Navy officer shot dead by rampaging sailor on nuclear submarine HMS Astute is honoured

Daily Mail Reporter

20:00 EST, 23 March 2012


20:01 EST, 23 March 2012

Brave: Lieutenant Commander Ian Molyneux, who has been given the George Medal posthumously

Brave: Lieutenant Commander Ian Molyneux, who has been given the George Medal posthumously

A Royal Navy officer murdered trying to stop a sailor on a gun rampage aboard a nuclear submarine has been posthumously honoured.

Lieutenant Commander Ian Molyneux was awarded a George Medal for tackling Able Seaman Ryan Donovan as he ran amok on HMS Astute.

The 36-year-old was blasted in the head as he attempted to disarm the killer who embarked on the shooting spree while the submarine was docked in Southampton.

The gunman was then wrestled to the ground by Southampton City Council’s leader Royston Smith and chief executive Alistair Neill who were visiting the state-of-the-art submarine on April 8.

Marroed father-of-four Lt Cdr Molyneux’s award is the UK’s second highest for bravery after the George Cross.

His widow Gillian, from Standish, Wigan, said: ‘On behalf of myself and our children, I wish to express how extremely proud and humbled we all feel to know that Ian’s remarkable bravery has been recognised with such a prestigious award.

‘Ian is so desperately missed, but his memory will live on through his four beautiful children and in the hearts and minds of all who knew him.’

In a letter to Mrs Molyneux, First Sea
Lord Admiral Sir Mark Stanhope said: ‘In giving his life to save others
Ian demonstrated courage of the highest possible order.

Spree: Emergency services on the quayside in Southampton following the shooting on board HMS Astute

Spree: Emergency services on the quayside in Southampton following the shooting on board HMS Astute

‘His selfless actions displayed incredible presence of mind and singular bravery.’

Donovan, from Dartford, Kent, was jailed
for at least 25 years in September for murdering weapons engineering
officer Lt Cdr Molyneux and the attempted murder of three other

Killer: Able Seaman Ryan Donovan, who shot Lt-Comm Molyneux

Killer: Able Seaman Ryan Donovan, who shot Lt-Comm Molyneux

He fired six shots from an SA80 assault rifle in the £1billion hunter-killer’s submarine’s control room while it was at its mooring.

Donovan, who called himself Reggie Moondogg and was obsessed with violent computer games and hate-filled rap lyrics, was feared to have wanted to carried out a massacre.

The Royal Navy came under scrutiny over its vetting policies after it emerged that paranoid Donovan was handed the rifle and 30 rounds of live ammunition for guard duty despite being drunk, unhappy and seething with his commanders.

Mr Smith and Mr Neill, among a number of local dignitaries on board HMS Astute, believed the sub was under terrorist attack and disregarded their own safety by bravely pinned Donovan to the floor.

They were awarded the George Medal in the Civilian Gallantry List today for their heroic actions.

The medals will be presented at a later date.

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A medal well deserved

All thoroughly deserve this medal. RIP Lt, Cmdr. Molyneux.

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