Obama Plotting To Use Class Warfare As A Tool To Win The 2012 Election?

The American Dream
Sept 20, 2011


Barack Obama has revealed his tax plan and it is a doozy.  It would raise taxes by 1.5 trillion dollars over the next decade.  Most of these tax increases would hit the wealthy, and Obama keeps insisting that it is time for them “to pay their fair share”.  Of course Obama knows that the Republicans will never go for this.  You see, what is going on is that Obama is laying a trap.  First, he laid out a 447 billion dollar “jobs plan” that contained all kinds of goodies for the poor and the middle class.  Now he has introduced a massive tax plan which specifically targets millionaires in order to pay for it.

The Republicans are falling right into the trap, because instead of introducing fundamental reforms to our tax system, the Republicans have chosen to defend the status quo.  Right now our current tax system allows big corporations and the ultra-wealthy to get away with bloody murder, and the Republicans have put themselves into the position of having to defend that.  This is exactly what Barack Obama wants.  Obama is plotting to use class warfare as a tool to divide Americans and win the 2012 election.  There is no way in the world that his current plan is going to get through Congress.  What he is doing now is “setting the table” for the 2012 campaign season.

One of the cornerstones of the Obama tax plan is a new minimum tax rate on those that make more than $1 million a year.  Obama says that the goal is to make sure that millionaires don’t pay a smaller rate than middle-income taxpayers do.

Obama is making a smart political move by going after less than 1 percent of the population and proposing tax breaks and lots of goodies for everyone else.  This puts Republicans in the position of having to play “grinch” because of their obsession with “not raising taxes”.

There are a whole lot more low-income and middle-income voters out there than there are wealthy voters.  In addition, nearly the entire nation is pretty much disgusted with Wall Street at this point.

So is now the time to attack the rich?

Obama apparently believes that he can get a lot of traction with this stuff.

In fact, Obama seems to already be in campaign mode.  Just check out what Obama had to say about his new plan….

“Warren Buffett’s secretary shouldn’t pay a higher tax rate than Warren Buffett”

You know, that makes a lot of sense.  I know that I am certainly disturbed that I pay more taxes than GE does.

The Republicans are playing right into all of this.  Instead of crying out for reform of a system that is fundamentally unjust and completely broken, they just keep defending it.

If the current tax code was completely thrown out, tax rates could be lowered for all of us and revenues could be increased at the same time.

Comparing the current tax code to Swiss cheese is not quite accurate, because the current tax code actually has more loopholes than it has substance.  If you know what you are doing and you have the resources to play the game, you can drive a fleet of armored trucks through the holes in the tax code.

The sad thing is that it would not take too much imagination to eliminate the personal income tax altogether.  There was no personal income tax for most of U.S. history, and we could certainly operate the government without one.

But instead of getting the creative, the Republicans have decided to draw a line in the sand and defend the status quo to the bitter end.

What a stupid, stupid thing to do.

Even though his approval rating recently hit a new low, Barack Obama may just be able to use the “politics of division” to worm his way back into the White House once again in 2012.

Do the stupid Republicans not see what he is doing?

Obama’s plan basically involves three steps…..

#1) Propose a “jobs plan” that contains all sorts of juicy tax cuts for the middle class, but that also contains measures that Barack Obama knows will never, ever get approved by Congress.

#2) Propose a “tax plan” that contains heavy new taxes on the wealthy that Barack Obama knows will never, ever get approved by Congress.

#3) Blame the Republicans for the failure of the “jobs plan” and tell poor and middle class Americans that it failed because Republicans are opposed to having the wealthy pay their “fair share” of taxes.

  • A d v e r t i s e m e n t

In another shrewd move, Barack Obama has trotted out Warren Buffett to sell his new plan.  In fact, Obama is calling his millionaire tax the “Buffett Rule”.  Millions of Americans will see Warren Buffett standing next to Obama and will actually be convinced that some wealthy Americans are actually eager to pay more taxes.

The following is what the New York Times had to say about the “Buffett Rule”….

Mr. Obama, in a bit of political salesmanship, will call his proposal the “Buffett Rule,” in a reference to Warren E. Buffett, the billionaire investor who has complained repeatedly that the richest Americans generally pay a smaller share of their income in federal taxes than do middle-income workers, because investment gains are taxed at a lower rate than wages.

Not that Buffett does not make some good points.  For example, according to Buffett, he was taxed at an effective tax rate of 17.4 percent for 2010, while many of his employees were taxed at a rate more than double that.

So is that fair?

Of course not.

Our current tax code is absolutely ridiculous.  It massively soaks the middle class and small businesses and it greatly favors those that can hire an army of tax lawyers.

The Republicans should be pushing to abolish the current tax code and to shut down the IRS.  The system we have now is inherently flawed and cannot be redeemed.

