NASTY!… 1 In 12 Public Swimming Pools Loaded With Parasites!!!


CDC reports that 1 in 12 public pools are contaminated with parasites!

A July 9, 2012 news article published in the New York Daily News
stated that a public swimming pool in Brooklyn had to be shut down when
it became contaminated with fecal material. Park officials believed the
incident was caused by a dirty diaper.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention publishes a journal called Emerging Infectious Diseases.
In the June 2008 issue, the CDC reported a study examining the safety
of public swimming pool water in over 160 recreational water facilities.

The purpose of the study was to determine how common two parasites
occur in public swimming pools.

1 in 12 public swimming pools are contaminated with parasites!

Researchers in the CDC study took random samples from 160 public
swimming pools around Atlanta, Georgia.

Two microbial parasites, Cryptosporidium and Giardia,
were present in one out of twelve swimming pools. These parasites are
found in human feces.

They are spread when someone swallows swimming
pool water. They are also spread if a person does not wash his or her
hands after handling a dirty diaper or eats contaminated food.

The most common symptom of these two parasites is diarrhea. Children
and pregnant women can become violently ill from an infestation of Cryptosporidium or Giardia.

People with compromised immune systems, such as people with AIDS and
cancer patients receiving chemotherapy, are at risk of dying if infested
with Cryptosporidium, according to the CDC.

“Baby pools” and smaller, less- frequently attended pools were found to
contain the highest presence of these microbial parasites.

Practice safe swimming when visiting public water facilities

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention offer the following tips to reduce the risk of becoming ill from swimming in a public swimming pool:

** Do not go swimming if you have diarrhea

** Do not allow your children to go swimming if they have diarrhea

** Make sure your children make a trip to the bathroom before swimming in a public pool

** Do not swallow or drink swimming pool water

** Teach children not to swallow or drink swimming pool water

** Change baby diapers in designated changing areas in restrooms, not at poolside

** Insist on public recreational water facilities that are properly maintained

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recently
published a fact sheet on operating public swimming pools safely.

May 2012 document, titled “Operating Public Swimming Pools,” states that
poorly maintained public, recreational water facilities can spread
germs that cause diarrhea, respiratory illnesses, and skin diseases.

Public swimming pool and water park patrons should look for facilities that do the following:

** Operate under a state or local authority

** Keep trained pool operators on staff during peak visitor hours

** Test the water for impurities at least twice a day

** Keep showers, changing areas, and bathrooms clean

** Enforce load limits- no overcrowded pools

** Close the pool for maintenance weekly

** Educate swimmers about recreational water illnesses (RWIs)


Donna Earnest Pravel – July 21, 2012 – posted at BeforeIt’sNews




Sources for this article include:

New York Daily, “‘Caddyshack’ moment at Brooklyn’s McCarren
Park pool: Lifeguard clears swimmers out of the water when a brown
object is seen bobbing on the surface,” by Alison Gendar and Bill

Centers for Disease, “Operating Public Swimming Pools”

Centers for Disease, “Avoiding Germs in Swimming Pools”

Centers for Disease, “Twelve (12) Steps for Prevention of
Recreational Water Illnesses (RWIs) (for Pool and Aquatics Staff)”



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