Network Morning Shows Ignore Obama DHS Shutting Down Program to Deputize Police for Immigration Arrests

Ken Shepherd's picture

Yesterday I noted that Fox News reported that the Obama administration was ending its program that deputizes local and state law enforcement officers so that they can arrest illegal immigrants. “By Monday afternoon, the Department of Homeland Security had pulled back on a program known as 287(g), which allows the feds to deputize local officials to make immigration-based arrests,” Fox reported, adding that “The move means that even if local police step up immigration checks, they’ll have to rely on federal officials to make the arrests.”

While it’s clearly a sign that the Obama administration is intent on doing all it can to not aggressively enforce the nation’s immigration laws, the liberal broadcast media greeted the news with a yawn. Neither ABC’s Good Morning America, CBS’s This Morning, nor NBC’s Today noted the Obama administration’s decision to kill the 287(g) program.

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