But instead, the Republicans have painted themselves into a corner.  They must now defend absolutely laughable tax breaks for the wealthy and big corporations.

The new “Buffett Rule” would only affect 0.3 percent of all taxpayers.  Obama hopes to pin the economic frustrations of the bottom 90 percent on them and on the Republicans.

Sadly, this is how politics is played in America.  Instead of working for the good of the country, Obama has his eyes on the next election.

An article in USA Today explained some of the other reasons why the Obama tax plan has absolutely no chance of success….

Obama also would eliminate tax breaks and loopholes that benefit oil and gas companies, hedge fund managers, and corporate jet owners — ideas that have previously been rejected by congressional Republicans. His plan to limit deductions and exclusions for people with income above $250,000 has even been rejected by many Democrats in the past.

So then why is Obama even bothering to propose it?

Well, as mentioned above, Obama is “setting the table” for the 2012 election.  Even the folks in the mainstream media can see this a mile away.

A recent article in the New York Times clearly spelled out what Obama is trying to do….

The Obama proposal has little chance of becoming law unless Republican lawmakers bend. But by focusing on the wealthiest Americans, the president is sharpening the contrast between Republicans and Democrats with a theme he can carry into his bid for re-election in 2012.

In an article for Time, Massimo Calabresi described the political motivation behind Obama’s proposal in this manner….

Politically, it’s more complicated. Clearly both sides reach their base with their message. Fair share is straight-up union talk, and will resonate with the Democrats whom Obama wants to solidify and energize ahead of a year of tough economic wrangling. Class warfare opens wealthy wallets during campaign season and taps the active, enthusiastic and antigovernment Tea Party movement, which sees socialism under every Democrat’s bed.

Republicans should be able to see what is happening.

They should be able to understand that defending ridiculous tax loopholes for the ultra-wealthy and big corporations is not a winning strategy.

But right now, the Republicans are falling right into Obama’s trap.

What the Republicans should be doing is introducing a bold, new vision for how government finances will work in this country.

Sadly, that will probably never happen.  You see, the truth is that the Democrats and the Republicans both believe in the current system.  Yeah, Republicans want taxes a little lower than the Democrats do most of the time, but you don’t exactly see too many Republicans running around calling for the tax code and the IRS to be abolished, do you?

It is time that someone told the American people the truth.

Our tax code is fundamentally unjust.

Our tax code destroys small businesses.

Our tax code makes us much less competitive in the global marketplace.

Our tax code transfers wealth from the American people to big banks and big corporations.

Our tax code is a horrific waste of time, energy and national resources.

Our tax code encourages behaviors that are counter-productive.

Our tax code is used by the government to pursue social engineering goals.

Out tax code is so vast and so complicated that no ordinary American could ever actually understand the whole thing.

Our tax code greatly favors the largest corporations and the wealthiest Americans.

Our tax code is an insult to our founding fathers and it is the kind of thing they tried to prevent when they put together the U.S. Constitution.

The Republicans are foolish when they defend the status quo.

The answer to Barack Obama is not George W. Bush.

The answer to Barack Obama is 1776.

Using class warfare to once again divide the American people may help Barack Obama in the next election, but it will do nothing to solve the problems this nation is facing.

Meanwhile, our tax system will continue to produce some truly ridiculous results.

According to Forbes, the 400 richest Americans pay an average tax rate of just 18%.

A lot of you that are reading this (including myself) pay a much higher rate than that.

That is just plain stupid.

Back in the 1950s, corporate taxes accounted for about 30 percent of all federal revenue, but in 2009 corporate taxes accounted for just 6.6 percent.

In a previous article, I noted some of the big corporations that make a ton of money and yet pay less than zero in taxes….

What U.S. corporations are able to get away with is absolutely amazing.

The following figures come directly out of a report by Citizens for Tax Justice.  These are combined figures for the tax years 2008, 2009 and 2010.

During those three years, all of the corporations below made a lot of money.  Yet all of them paid net taxes that were below zero for those three years combined.

How is that possible?  Well, it turns out that instead of paying in taxes to the federal government, they were actually getting money back.

So for these corporations, their rate of taxation was actually below zero.

If you have not seen these before, you are going to have a hard time believing some of these statistics…..


Profits: $4.9 billion

Taxes: -$34 million

*Fed Ex*

Profits: $3 billion

Taxes: -$23 million

*Wells Fargo*

Profits: $49.37 billion

Taxes: -$681 million


Profits: $9.7 billion

Taxes: -$178 million


Profits: $32.5 billion

Taxes: -$951 million


Profits: $2.1 billion

Taxes -$72 million

*American Electric Power*

Profits: $5.89 billion

Taxes -$545 million

*General Electric*

Profits: $7.7 billion

Taxes: -$4.7 billion

Are you starting to get the picture?

