Naturalwatt Air Source Heat Pump and Solar PV Installers Commit To Helping Homeowners Beat Rising Energy Prices With New Initiatives

Naturalwatt photovoltaic installers are extending their range of renewable energy options to include air source heat pumps and introducing a raft of changes designed to help home owners maximise benefit from the feed in tariff and beat rising energy prices.

Exeter, Devon (PRWEB UK) 4 April 2012

Naturalwatt Limited announced new initiatives to help customers beat rising energy prices today, including £1,500 off solar PV systems installed before 1st May 2012 and up to £500 of financial assistance to meet new EPC (energy performance certificate) ratings required by DECC.

Solar PV is still an eminently viable and profitable technology. And the feed in tariff continues to represent a great opportunity for customers – even at the new reduced rates,” said Will Grafton, Managing Director. “Right now, a £10,000 solar PV system could bring back approximately £1,000 of feed in tariff income per year, which still beats the same investment sitting in the bank with interest rates at an all-time low.”

But the real news for customers, Naturalwatt believes, is the strong potential of air source heat pumps, which could save consumers up to 60% on their heating bills. As an alternative to oil or LPG fired central heating, particularly when used in combination with solar PV, air source heat pump installations can help homeowners reduce their energy bills and beat rising energy prices.

Air source heat pumps work like air conditioning units, but in reverse. They operate by extracting heat from outside air, concentrating its usable heat and then channeling it into home central heating systems. One major advantage of air to air heat exchangers over ground source heat pumps is the ease of installation. No groundworks or major internal works are required, making them more cost effective for retrofitting without major renovation. Moreover, air source heat pumps can work with a variety of home heating systems.

High quality air source heat pumps are typically 300-400% efficient. This means that for every unit of energy the pump uses to run, it delivers 3 to 4 units of usable heat. “Not all units are the same. It’s important to make sure you have a qualified air source heat pump installer. It’s also not suitable for everybody, which is why we offer a free, no obligation survey to assess the suitability of each property prior to producing a quote,” says Will Grafton of Naturalwatt.

When combined with a solar PV system, or solar thermal hot water systems, the energy saving benefits are even more attractive. Home generated solar electricity can power the air source heat pump and offset electricity costs. The electricity produced by solar PV will be eligible for the feed in tariff – even if the electricity is used at home to power the heat pump. “Even without government grants and subsidies in place right now, air source heat pumps make financial sense.”

“It’s our mission to help people beat rising energy prices with high quality low carbon technologies which we install and continue to support customers with over the lifetime of the system,” said Will Grafton. “To reinforce this commitment, we are offering up to £500 of assistance to customers in order to meet the new EPC ratings required for solar PV installations. We’re also offering £1500 off solar photovoltaic installations which take place before 1st May 2012. We have a limited number of slots left which we expect to be booked up quickly.”

About Naturalwatt.

Naturalwatt have been MCS accredited solar photovoltaic installers since 2006 and were amongst the first companies to become accredited in the country. Responsible for hundreds of home, commercial and public sector PV installations nationwide, they install photovoltaic panels and air source heat pumps in Devon, Dorset, Cornwall, Somerset, Gloucestershire, Yorkshire, Lancashire, Derbyshire and Cheshire.

Naturalwatt are offering customers up to £500 of assistance to ensure their homes meet new minimum EPC guidelines of a minimum D rating, subject to a survey. Terms and conditions apply. Call 0845 052 2765 for details.

They are also offering £1,500 off solar installations booked and completed before 1st May 2012. For more information please call 0845 052 2765 or visit

Will Grafton
Naturalwatt Ltd.
0845 052 2765
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