NSW floods affect area the size of Spain

NSW’s summer flood crisis was the most significant for a generation and affected an area the size of Spain, State Emergency Service (SES) Commissioner Murray Kear says.

“This has been the most significant flood event that inland New South Wales has witnessed in a generation,” Mr Kear said in a statement on Friday.

“People should not be complacent about the dangers of Mother Nature, as we’ve seen many people trapped in floodwater needing rescue and sadly, in some cases, lives have been lost,” he said.

Mr Kear said the state’s storm season ends on Saturday, but warned that flooding will continue to affect parts of the state for days to come.

About 70 per cent of NSW – an area the size of Spain – has been affected by flooding since January.

The SES says about 20,000 people were evacuated from homes at the height of the crisis.

Worst affected communities included Wagga Wagga, Forbes, Gundagai, Yenda, Urana, Barellan, Hay and Darlington Point.

Many of these communities are now recovering but Mr Kear warned that floodwater will continue to move across NSW, with communities in the state’s southwest and northwest most vulnerable.

Evacuation orders remain in place at Maude in the southwest and Condobolin in the central west.

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