Does anyone out there still want to defend the current tax system?

Just tinkering with a few tax code provisions here and there is not going to fix things.

It is a system that cannot be redeemed and it needs to be abandoned.

So defending the status quo is just stupid.

The Republicans need to stop doing it.

If the Republicans would start calling for the tax code and the IRS to be abolished, Barack Obama would not get very far at all with his class warfare mumbo jumbo.

But we all know that the Republicans are not likely to do that.  Instead, it looks like they are going to rally around a RINO like Rick Perry and defend the current taxation system to the bitter end.

America deserves better than that.


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26 Responses to “Obama Plotting To Use Class Warfare As A Tool To Win The 2012 Election?”

  1. When Obummer took office in 2008, my husband’s company of 25 years employed 30 people. He is down to 8 people and will probably lay off more before Christmas.

    So yeah, keep regulating the hell out of businesses and tax them more, you freaking morons.

    Tax hard-working families like mine or my husband’s business of 25 years and see what happens. Try to squeeze more money our of us. People who work hard to create jobs for all you whiners pay A LOT in taxes. We pay state tax, city tax, employee tax, sales tax, and then when we manage any type of salary, we pay income tax!

    Go ahead and taz our suppliers, owned by the so-called elite, and have them jack up their prices on us, or worse, move out completely. Good grief some people are SO ignorant and it disgusts me sometimes. My Faith is the only thing that keep me from choking someone. LOL.

    • sorry for typos. I am a little mad.

  2. Class Warfare this is pure socialist communist tech to instigate the brainless people and divide the nation. Mao, Stalin, Kim Il Sung used this communist manifesto tech and got the power.

  3. There has been a ‘class system’ ever since early humans strolled out of Africa and spread across the planet. There are certainly degrees of talent and ambition within a given society. Ah, but isn’t it the mandate of all societies to lift upo and/or protect the lesser among it? That is what separates humanity from the lower animals. It is called empathy. In some exteme cases, it is called heroism.

    The caste system is very much in evidence in modern cultures; in countries such as India, it is ingrained. Stratified classes are pronounced in monarchies with those in the middle or bottom layers clammering to be recognized. Titles are bestowed to those who benefit the ruling clique.

    Nothing new there. Obama is just using his clout as president to nudge his constituency (seen as the liberal middle class or struggling poor) toward his viewpoint. The real reason our American economy is doing a nosedive is because we are inching toward globalization, a whole-planet governance scheme.

    And that fact is where we should be putting our effort–in exposing and derailing the sinister plot.
    All else is just campaigning as usual. Rick Perry was in a Dem stronghold in NYC yesterday pandering to the down-at-the-heel residents. He was characterized by one starstruck native to be very “humble and down to earth, showing signs of true compassion for their lot.” Those are my words but they capture the tone of the speaker who gushed with praise for Perry’s venture into a Democratic ghetto.

    Now who is playing an inverse class card? And winning the pot? The Democratic leaders are antsy about Obama’s chances, some even spuring Hillary to run against the president in the primaries. Don’t think that will happen but it does pose an interesting dynamic. Dick Cheney said she should oppose Obama, too; well that would quash her appeal for me if Cheney endorsed the idea. lol

  4. Creating chaos in order to advance the NWO agenda is the telltale sign of globalist methodology.
    See our recent post on this:


  5. This ass clown puppet is a pathological LIAR, sooooooooooo……..

  6. Seems like Obama is trying to inact the “Robin Hood Effect” to rally the people behind him. To make it seem like he’s going to tax the rich, and give to the poor and the middle class in this country. If he knows that Congress will never pass the Buffet Rule and he plans to point the finger at the Republicans as the bad guys during his campaign it may just work!

    He plans on using the anger and frustration of the poor and middle class voters as a weapon in his campaign to dupe them, just so they will vote for him while he could give a shit less.

    The Republican candidate who points this out and exploits Obamas plan will gain some serious steam in the polls if he can counter what Obama is trying to do. This person also has to have the answers to remedy this dubious plan by Obama.

    Ron Paul 2012

    • Class warfare would be bedlem in the streets, meaning people are actually trying to kill people who have a lot of money, a big house, etc. It would include what we’ve seen in Germany with burning luxury cars, even kidnapping and ransom would be credible possibilities in class warfare. Lets not forget burning down luxury homes and looting businesses as well. Thats class warfare folks.

      • What happened to Marie Antoinette is class warfare.

        • but she lost her mind……as well as the rest of anything else above the neck

  7. Has OBAMA kept his WORD on anything YET I remember when he said NAFTA was done and the TROOPS were comeing home.If Politicians had to wear Sponsors like NASCAR his would Look alot like BUSHCLINTONBUSHOBAMA.

