New street drug claims a life in SA

A 40-year-old South Australian man has died after overdosing on a new street drug, sparking police fears that the substance will claim more lives.

Police say methylenedioxypyrovalerone, or MDPV, has emerged on the local drug scene in the past few weeks and has already been responsible for a number of overdoses, with some users experiencing severe psychotic episodes.

MDPV is being sold on the streets as a cheaper form of amphetamines, but according to Detective Superintendent Des Bray, it is much more potent, with some unusual effects.

Supt Bray said on Thursday that as users begin to come down from the drug, they are often overcome by the urge to take another dose, increasing the chance of an overdose or adverse reaction.

Some users have also engaged in bizarre behaviour, including ripping at their skin after hallucinating that they are covered in spiders or insects, or running around on rooftops.

On the street the drug is often referred to as Scat Cat, 666 or Meow-Meow.

The South Australian man, who died in December, came from Murray Bridge, east of Adelaide. Police say that area appears to be a hotspot for MDPV distribution.

There have been about 30 seizures of the drug in SA in recent weeks, mostly around Murray Bridge but also across Adelaide.

In each case, only small amounts were found.

No one has been caught trafficking or dealing in the drug, which sells for 60 to 75 per cent of the usual price of amphetamines.

Police are unsure if MDPV on the streets is being manufactured locally or has been sourced from interstate or overseas.

“A lot of amphetamine users have said that, having used MDPV and with the effects on them, that they would not use it again,” Supt Bray said.

“But that doesn’t help the other drug users out there who are likely to consider it as a cheap alternative to amphetamines.

“A packet of white powder in this hand and a packet of white powder in the other hand. What are they? You don’t know.

“You’re accepting what a stranger has told you. You’ve got no idea where they’ve come from, you’ve got no idea what’s in them. I think you’d be crazy to consider it.”

He said the short-term effects of MDPV include rapid heartbeat, high blood pressure, nausea, stomach cramps, digestive problems, increased body temperature, chills, sweating, headaches and dizziness.

More severe effects can include paranoia, confusion, psychotic delusions, violent behaviour and suicidal thoughts.

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