‘Obama Truth Team’ Orders GoDaddy To Shut Down Website

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Information deemed “maliciously harmful to government”

Paul Joseph Watson
Prison Planet.com
Tuesday, June 26, 2012

A political website that contained stinging criticism of the Obama administration and its handling of the Fast and Furious scandal was ordered to be shut down by the Obama campaign’s ‘Truth Team’, according to private investigator Douglas Hagmann, who was told by ISP GoDaddy his site contained information that was “maliciously harmful to individuals in the government.”

Hagmann, CEO of Hagmann Investigative Services, Inc., a private investigative agency serving a roster of Fortune 500 clients, was given 48 hours by GoDaddy to find a new home for his website before it was deleted.

Hagmann was told the reason for the shut down was because the website featured “morally objectionable” material. After GoDaddy refused to identify the complainant, only saying that it was not “any official government agency,” further investigation by Hagmann revealed that the order came from a group tied to Obama campaign headquarters.

Speaking with the chief investigator in the GoDaddy Abuse division, Hagmann discovered, “Ultimately it was found that the complaint originated ostensibly with a group associated with the campaign to re-elect Barack Hussein Obama.”

Turning to his contacts within government, Hagmann then contacted spoke with another source who confirmed that the ‘Obama Truth Team’ was responsible for the shut down order.

“I’m laying this right on the doorstep of the Obama Truth Team,” said Hagmann.

The ‘Obama Truth Team’ is an outreach of the Obama 2012 re-election campaign that urges supporters to “help fight back against the attacks on President Obama and his record” by reporting supposed misrepresentations and lies. However, as ABC News reported, the ‘Truth Team’ has mischaracterized legitimate criticism as smears in an effort to chill dissent against Obama. It has also been caught fibbing on a number of other occasions.

The same methods of intimidation were also very much in force during the 2008 campaign season. Under the guise of the ‘Obama Truth Squad’, influential public figures in Missouri including St. Louis County Circuit Attorney Bob McCulloch, St. Louis City Circuit Attorney Jennifer Joyce, and Jefferson County Sheriff Glenn Boyer, promised to “respond quickly, forcefully, and aggressively” to “lies” about Obama.

As ABC News highlighted, this helped to create a chilling atmosphere in which “Missourians might be afraid of being prosecuted for criticizing Sen. Barack Obama, D-Ill.”

This is by no means the first time political websites have been shut down on a whim with no due process after official pressure is brought to bear on ISPs.

  • A d v e r t i s e m e n t

In December 2010 Amazon responded to pressure by Sen. Joe Lieberman and the Department of Homeland Security by axing the Wikileaks website from its servers.

GoDaddy itself is not renowned for its support for free speech. The company lost 37,000 accounts last year over its initial failure to oppose the controversial Stop Online Privacy Act (SOPA).

Despite the fact that his son was getting married on the same weekend, Hagmann was eventually able to move his website – HomelandSecurityus.com – to another server before it was deleted by GoDaddy.

“It took an incredible number of man hours and it was a tedious (and costly) process, but I have successfully moved my site out of reach,” Hagmann told us.

Hagmann noted that his story from last month about a DHS inside source warning of coming mass civil unrest, which went viral on the Internet, was one of the primary reasons behind the effort to shut down his website.

Hagmann is now warning that any independent website which forcefully dissents against the Obama administration could be targeted next.

“I respectfully ask that you spread the word – that the Obama “Truth Team” is out in full force, scouring any U.S. based web sites of any size or influence (yet small enough to be pushed around) that contains any information deemed “objectionable” to the Obama re-election campaign. Perhaps it’s already too late. Regardless, people need to wake up now and listen to what we’ve been saying. There might not be a tomorrow,” Hagmann told us in an email.

Watch a video about the Obama Truth Squads below.

See one of the GoDaddy emails sent to Hagmann below (click for enlargement).

Obama Truth Team Orders GoDaddy To Shut Down Website 260612shot


Paul Joseph Watson is the editor and writer for Prison Planet.com. He is the author of Order Out Of Chaos. Watson is also a regular fill-in host for The Alex Jones Show and Infowars Nightly News.

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38 Responses to “‘Obama Truth Team’ Orders GoDaddy To Shut Down Website”

  1. Ah yes, the cyber wars are here ! May the force be with you !

    Dandroid Reply:
    June 26th, 2012 at 5:50 am

    The spelling Amerika becomes more appropriate by the day.

    captain obvious Reply:
    June 26th, 2012 at 6:17 am

    also take this as an indicator the dictator userper is desperate,
    death throes of a criminal administration, all its appointees,
    and the complicit 2 headed fascist beast known as “congress”.

