referring to that story. Cops have gone out of control. Then they lie to protect themselves and the other cops agree with them so the perpetrator doesnt get in trouble.

        • yup, largest most dangerous most violent GANG in America.
          their GANG COLORS is now BLACK, they pack all kinds of hardware..

  4. This is ICLEI crap, Agenda 21. It’s all over the ridiculous city of Fort Collins, Colorado. The sheeple there drink and bathe in the fluoride while they lose more and more of their rights. It’s so corrupt there that they’re openly stealing children “legally” in retaliation for ICLEI’s exposure and the child sex rings that involves the sheriff’s department, inJustice System and up to the governor.

  5. yes hate one another…. goooooood….. goooooood.

  6. From my take on this video, I can see where there actually would be people wearing heeled shoes that would be stupid enough to walk out on the long boardwalk and then get sue happy, claiming they were not warned that they could catch a heel in the spaces and perhaps strain or break an ankle. I imagine there is some crossover to the larger Nanny State, yet it seems more like a legal headache Panama City is trying to avoid by saying, “See we warned you where you should walk”. Add in a few drinks, and turn it toward dusk and there is a recipe for lawsuits if they did not have these warnings.

    It seems more and more that people are just lacking common sense. As for the Nanny State, it has gotten to the point where literally breathing is claimed to be a threat to earth by warming the globe (insert tee hee tee hee!) Maybe when people clean up their diets and free themselves from GMO’s and Aspartame to start, along with bacteria filled milk that can make you sick, the mind’s of people will become more normal and in tune. Then again, even for an optimist, it will be a slow process. After that, the Nanny State moronic restrictions will have to be lifted one by one. America, land of the imperiled species better known as man.

    • Common sense is very uncommon…

  7. …I bet going on vacation with AJ would wear the common man down…

    • I’d love it, can yu imagine all the insane things he must know, that’s one camp fire story time I wouldn’t miss, haha…

    • If you see Alex in person and the kind of energy he is capable of putting out for hours and hours, mentally and physically, and how he can field question after question, you might just think he is propelled by unleashed super powers. =)

  8. Being a moron is dangerous !!!

    • Have you been hurt often?

      • Just enough …

        What’s it to you ?!?

  9. And then walking becomes outlawed. This is just before the make it illegal NOT to have a national ID card and just after they make it a jailable offense to be caught without an NSA spy device (cellphone) in your pocket/purse…

  10. BlackStone and Blodgett says “Hey nanny, nanny”.
    A hoot plus ½ hoot.


  12. Ron Paul is the man of the our and as a RP supporter it is hard to see why he is not winnning.
    Because he is not running on his record.

    He started Tea Party in 07 december, the proof “Ron Paul Tea Party 07′ Video.
    The ads are cute but they don”t reflect his positions like ending the IRS, Inkome tax, The Fed …..

    The newletters, there is not one proof that is stuff is acualy written all there is counterfeit papers.
    there is nothing original as a clear proof that is was written.

    good luck RP Team

  13. Dey tink we a all a bunch o dummie, dum , stupid heads.

  14. Al Qaeda = Al CIAda

  15. What we have now is a “Nanarchy”, the opposite of Anarchy.

    See two babes in NDAA issued orange jumpsuits.
    Click my link.

  16. i heard that if you snore at night…. it means your working with al quesadilla…


  18. I walked miles everyday down the railway tracks.This gave me great balance.Framing I would walk walls no problem, no fkn harness.Think it was about 8 yrs ago I heard they made the tracks outta bounds.Id ride the 10;50 pm train with my 10 speed on my shoulder to make curfew.That train be going atleast 20km by the time it got across town.It was an art to not wrecking your bike or shoulder.Good times.

    • I like to take pictures of stuff, absent people. But in the last ten years I’ve been chased more than once by BNSF trucks for taking pictures of passing trains…We used to play on the tracks too as kids…got caught on a bridge once (no fun) but harmless…now most RRs, I’m told, have their own law enforcement…interesting times we live in…

  19. I’m not sure which would skin my knees worse, concrete or wood. Either way it’s an ouch moment which would also be filled with unlimited embarrassment. And I wouldn’t want to bring that moment up again, or relive it to report it, because I’d be too busy nursing my pride.
    And if that pier was crowded, those narrow concrete paths would make it a challenge to remain on the beaten path. Although, I am sure that would provide some real entertainment from a cameras view.

  20. I won’t bow to these tyrants or submit to any law outside the law of God or the constitution. To hell with these people.

  21. “All laws which are repugnant to the Constitution, are null and void.”
    Remember remember the 5th of November
    i will NEVER submit to TYRANNY
    Freedom isnt Free but it sure as hell is worth dying For ( for my childrens sake if not anything else)

  22. Thousands of miles of large public highways where it’s illegal to walk!
    They all have paved shoulders and grassy edges–safety is LESS an issue then most other roads.

  23. Gee; that is why trails are spraying poisons in the air to kill plants that create oxygen! The insanity of what the globalists agenda’s are too many to number!

  24. These unrighteous laws only exist as long as people follow them. They are paper, nothing more. You have no moral obligation to follow an immoral law. Period. America has more laws than any other country on earth. The establishment figures they can eventually make criminals out of all of us. Remember they view us as little more than cattle. The sooner you’re in a cage, the better for them. Realistically though, they lack the manpower to enforce a great majority of these laws, some so ridiculous you wouldn’t even believe they exist. So I say fuck em. Do what you want and be man enough to stand toe to toe with these monsters and accept the consequences of your actions. You wanna milk your own cows? Go for it. Wanna have a lemmonade stand? Go for it! I had one when I was a kid. The evil fools can’t lock you up forever. Not yet anyway… Here’s a sad fact, when faced with a disasterous situation, most Americans would starve in a world full of food. They wouldn’t be allowed by the government to farm. How far as America’s apple fallen from the tree??

  25. Of course walking is dangerous. Everything is dangerous. That’s why we need E-Foods Direct, so we can hole up and evolve into worm-people. That way we can crawl – much less dangerous.

    • Yeah they tried that WebVan food off the internet delivery thing in ATL and it was a total failure. Last I heard they were autioning the fleet of delivery vans to local couriers

      • AtLaNtA is a disgusting primate dump.

  26. We are having a garage sale in May. Sorry, Jan the Man….my soul and livelihood is not for sale. We won’t have any prosthetic penises for sale, either.

    • Howdy neighbor, I believe Jan the Man would be shopping for prosthetic vaginas, it already has a penis.

    • Cause…….it’s, Penis, Penis, Penis, Penis Penis Penis

      • Thats a lotta cock…..

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