Next Propaganda Phase: UN Says Syria Tortures Children

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Kurt Nimmo
November 25, 2011

In order to send in the bombers and introduce the sort of carnage in Syria the US and NATO inflicted on Libya, the propaganda war needs to be dialed up. Allegations of child abuse usually do the trick. Journalists call it “the hook.”

Next Propaganda Phase: UN Says Syria Tortures Children us iraq war4Daughter of Kuwaiti ambassador to US tells lie used as war propaganda.

Prior to the first invasion of Iraq in 1991, the Congressional Human Rights Caucus held a hearing on Capitol Hill showcasing Iraqi human rights abuses. The media event allowed a 15-year old Kuwaiti girl known as Nayirah to claim Saddam’s invaders threw babies out of incubators at the al-Addan hospital in Kuwait City.

It turns out the girl was a member of the Kuwaiti Royal Family. Her father was Saud Nasir al-Sabah, the Kuwaiti ambassador to the United States. The testimony was a lie cooked up by Hill Knowlton, a public relations group. Despite this, the lie was repeated over and over again. Bush Senior told the story. It was recited as fact in congressional testimony, on TV and radio talk shows, and at the UN Security Council.

On Friday, a United Nations human rights panel “expressed alarm” at reports claiming Syrian security forces are torturing children.

The Committee Against Torture said it had received “numerous, consistent and substantiated reports” of widespread abuse in the country, MSNBC reports today. The chair of the panel, Claudio Grossman, told reporters in Geneva that the reports referring to the abuse of children were of “particular concern.”

It was less of a concern when George W. Bush’s legal adviser, John Yoo, argued there is no law that could prevent the president from ordering the torture of a child.

Syria’s neighbor, Israel, has detained and tortured Palestinian children at the infamous al-Jalame Interrogation and Detention Center near Haifa, but the United Nations is not talking about sanctions against the country. The Arab League is not issuing ultimatums and neocons and presidential candidates are not talking about attacking Israel.

The United Nations report is a prized piece of propaganda released at precisely the right time. It will be mentioned repeatedly by the establishment media in the weeks ahead as the stage is set for an attack on Syria. Like the Nayirah and baby incubator lie, there will be little effort to find out if Syrian security forces are indeed torturing children.

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47 Responses to “Next Propaganda Phase: UN Says Syria Tortures Children”

  1. So now we’re supposed to hate Syria ala 1984?

    I don’t think so.

    Tom Reply:
    November 25th, 2011 at 2:05 pm

    The NWO doesn’t care what we THINK. It’s what we DO that may or may not scare them. If we are smart and don’t fall for this shit, it’s the same as being dumb and falling for this shit, because either way, we haven’t DONE shit.

    emus Reply:
    November 25th, 2011 at 5:17 pm

    I think it’s the British establishment themselves who rely on the Zionists to intervene in middle east to continue with their war business. they are Zionists themselves. they play both sides and exploit religion to their advantage. they don’t speak for Muslims or Jews. A lot of them pretend to be Jews and try to put words into the mouth of every Jewish person to make sure there are no peace between Muslims and Jews. it’s not in their interest. they need instability and tension to keep the arms race going. Hezbollah only serves their agenda by making it look as if we are still in the middle ages and fighting a religious war and it’s not about territorial dispute with Israel. the British live on others and intend to do so forever. If they don’t find Zionists who can implement their agenda they will become Zionists and Islamists themselves to fulfill their criminal agenda.

    Super Duper Man 1776 Reply:
    November 25th, 2011 at 3:36 pm





    Super Duper Man 1776 Reply:
    November 25th, 2011 at 3:38 pm


    Odysseus Reply:
    November 25th, 2011 at 4:30 pm

    America tortures children. In Texas judges are so sick they actually video tape beating their children. Judge Adams from Texas beat his daughter with cerebral palsy with a belt on camera. Where do you think he is headed in after life? Fathers would beat their kids severely in the 70′s and 80′s. I know because my dad beat me. They say we are not supposed to strike back against abusive mothers and fathers. Parents that physically abuse their children were never fit to be parents to begin with.