  2. Truth Team? Obama? Somehow these two things just don’t fit together…

    frontline Reply:
    June 26th, 2012 at 4:53 am

    the truth team finds truth and stomps and distroyies it …that the only connection to truth obama has

    STARMAN Reply:
    June 26th, 2012 at 5:49 am


    Obama Team just outed itself as a Mafia stlye enforcement team

    ( Its Mexico first policy ) has led to massive weapons into hands of Mexican Mafia
    … oh you want to secure your States border from drug gangs that are fully armed after
    the Feds were told not to arrest any guns going to Mexico
    then Obama will take your State to court and remove your ability to enforce any Border laws … claiming its only the job of the Federal Gov. to enforce the law.

    Tractor Reply:
    June 26th, 2012 at 7:24 am

    War is Peace, Freedom is forbidden.

  3. Personally, I don’t care if I have to resort to smoke signals or jungle drums, I will use everything at my disposal to speak out against the RACIST, fascist POS Barack Hussein Obama! The turds in the punchbowl that is Washington, D.C. can kiss my rosy red buttcheeks. Pucker up, buttercups!
    You douchebags will not drive this country over a cliff without resistance from me and my kind. Fuck you Obama. Nappy Janet, loopy Leon and the rest of the groveling pusbag politicians. DOMARI NOLO!

    Cnsay Reply:
    June 26th, 2012 at 3:50 am

    Careful ANV, they know jungle bunny drum speak too.

    bornready Reply:
    June 26th, 2012 at 7:40 am

    +1 Your post sounded like a rally call. I’m right there with you!!!

  4. The “Truth Team” needs to shut down Barack Obama’s reelection campaign as being deceitful, a total fraud, and endangering the welfare of every American citizen. The Supreme Court will take care of Obamacare on Thursday.

  5. so CIA-SOB manchurian candidate BS aka Barry Soetoro,
    who presented a blatantly forged “birth certificate”,
    a forged selective service card,
    a fake social security number,
    with his first “executive order” being to seal ALL his personal history,
    who appointed felony clinton as secretary of state,
    waged war against Libya with marching orders from the United NAZIons,
    handed tons of weapons to drug cartels that’d be illegal for US to have,
    who thinks he can kill anyone at whim anywhere anytime,
    spends like theres no tomorrow for a giant prison grid against citizens,
    (all of which only begins to list his fuggen criminality!)

    has the power to silence anyone telling the truth about him?!!
    the best thing for this nation that could happen, is a hangin.
    every damn thing he’s done, qualifies as unAmerican activities.

    coastx Reply:
    June 26th, 2012 at 5:13 am

    I’m gonna run for election this fall.

    captain obvious says: How? You didn’t run in the primaries?

    coastx says: I’m gonna fake like I did.

    captain obvious says: We already had one of those. He got caught, and he’s getting booted!

    coastx says: Yeah, but it’s a golden boot! Look at all the money he made in this immense hoodwink scheme. Big titty millions! Maybe even HUGE titty billions!

    captain obvious says: Millions and billions I need.

    coastx says: Yeah well, I’m manufacturing my bid for election with this identity kit. It’s got fake ID, an authentic Hawaiian fake birth certificate. Hawaii’s a good place to manufacture a birth certificate, BTW, because it was forced into the union. Birth there doesn’t matter anyway. Got your SSC, DD214, I’m a war hero, BTW! Just write it in here! Got a college transcript from Harvard, a teleprompter coil for my ear. This is it. I AM ON MY WAY TO THE TOP!

    captain obvious says: You selling those kits, coastx?

    coastx says: Black market. Same place Obama git his.

    captain obvious says: OMG!

    captain obvious Reply:
    June 26th, 2012 at 5:41 am

    you must be in line right behind schwartzenegger, I think..

    coastx Reply:
    June 26th, 2012 at 6:40 am

    Schwarzenegger-Chavez, Willis THEN me!

    captain obvious Reply:
    June 26th, 2012 at 7:04 am

    well screw ya all then,
    I’ll write in the cosmetic surgery altered skin bleached Venusian tree sloth,
    at least he doesnt have any hidden agendas!
    (shhh, nevermind the MSM when they try to present him to us as Jesus)