  8. What a lie! And with no shame. Obama is not instigating any ‘class war’. There is a lot of things to criticize Obama on without resorting to lies and calumnies. There is nothing in Obama’s language and the way he addresses the public that shows that he is trying to appeal to the instincts of the population that say….’attack the rich’; however, Ron Paul uses language that does appeal to the passions of the people to ‘attack’ the poor. That is the truth of the matter. And he does it without shame like a bully who picks on those who are the weakest because it is an easy fight. (Personally I fight the strongest in the room). The reality is all the candidate are just pulling threads of the same rope to hang you with. The poor are unable in any way to sway or create policies to their favor in anyway. It is deflecting away from the real problem and they have been grinding this stone for a long time and creating an obdurate population…(see where that leads and how that affects life on the planet). Certainly Ron Paul’s public ‘stance/comments’ about this corrupt/intrusive police state government he has been working in for 20 years is appealing. But people have to stop and think as they hear people talk. There are many paths to Libertarianism and Ron Paul represents one of them. Noam Chomsky is also a Libertarian. I don’t like police state, corrupt, intrusive government, no one does. But on the flip side you don’t scapegoat the poor for purposes of a political agenda. The poor are not the problem. The source of the problems today lie mainly with the average American citizen or world citizen. Bad government seeds are planted in citizen soil fertile for evil. This country is as corrupt as any third world country. Why are third world countries corrupt? Because of the people are. That is a piece of the puzzle for the larger picture.

    • Are we talking about the same person? Seriously?

  9. Um, he used class warfare to win the 2008 election. When has Obama not used class warfare in his entire career?

    Also guys, if you haven’t noticed, this website has been totally taken over by statists. I wasn’t sure if anyone else has noticed besides me.

  10. It’s just a mirage. The agenda is already set and America is already half way to socialism. The rest is this crap is meaningless campaign rhetoric designed to sucker the public into believing there are different agendas between the two parties.

  11. ★ Ron Paul 2012 ★

    * i found an Awesome site for NEWS-JUNKIES that are AWAKE


    or click my name for link (bigbrother13)

    • nice clone site of Drudge’s work

  12. I can’t stand this mutt Blakeman but he is not totally wrong. I don’t know who is prepping Ron for these debates but they are not doing a good job. We need him to look strong, sound strong, bring up all of the misdeeds of the Obama administration, present some plans, and stop looking like grandpa! I want to see him stand up, shoulders back and take command! If he does not then Blakeman is correct. And the big problem is, no one on the repub ticket other than Paul can defeat Obama.

  13. Of course Obama is going to wage class warfare. He will and has already waged race warfare. Expect him to pump up the haves Vs the have-nots and he will throw in the race card as well. I as a taxpayer plan to do a little of it myself. I want to pay less in tax, much less. I want everyone to pay some tax and I don’t care if you are poor, pay up. Look at it this way. Taxes are derived from my labor. My labor is derived from hours out of my day. You can and should read that as a piece of my life. Now I don’t mind helping out those that are less fortunate, but I am not ok giving up part of my life for someone that does not do the same. I don’t expect poor people to give as much tax money but I do expect them to give as much of their life! At the same time I expect the rich to give as much of their lives as well. That will equate to more money in most cases.

  14. Why is anyone paying taxes to a Has-Been Banana Republic like this???What have they ever done for you?

    The blue-collar “working class” got shafted by their employers AND on a larger scale by the government. The media tried to fool the working poor into living like they were supposed to WANT to be a part of cafe society(i.e. landscaped McMansion,Escalade in driveway, Bahamas 3X a year) except they, IN REALITY, couldn’t afford any of it.

    Class warfare?!? The classes were moving apart all along, in case you weren’t paying attention…you’re credit card made you feel like your class was higher than it actually was.

    • Haven’t financed these illegal Terrorists in 15 years bud, I advise everyone to do the same

  15. This thing call Mr President hasn’t any class to begin with!

  16. Corrupt and failed politicians will always use whatever scheme they can think of to con the sheeple and insure their continued rape of the American people!!!!!!! WAKE UP!!!!!!!!!
    Ron Paul IS America’s only hope for salvation….PLEASE SUPPORT HIM!!!!!!!

  17. I see nothing wrong with the working class waging tax warfare. After all why should they take a punch in the stomach from the elite and do nothing?

    The elite have outsourced their jobs and brought in waves of third world immigrants to depress wages. Further there are no tarriffs to make our products competitive, and they hand out H1B visas to bring in skilled labor to compete with America engineers, doctors and technicians; again to depress wages.

    So why shouldn’t the working class wage class warfare in return?

    Don’t get cowed into buying the rhetoric pushed by the likes of Limbaugh against waging class warfare. The elite fired the first shot, and it’s about time the working class returned fire.

    • Totally ingorant statement.

  18. Do these people ever shut their pieholes ?!?

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