    Sam_Wheat Reply:
    November 25th, 2011 at 4:56 pm


    I am sorry to read that about you. I was both physically and mentally abused by my late father, yet he believed in God and an afterlife. Hmm, wonder where our abusive fathers are going?

    Peace be with you.

  2. The U.N wants this war so bad. It sucks people will go to any and all lenghts to get what they want. Russia is the only help for them, and Russia is talking about nukes to stop war.We all will suffer for this. I say we just start removing all bad political people in charge. Any way necessary just like they do.

  3. branches of US govt torture children all the time!

    guard Reply:
    November 25th, 2011 at 10:43 am

    Right. Many Gitmo prisoners were children. They have been tortured for years and probably will not survive.

    HIGH BRASS Reply:
    November 25th, 2011 at 2:52 pm

    Ya got any video of this?????????

    Super Duper Man 1776 Reply:
    November 25th, 2011 at 3:39 pm


  4. These war mongering bastards will make up anything to drop some bombs, occupy and control another country and make money in the process through weapons industries, looting the country, taking their resources and then ironically make money off rebuilding what they just blew up. The same people can actually blow up a country and be paid to repair it. That’s the equivalent of a construction company coming to your house and demolishing it and then tell you they are now in charge of your property and you have to pay them to fix it and they are the only option you have. Criminals, all of them. At this point I hope they attack Syria and they get their asses kicked by Russia, Iran, and Syria’s S-300 defense systems. Until this military industrial complex is put into check it will never stop. I assume the NWO wants to complete the grip on the oil flow of the Mid East and have the ability to cut off supply lines to Russia and China for control over them and this is why Russia and China are not going to allow this. WWIII

  5. The U.N. remain silent about the murder of Palestinian children. Yet, they have no trouble accusing Syria with no evidence. Of course NATO bombs didn’t kill any Libyan children either, bullshit. The ” truth ” is whatever they say it is. This is the same U.N. that once labelled Zionism as a form of racism, now they are down with the Zionist agenda. All institutions have been totally infiltrated by the Zionists from Israel, America, Britain. Zionism has always been an inherently racist ideology.
    It makes me laugh when I hear them talk of tackling Islamophobia, while they bomb Muslim countries, killing innocent men , women, and children. The U.N. is a soulless entity hell bent on global governance.

    Sam_Wheat Reply:
    November 25th, 2011 at 5:00 pm

    I’ve seen those photos of Palestinian and Libyan children, and they’re enough to make all except the most stone-cold hearted sick.

    “Bombing in the name of humanity.” Kind of sound like Vietnam again, doesn’t it? You know, “We destroyed the village in order to save it.” Different time, different country, same old stuff.

    It’s always the innocent who die in the name of “Peace.”

  6. How many children has the UN Killed since there inception…?

    Kill a few million and they call it humanitarian relief of Eugenics, cleansing of a nation.

    Philippe Reply:
    November 25th, 2011 at 11:45 am

    When the UN kills, it is called liberation or modernization. Next they’ll tell us Syria is wringing the necks of kittens and stomping on puppies.

    Super Duper Man 1776 Reply:
    November 25th, 2011 at 3:41 pm





  7. now watch carefully:

    ” Weapons of mass destruction ” remember that?

    or UN or health organisation vurul pendemic vaccinations???

    nou UN dictators abusing there people Gadhafi was left there for 42 years???
    what about Saddam Hussein??

    Bin Ladin????

    thinks about those lies over lies over lies to hide the truth they are doing

    They are murderers nothing less than that. illusionist lyers

  8. Stories of animal abuse in Syria will cause millions of pet owners to demand that we carpet bomb that nation. Abuses against children and the aged by Assad will get him hung.