  6. Truth team apparently can’t handle the truth. Put those asscociated with the Truth Team on your necktie party list.

  7. I promise you, the Force is with us! The Galactic Federation is in our skies. Fear not, they love us dearly

  8. the descendents of the pharoas still want to rule on this planet??? well lets hope and pray humanity will once and for all get rid of these criminal minds false gods. abusers and enslavers

    down with the NWO

    coastx Reply:
    June 26th, 2012 at 4:59 am



    DATA ENTRY JOBS $50 to $70/hour

    FORM FILLING JOB $10 to $20/ FORM



    Tractor Reply:
    June 26th, 2012 at 7:25 am

    awaiting moderation

  10. Summary denial of services is a feature of occult corporatism. It’s different than what we are used to in a free society. They wrap their policy around whatever agenda they have engineered for the disposable community and move on the the next item dismissing out of mind that human beings and their diverse organizations are being regarded as products. Money controls this dynamic, and the money is controlled by banks. Banks are controlled by the fed. The fed is controlled by the City of London. The City of London writes the checks for troops who will kill you if you do not obey policy, so what’s the solution here?

  11. Truth and Obamanation do not belong in the same sentence.

  12. Truth team??? A lie is a lie is a lie. If it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck, must be a duck. If it prays like a muslim, lies like snake, must be a politician. Shame on Go Daddy for not standing up for it’s customers. BAD BAD DADDY!!

    coastx Reply:
    June 26th, 2012 at 5:19 am

    The corporatist scheme is the disposable community. If it doesn’t like the one it’s using it just eliminates it and creates a new one that it DOES like. It’s going to be interesting what it comes up with after it’s eliminated GoDaddy, because they didn’t git rid of Douglas Hagmann. This is the case of the snake biting it’s own tail!

    Tractor Reply:
    June 26th, 2012 at 7:26 am

    Looks like Go Daddy has a Big Mac.

  13. The Obama Ministry of Truth Team strikes again. Looks like someone keeps feeding 1984 into Obama’s teleprompter.

    Listen people, DO NOT host your websites through US based companies with US based servers. There are plenty of good foreign services for cheap out there. Make this story go viral, help put Go Daddy out of business.

  14. we keep hearing from some corner(s) of the room how this President has been subjected to unprecedented scorn. That is not true. Or are none of you old enough to remember Richard Nixon? But even if scorn is reaching appreciable heights at this time, it’s for a President who, on March 16th, reduced us all to convicted felons/slaves/serfs/whatever you want to call it, with his latest Executive Order granting him total discretion to, among many other things, seize our personal food supplies from within our homes, and to force us into work (slave) brigades. It’s all over but the act of a sitting President to wake up on the wrong side of his bed (the side with the telephone with which Herr Rothchild or one of those other crummy NWO gargoyles will instruct him).

  15. Here is one for you Obama’s Truth team: The Truth will set you Free…Of course Obama Truth Team, you would not know the truth if it was staring them in the face.

    coastx Reply:
    June 26th, 2012 at 6:32 am


  16. I was going to vote for O’Bama this November but now I’m not going to vote at all. When he waved his executive magic wond and made every Mexican a legal citizen, free now to take your job and fill your schools with non English speaking taco benders this was the final straw for me. Only a non American would do such a traitorous act to our beloved country. It makes perfect sense now that O’Buma’s birth certificate is fake, and his heart and soul belongs to the African country where he was born and raised. Now you know why only real Americans should run for office for the president of the United States.

  17. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++


    DATA ENTRY JOBS $50 to $70/hour

    FORM FILLING JOB $10 to $20/ FORM




    captain obvious Reply:
    June 26th, 2012 at 7:07 am

    we dont want to go to your virused site.
    shame on you trying to exploit peoples need for income.

  18. Free speech keeps politicians in line and so this is just another example that this illegal president from Kenya who was born as a product of a mother who slept around does not want to be called on his shit.

    I can see that coming from a broken home one would be embarrassed with self esteem issues. So now that he is president he has to make up for those short comings at the expense of the greatest nation on earth.

    What a loser!!!

  19. “Change We Need”

    OK there’s your change. He is now dictator. He can shut down your business with one phone call.

  20. A sociopath makes up truth as he goes.

  21. The website owner shoud sue GoDaddy in to bankruptcy! Then go after Obama’s so-called Truth squad and sue the living hell out of them!

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‘Obama Truth Team’ Orders GoDaddy To Shut Down Website

  • Print

    The Alex Jones Channel
    Alex Jones Show podcast
    Prison Planet TV
    Infowars.com Twitter
    Alex Jones' Facebook
    Infowars store

Information deemed “maliciously harmful to government”

Paul Joseph Watson
Prison Planet.com
Tuesday, June 26, 2012

A political website that contained stinging criticism of the Obama administration and its handling of the Fast and Furious scandal was ordered to be shut down by the Obama campaign’s ‘Truth Team’, according to private investigator Douglas Hagmann, who was told by ISP GoDaddy his site contained information that was “maliciously harmful to individuals in the government.”

