NATO vows longer stay in Afghanistan

The NATO chief Anders Fogh Rasmussen said the military alliance will continue its presence in Afghanistan beyond 2014 combat mission to provide Afghans with a better future.

“NATO will continue to stand shoulder to shoulder with Afghanistan so we can help Afghanistan to offer a better future to its citizens and better security to all of ours,” Rasmussen made the remarks at a NATO policy forum in Chicago on Saturday.

“The international presence in Afghanistan beyond the NATO-led training mission I would refer to the strategic partnership agreement that was recently approved between the United States and Afghanistan. It also includes some security provisions,” the NATO chief noted.

NATO’s new decision signals a big shift in the alliance’s policy compared to two years ago when NATO leaders agreed to pull out foreign forces by 2014.

Rasmussen’s comments are clearly in line with the United States’ recently signed Strategic Partnership Agreement with Kabul under which the US troops are allowed to stay in the war-torn country beyond 2014.

In early May, US President Barack Obama signed a deal with his Afghan counterpart Hamid Karzai to provide aid, advisers, and support for a period of 10 years after the expected departure of foreign combat troops in 2014.

He also called on Islamabad to do more and support efforts to stabilize Afghanistan. “We can’t solve the problems in Afghanistan without the positive engagement of Pakistan,” Rasmussen went on to say.

President Obama is hosting NATO’s 25th summit with 28 heads of state and government of NATO’s member nations in Chicago, Illinois over the issue of Afghanistan.

The US-led invasion of Afghanistan was launched in 2001. The offensives removed the Taliban from power, but insecurity continues to rise across the country, despite the presence there of about 130,000 foreign troops.

This is while, the US media is mute on the recent massacre of 17 Afghan civilians by American troops and there is no news regarding the prosecution of US Sergeant Robert Bales, one of American soldiers involved in the slaughters of Afghan people.

As casualties have risen in Afghanistan over the past few months, the public opinion in the US and other NATO members has begun to turn against the US-led war.


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