  9. War propaganda is used to confuse and demoralize enemies and also to influence public opinions in friendly countries to influence its own citizens……so NEXT if they come UP with …that Syrian President ASAD is a REINCARNATION of former Ugandan Ruler IDI AMEEN. unleash all the Propaganda about Ameen past , how he use to eat hearts of human how kept them in fridge’s how IDI Ameen use to take …2000 mg of VIAGRA a shot, when Viagra was not even invented….what you guys think… many percent % of positive Public opinion they will generate with their Massive propaganda Machine ….enough 2 justify their EVIL DEED ….?
    Best Wishes

    tosul Reply:
    November 25th, 2011 at 10:14 am

    The viagra propaganda tale was created by impotent Jewish Zionists.

    Twitchbar Reply:
    November 25th, 2011 at 5:23 pm

    A container of Viagra has gone missing in Israel
    The Mossad is Looking for HARDENED Criminals


    MSNBC should do a story on real child torture and enslavement in our sister country, CHINA.

  11. UN, NATO, there all some same , BTK on steroids .

  12. This babies out of incubators lie
    Is reminiscent of the First Crusade launched in 1196
    Instigated by Pope Urban 11
    On the pretext that the Saracen were murdering raping and torturing Christians in the Holy Land
    This was based on Emperor Alexius 1′s appeal to Pope Urban for Mercenaries to help resist Muslim advances into the Territory of the Byzantine Empire
    The First and only Halocaust was initiated along the way while Crusaders swarming through Europe carried out an eradication and systematic Ethnic cleansing of the Jews

    Twitchbar Reply:
    November 25th, 2011 at 11:01 am


    Philippe Reply:
    November 25th, 2011 at 11:46 am

    One small problem with your point, is that the Muslims actually were the aggressors. Leaving something like that out kind of ruins your entire point.

    Twitchbar Reply:
    November 25th, 2011 at 2:00 pm

    No I think you have missed the point
    1)Kings of Europe were quaralling and this would present a suitable distraction to their Domestic problems
    2)Pope Urban saw this as a convenient means of aquiring wealth
    3)Holy Artifacts found on the Crusade would make the Church more powerful and people more Religious
    4)Urban hoped to convert inhabitants of Captured Cities
    5)Hoped to expand Christian Empire in East
    6)Urban hoped that by coming to the Aid of Alexius that he would be able to reunite the Eastern and Western Church’s

    Twitchbar Reply:
    November 25th, 2011 at 2:03 pm

    Substitute Religion For Oil and Crusaders to NWO

    Philippe Reply:
    November 25th, 2011 at 2:19 pm

    Hope to expand the empire how? I have never found any case of missionary work or conversions being done on any scale. I’d need evidence to entertain this suggestion. As far as wealth, well the Roman Catholic Church did quite well in looting wealth from Europe and North Africa, I doubt that was a major factor. Controlling Jerusalem and knocking the Muslim hordes back from the Byzantine empire boundaries were probably better reasons, which are supported by their actions. Don’t forget the Islamic Conquests as they are called, were quite violent and absolute.

    Occupying and controlling Jerusalem were the main focus, everything else was simply periphery.

    The modern reason has nothing to do with religion as you properly sumarized, just about open theft and strategic control.


    several smaller Arab nations including Turkey join them … vs …The UN and its puppet allies

    the the war moves to the plains of MEGGIDO … 1/3 of ISRAEL gets trampled under foot by these 2 opposite forces Russia and Syria with friends China and Iran will fight boldly against the US the UN and UK and Europe nation who still has an economy to mount a force

    UGLY but ……………

    November 25th, 2011 at 2:54 pm


    Now how long ago did I post that this was coming very very soon. And tell me about that CHINA SYNDROME in Japan.

    You left out the part about all the hungry soldiers coming to where the food is and rampaging in the streets of the Blue cities of America.



  14. Just like always arabs are betraying each other.
    The Arabs in UAE/Saudi/Jordan … think that Jews will have any mercy on them!!!
    One day will be their turn.