Hagmann, CEO of Hagmann Investigative Services, Inc., a private investigative agency serving a roster of Fortune 500 clients, was given 48 hours by GoDaddy to find a new home for his website before it was deleted.

Hagmann was told the reason for the shut down was because the website featured “morally objectionable” material. After GoDaddy refused to identify the complainant, only saying that it was not “any official government agency,” further investigation by Hagmann revealed that the order came from a group tied to Obama campaign headquarters.

Speaking with the chief investigator in the GoDaddy Abuse division, Hagmann discovered, “Ultimately it was found that the complaint originated ostensibly with a group associated with the campaign to re-elect Barack Hussein Obama.”

Turning to his contacts within government, Hagmann then contacted spoke with another source who confirmed that the ‘Obama Truth Team’ was responsible for the shut down order.

“I’m laying this right on the doorstep of the Obama Truth Team,” said Hagmann.

The ‘Obama Truth Team’ is an outreach of the Obama 2012 re-election campaign that urges supporters to “help fight back against the attacks on President Obama and his record” by reporting supposed misrepresentations and lies. However, as ABC News reported, the ‘Truth Team’ has mischaracterized legitimate criticism as smears in an effort to chill dissent against Obama. It has also been caught fibbing on a number of other occasions.

The same methods of intimidation were also very much in force during the 2008 campaign season. Under the guise of the ‘Obama Truth Squad’, influential public figures in Missouri including St. Louis County Circuit Attorney Bob McCulloch, St. Louis City Circuit Attorney Jennifer Joyce, and Jefferson County Sheriff Glenn Boyer, promised to “respond quickly, forcefully, and aggressively” to “lies” about Obama.

As ABC News highlighted, this helped to create a chilling atmosphere in which “Missourians might be afraid of being prosecuted for criticizing Sen. Barack Obama, D-Ill.”

This is by no means the first time political websites have been shut down on a whim with no due process after official pressure is brought to bear on ISPs.

  • A d v e r t i s e m e n t

In December 2010 Amazon responded to pressure by Sen. Joe Lieberman and the Department of Homeland Security by axing the Wikileaks website from its servers.

GoDaddy itself is not renowned for its support for free speech. The company lost 37,000 accounts last year over its initial failure to oppose the controversial Stop Online Privacy Act (SOPA).

Despite the fact that his son was getting married on the same weekend, Hagmann was eventually able to move his website – HomelandSecurityus.com – to another server before it was deleted by GoDaddy.

“It took an incredible number of man hours and it was a tedious (and costly) process, but I have successfully moved my site out of reach,” Hagmann told us.

Hagmann noted that his story from last month about a DHS inside source warning of coming mass civil unrest, which went viral on the Internet, was one of the primary reasons behind the effort to shut down his website.

Hagmann is now warning that any independent website which forcefully dissents against the Obama administration could be targeted next.

“I respectfully ask that you spread the word – that the Obama “Truth Team” is out in full force, scouring any U.S. based web sites of any size or influence (yet small enough to be pushed around) that contains any information deemed “objectionable” to the Obama re-election campaign. Perhaps it’s already too late. Regardless, people need to wake up now and listen to what we’ve been saying. There might not be a tomorrow,” Hagmann told us in an email.

Watch a video about the Obama Truth Squads below.

See one of the GoDaddy emails sent to Hagmann below (click for enlargement).

Obama Truth Team Orders GoDaddy To Shut Down Website 260612shot


Paul Joseph Watson is the editor and writer for Prison Planet.com. He is the author of Order Out Of Chaos. Watson is also a regular fill-in host for The Alex Jones Show and Infowars Nightly News.

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37 Responses to “‘Obama Truth Team’ Orders GoDaddy To Shut Down Website”

  1. Ah yes, the cyber wars are here ! May the force be with you !

    Dandroid Reply:
    June 26th, 2012 at 5:50 am

    The spelling Amerika becomes more appropriate by the day.

    captain obvious Reply:
    June 26th, 2012 at 6:17 am

    also take this as an indicator the dictator userper is desperate,
    death throes of a criminal administration, all its appointees,
    and the complicit 2 headed fascist beast known as “congress”.

  2. Truth Team? Obama? Somehow these two things just don’t fit together…

    frontline Reply:
    June 26th, 2012 at 4:53 am

    the truth team finds truth and stomps and distroyies it …that the only connection to truth obama has

    STARMAN Reply:
    June 26th, 2012 at 5:49 am


    Obama Team just outed itself as a Mafia stlye enforcement team

    ( Its Mexico first policy ) has led to massive weapons into hands of Mexican Mafia
    … oh you want to secure your States border from drug gangs that are fully armed after
    the Feds were told not to arrest any guns going to Mexico
    then Obama will take your State to court and remove your ability to enforce any Border laws … claiming its only the job of the Federal Gov. to enforce the law.

