Obama Impeachment 2012 with Film Director Sean Stone

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Thursday, April 12, 2012

Film director, producer, actor and writer Sean Stone has thrown his weight behind a resolution introduced in the House last month by North Carolina Republican Walter Jones. Resolution 107 states that should the president use offensive military force without the authorization of Congress that such an act would be “an impeachable high crime and misdemeanor.”

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16 Responses to “Obama Impeachment 2012 with Film Director Sean Stone”

  1. So a police investigator knows Obama has no US birth certificate, but some politicians think they can Impeach Obama?

    More wind from Alex Jones as he desperately tries to appear relevant.

    Obama is an investment made by Americas corrupt elite families. He’s not going anywhere, they won’t let their investment fail.

    Just get your heads around the idea that America has been screwed by Americans. You can rise up against this or you can continue to let them strip you of your money and your rights.

    If Alex Jones was in Nazi Germany in 1945, he would certainly be telling you that Hitler is bad but removing him will make no difference. Hitler is a New World Order puppet and there’s little you can do apart from inform each other of how many civil rights you have lost. You can also buy some tangy tangerine, because Hitler gets really upset when you digest vitamins.

    America you are the new fascists, you will start the next great war. Are any of you willing to stop your country heading down the road of destruction? Or will you just scratch butts and listen to the meaningless dribble of Alex Jones.

    Vic Reply:
    April 12th, 2012 at 5:09 am

    OBAMA is Rothchild chosen

    christmas Reply:
    April 12th, 2012 at 5:42 am

    It s always worth it stand against tyranny even if you lose, to wake up people.

    LibertyHound Reply:
    April 12th, 2012 at 6:39 am

    AJTF, that must be you ALEA!

    British are the old fascists, who wouldn’t leave! Why is Britain still around ALEA? Because hypocrite coward morons like you won’t do what you tell others to do, overthrow it! You giant stinky pussy!

    You just can’t stay away from your beloved Alex Jones, can you? ! Are you an addict to the news you claim is lies?
    I hate liver, but you won’t see me at the butchers complaining about liver every day, multiple times a day, only loons (wankers) behave like that! Or is it trolls? !

    hitmanheard Reply:
    April 12th, 2012 at 6:52 am

    The truth hurts so bad. A pain we will ALL feel very very soon

  2. Yeah, but impeachment just ain’t gonna happen. Congress is just as greedy, just as crooked, and just as power-hungry as the usurper-in-chief.

    Except for a very, very few, Congress needs to be TOTALLY cleaned out. But, that won’t happen. Why did a crook like Ted Kennedy die in office? Why are Richard Lugar, Nancy Pelosi, and Barbara Boxer still there? Blame the people, who keep re-electing the trash, and who won’t put up viable candidates.

  3. With Obama, it’s the cabinet that needs to be impeached.

  4. Blame the people? I blame diebold.

  5. You CANNOT impeach a plutocratic, dictatorial, revoltingly smug devil man. Can’t be done, won’t be done. The entire corrupt system must be ‘corrected’ for the betterment of humanity. And if this also cannot be done, then humanity has no right to bitch about having no rights, because they gave them away on a silver gaddamned platter. Both of the last two ‘dictators’/plutocrats, have been responsible for the major downshift in the progress of society.

  6. He can’t be impeached…that is the Catch-22…..the Constitution doesn’t have provisions for removing a person occupying the White House illegally…..all Obama has to say is that he isn’t a citizen, and the rules don’t appy to him

    hellangone Reply:
    April 12th, 2012 at 6:24 am

    He does so already with his actions.


    exexpat11 Reply:
    April 12th, 2012 at 7:16 am

    PART 2 The Post Office is closing their doors in months. How do states that use the mail to vote – vote if there is no mail service? Answer. Elections are soon to be a thing of the past and unnecessary.

    Dandroid Reply:
    April 12th, 2012 at 7:43 am

    Assuming we have had real elections for the last two to three decades, Teddy Kennedy is proof we no longer need elections. If the masses of asses have no problem electing him over and over and over till he dies, well then, need I say more?

    exexpat11 Reply:
    April 12th, 2012 at 8:00 am

    So, the Charade of Elections is over. No doubt they have been rigged, now they are just going to admit it? Good. That might be the Unifying Event needed to get everyone to kick over the Jar and start the War.

  8. Come Come Come on–get real. Fact: Sean Stone’s famous father is Jewish. Big deal he converted to as a Mooselum.The Joos are trying to impeachtheblackasshole because he ain’t fast/soon enough to complete AIPAC orders in bombing the ratsh!t out of Iran.You watch a real Kosher Judge will be apppointed-just as they did in the 911 victum’s trials. Dismissed due to 27 yearold Sean Stone being terrorist Muslim .Joos love to switch religions—infiltrate!

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