  15. I heard to go along with the torture story included will be pictures of American Child Protective Service with kids in white straight jackets chained to their bunk beds and a CPS male councelor zipping up his stained pants.

  16. Oooops, Russia and China are both in the UN.
    maybe the un. requires to go the way of the league of nations, it was a failure and so is the un. Too many “backhanders taken there mainly by the african vote. or anyone else that has a numbered account !

  17. The Logic of Atramental: If they think you’ll believe it, they will say it.

    XINTEL: Truth be known, our very own neopoliticians, AKA Atramental Lodge 23, practice ritual human sacrifice that is resourced with our own young women and children.

    MAINSTREAM AMERICA: OMG! No way! What th…

    XINTEL: FYI, ATRAMENTAL WAR COUNCIL: Repatriation and Ritual Sacrifice


    Atramental Lodge 23 in the US, formerly DC, issued in connection with the British monarchy having determined to penetrate US political infrastructure never having actually given up it’s hold on the colonies. Atramental was created in 1888 and celebrated on Whitechapel.

    US secession promoted by the Masons, the monarchy commandeered the EU Masons putting this organization to work to repatriate the US, the two SSOs created to accomplish this being Quatuor Coronati in the UK and Atramental Lodge 23 in the US. In effect, Atramental is British government having established its self in Washington DC, and a cohort of US politicians identified with this entity have pledged service to the monarchy through participation in neopolitics.

    Neopolitics is a parliamentary system principled on a constitutional monarchy AKA the British monarchy, and it’s satellite manifestation in the US, Atramental Lodge 23, is promoted through unchecked use of drugs, virtually any type of sex and ritual sacrifice involving young women and children. Atramental neopoliticians are more correctly known as Quislings, and although such individuals are hung in the UK, they are coveted in the US for their treachery and self-aggrandizing behavior in politics.

    The monarchy, via Atramental, has thus recruited US quislings using them to legislate changes to the Bill of Rights and constitution under the guise of democratic process and humanitarianism (Drexel/Bredesen) alternative to natural rights and our constitution republic. In these circumstances, Quatuor Coronati has institutionalized changes to our laws circumventing traditional constitutional principles (Maxwell/Biden) – which by the way is promoted by Michelle Obama – thus having superimposed itself upon our government neoliberal for democrats and neocon for republican. Atramental has subsequently issued legislation invented to establish British supremacy in the US (Bobo/Schwarzenegger) through such perverted laws as the PATRIOT Act, Department of Homeland Security, TSA and Obama’s Citizen’s National Security Force. In reality this is preemptive of a transformation of the US to militarization to be put to use as Britain’s personal army and what reorganization will be maintained by the Atramental War council in DC (Spierer/Soros).

    These changes to our government didn’t come about through careful analysis, oversight and reason. Such character of government is the stuff of a constitutional republic. These circumstances have been slowly built in, the monarchy in the wings with it’s Quislings, proxies and pixies bearing ink and soul in exchange for the temporal comforts of life and the exploitation thereof well beyond their life time salaries.

    The British government is a constitutional monarch, which surprisingly people generally do not know this. In Britain Human rights subordinates to the occult, is highly secretive, and it’s domestic conscience is dictated through democratic process at the will of Quatuor Coronati. Knowing this 70 years ago would have prevented us from ever having become involved in WWII or any other British enterprise directed at world conquest, but we’ve been educated not to know this with the fallout our current circumstances with Atramental. What is understood about this is Quatour Coronati and Atramental both played a role in our deteriorated affairs of state. It took politician willing to take Britain’s degenerative drug and sex bait to hook them into Atramental, and regardless of our awakening to this the end game is to make the US the world’s supreme military force and the British monarchy it’s primary sponsor, for obvious reason.

