Napolitano Can’t Say How Many Illegals Will Get U.S. Work Permits Under Obama Policy

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Fred Lucas
CNS News
July 20, 2012

Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano said that President Obama was “as a general matter correct,” when he said on March 28, 2011 that his administration cannot suspend deportation of illegal aliens without approval from Congress.

She also did not know how many illegal aliens benefiting from the “deferred action” on deportation would be eligible for work permits at a time when Americans are facing an 8.2 percent unemployment rate. Napolitano testified Thursday to the House Judiciary Committee.

It was her first testimony since announcing the “deferred action” policy to allow illegal aliens under the age of 30 who have not committed an offense other than being in the country illegal to avoid deportation. The new rule was seen as an end-run around Congress after it did not pass the administration-backed DREAM Act to allow legal status to be awarded to illegal aliens who attend college or join the military.

During one exchange, Rep. Elton Gallegly (R-Calif.) asked how many illegal aliens under this exemption policy would be eligible for work permits at a time when the United States is facing 8.2 percent unemployment.

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2 Responses to “Napolitano Can’t Say How Many Illegals Will Get U.S. Work Permits Under Obama Policy”

  1. Here is the correct number, none.

  2. Too many scum illegals in this country now. It would be best to deport them and the executive branch to Mecio.

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