    This is all well and good, just most people in the US wouldn’t go along with such a plan. Ordinarily our constitutional republic allows us to assess the value of such national enterprises, and most people would refuse to do it flat out, enter neopoliticians principled on the UK’s constitutional monarchy and rewarded for their duplicity with debauchery. Our very own Quislings, having prostituted their dignity, sold us out for a lifetime of unprecedented prosperity and macabre entertainment at the will of the British monarchy who, having nothing better to do with themselves, do yourselves to increase their distraction and pleasure, but not really if you can turn a blind eye to occult abduction and ritual sacrifice of young women and children. Just pretend you are on the narrow path and it doesn’t matter. Your descent through the seemingly endless horizon of time will be barely noticed you having the life you want on your knees begging for your salvation.

    Atramentals correctly believe God, or their Lucifer as it were, will give you anything you want: wealth, poverty, superiority, victimization, religion, atheism, anything you can imagine is yours, which is why they can get away with kidnapping and ritual sacrifice of your children. They want the BDSM and pedophilic sex, and you want to pray for salvation to prove their Cassius Dio inspired Jesus exists. See how this works? I mean you are so spaced out you won’t even acknowledge the facts of such horrific crimes, the PATRIOT Act for example. On the other hand, they are keenly aware like a pack of predatory dinosaurs. Balance. They are the predator. You are the prey.

    While mainstream America would never consciously participate in a degenerative counter culture such as that proposed by Atramental, politicians principled in the philosophy of self-interest have nonetheless lined their pockets with Atramental’s blessings, inclusive of orchestrating the kidnapping of your neighbor’s kid if they have the urge to do so. I say this often, because they are dong it often. Once committed, forever condemned. Atramental Quislings do not retract under threat of death in perpetuity, and their consignment is your descent into the hellish circumstances of an occult life style transformation But you just keep praying.

    Interestingly we have two unsung heroes in these affairs, one of which is in prison in Canada, and the other playing patsy to Quatuor Coronati via the media through use of their standard venue of communication, the journal code, which is published to an international community that informs the public in one language and asks for and gives advice to Quatuor Coronati in another. You read the same narratives, just they speak differently to people who read the code.

    Nonetheless, our heroes are Col. Russell Williams in Canada and the yet to be prosecuted Phil Bredesen in the US. Williams, a genius in his own right, figured out how to beat Quatuor Coronati’s death warrant by having himself imprisoned through what process of law he gave himself up to justice with crime scene evidence. Thank you Col. William! Good thing by the way.

    Bredesen gave you the corruption of TBI wrapped in a honeymoon packaged that would have been overlooked had this meeting been a week earlier. Dead on August 31, 2004, April 26, 2009, and commemorative of August 31, 1888, which this links Quatuor Coronati, Whitechapel, Atramental, Newport, Megan Maxwell and Parsons, Tennessee, and the BDSM abductions, unless you work for TBI… or good and God fearing Sheriff Fontes. Bright men. Stupid people. Horrific circumstances.

    People refuse to believe this flat out walking off mid-conversation because it’s not normal. True. It’s abnormal as hell. Most people know this, but they will not allow themselves to process it to consciousness on the false belief that if they ignore it will go away. That’s good psychology for problems that do not rise to the level of a personal crisis for a victim of occult ritual sacrifice, which means people are not only not willing to put a stop to this, they are engendering process of avoidance which magnifies the occult. Really, you have to rethink Williams and Bredesen to understand this, or just keep praying.

    Atramental means dark intelligence. 23 is February 3, 1377, the day of the mass execution of the citizens of Cesena, Italy. You know about this only subconsciously because you read about one such event recently involving a madman who executed the inhabitants of Utoya. Anders Breivik claimed to be a Templar. The only organization on the planet that is preeminently Templar is the US, which this is our constitutional republic pre-Atramental. The US is a Templar society. Anders Breivik is telling us he’s Atramental, which if this is true, he is individual who walked Holly Bobo away from her home on April 13, 2011. TBI knows this. The US Marshall knows this. The monarchy knows this. Barack Obama, Joe Biden, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Phil Bredesen and George Soros know this. Now YOU know this.

    For the uninitiated, Britain’s Atramental war council, formerly DC, was not only knowledgeable about Phil Bredesen’s involvement in these affairs (occult rendition of Brittanee Drexel, Megan Maxwell, Holly Bobo and Lauren Spierer), Neopoliticians promoted it through the PATRIOT Act and department of Homeland Security, to which the US Marshall, TBI and local Sheriff proxy Fontes subordinate. If you are asking yourself how this is possible, stop reading this and reelect Obama in 2012. Remember, Lucifer will give you whatever you want. You want to be ignorant? You’ll deal with intelligent predators as a consequence.

    MAINSTREAM AMERICA: OMG! No way! What th…OMG! No way! What th…OMG! No way! What th…OMG! No way! What th…OMG! No way! What th…zzz zzz zzz

    Tom Reply:
    November 25th, 2011 at 2:13 pm

    Much of what you posted is correct. England never reliquished control of the colonies, and the British presence in America is even more detrimental than either the Black Agenda or the 30 million illegal Mexicans. However, calling America a Templar society is pretty treasonous. The Templars started out as crusaders going to the Holy Land to take it back from the infidel, but by the time they were done, they were banksters. Choice: haul all this treasure back to England or hide it for ourselves? Hmmmm?

    America is fragmented. What I consider to be the actual and true American spirit is probably not even known to 85% of Americans. Ask Liberals what America means to them and you’d be dumbfounded by the answers. That’s a poll that would lift the skirt up and do some revealing.

    Mostly, America needs to be rescued and even those who “believe” in America could be found to be “undesirable” in terms of ever being given a position of responsibility. We need help, it will only come from the 2nd Amendment, and God help us because there are so few real Americans left.

    Twitchbar Reply:
    November 25th, 2011 at 4:56 pm

    Black Friday

    13th Oct 1307

    Purge of Knights Templar

  18. Salutes

    Roman salute misnamed the Nazi Salute
    Open palmed Greeting to show the Individual is unarmed

    Saluting was Introduced explained as placing the hand at eye level stems from the Day’s of the KNIGHTS who wore Metal Helmets and would Raise their Visors to enable Eye Contact and thus Display Trust

    Masonic Zionist NWO Clenched Fist Salute

  19. Next Propaganda Phase: UN Says Syria Tortures Children

    The “UN” talks a lot and says “nothing”.

    Here are some clips from what took place in Libya. Be sure to watch the last one. It does involve a child. These actions occurred after the “humanitarian mission” in Libya started.

    In the event that Syria gets the same thing, these events shall repeat themselves. They always do.

    Warning: These videos are not for the “Faint of Heart” or anyone under the age of 18.


    These videos are a courtesy from Bigpharmkillz. We haven’t heard from bigpharm in a while.
    Steamy piles disappeared after reporting a hoovering helicopter over his house in BC.


  20. But is it more than US Soldiers in whatever country their Invading this month?

  21. This is pretty laughable. The US is one of the biggest child abusers in the world. This country absolutely despises children, from the government to the church to medicine. It’s a joke.

  22. Even from where i sit, for 20 to 30 years now i have watched and heard all the spin and lies which has always ended in death and destruction for countries not part of the central banks. And guess what people of the U.S, Syria, Nth Korea and Iran are the only countries left not part of that system. Make sense yet……Time to ask the question. For the human race, or all about the banks.
    I for one will never believe again what they say for their profiteering, control and world dominance
    at the expense of human life. Their agendas are always for democracy and protecting the people…..Why then are millions of people slaughtered at the hands of democracy. LIES!!!!

  23. Yes, I see, they’re torching the children with WMD’s and alphabet soup !

  24. It’s All Good
    This is why we come to PP to hear different opinions and views and to learn off each other so that we don’t get a slanted and distorted or biased view on life

    Twitchbar Reply:
    November 25th, 2011 at 4:51 pm

    Reply Philippe

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