    Tractor Reply:
    June 26th, 2012 at 7:24 am

    War is Peace, Freedom is forbidden.

  3. Personally, I don’t care if I have to resort to smoke signals or jungle drums, I will use everything at my disposal to speak out against the RACIST, fascist POS Barack Hussein Obama! The turds in the punchbowl that is Washington, D.C. can kiss my rosy red buttcheeks. Pucker up, buttercups!
    You douchebags will not drive this country over a cliff without resistance from me and my kind. Fuck you Obama. Nappy Janet, loopy Leon and the rest of the groveling pusbag politicians. DOMARI NOLO!

    Cnsay Reply:
    June 26th, 2012 at 3:50 am

    Careful ANV, they know jungle bunny drum speak too.

    bornready Reply:
    June 26th, 2012 at 7:40 am

    +1 Your post sounded like a rally call. I’m right there with you!!!

  4. The “Truth Team” needs to shut down Barack Obama’s reelection campaign as being deceitful, a total fraud, and endangering the welfare of every American citizen. The Supreme Court will take care of Obamacare on Thursday.

  5. so CIA-SOB manchurian candidate BS aka Barry Soetoro,
    who presented a blatantly forged “birth certificate”,
    a forged selective service card,
    a fake social security number,
    with his first “executive order” being to seal ALL his personal history,
    who appointed felony clinton as secretary of state,
    waged war against Libya with marching orders from the United NAZIons,
    handed tons of weapons to drug cartels that’d be illegal for US to have,
    who thinks he can kill anyone at whim anywhere anytime,
    spends like theres no tomorrow for a giant prison grid against citizens,
    (all of which only begins to list his fuggen criminality!)

    has the power to silence anyone telling the truth about him?!!
    the best thing for this nation that could happen, is a hangin.
    every damn thing he’s done, qualifies as unAmerican activities.

    coastx Reply:
    June 26th, 2012 at 5:13 am

    I’m gonna run for election this fall.

    captain obvious says: How? You didn’t run in the primaries?

    coastx says: I’m gonna fake like I did.

    captain obvious says: We already had one of those. He got caught, and he’s getting booted!

    coastx says: Yeah, but it’s a golden boot! Look at all the money he made in this immense hoodwink scheme. Big titty millions! Maybe even HUGE titty billions!

    captain obvious says: Millions and billions I need.

    coastx says: Yeah well, I’m manufacturing my bid for election with this identity kit. It’s got fake ID, an authentic Hawaiian fake birth certificate. Hawaii’s a good place to manufacture a birth certificate, BTW, because it was forced into the union. Birth there doesn’t matter anyway. Got your SSC, DD214, I’m a war hero, BTW! Just write it in here! Got a college transcript from Harvard, a teleprompter coil for my ear. This is it. I AM ON MY WAY TO THE TOP!

    captain obvious says: You selling those kits, coastx?

    coastx says: Black market. Same place Obama git his.

    captain obvious says: OMG!

    captain obvious Reply:
    June 26th, 2012 at 5:41 am

    you must be in line right behind schwartzenegger, I think..

    coastx Reply:
    June 26th, 2012 at 6:40 am

    Schwarzenegger-Chavez, Willis THEN me!

    captain obvious Reply:
    June 26th, 2012 at 7:04 am

    well screw ya all then,
    I’ll write in the cosmetic surgery altered skin bleached Venusian tree sloth,
    at least he doesnt have any hidden agendas!
    (shhh, nevermind the MSM when they try to present him to us as Jesus)

  6. Truth team apparently can’t handle the truth. Put those asscociated with the Truth Team on your necktie party list.

  7. I promise you, the Force is with us! The Galactic Federation is in our skies. Fear not, they love us dearly

  8. the descendents of the pharoas still want to rule on this planet??? well lets hope and pray humanity will once and for all get rid of these criminal minds false gods. abusers and enslavers

    down with the NWO

    coastx Reply:
    June 26th, 2012 at 4:59 am



    DATA ENTRY JOBS $50 to $70/hour

    FORM FILLING JOB $10 to $20/ FORM



    Tractor Reply:
    June 26th, 2012 at 7:25 am

    awaiting moderation

  10. Summary denial of services is a feature of occult corporatism. It’s different than what we are used to in a free society. They wrap their policy around whatever agenda they have engineered for the disposable community and move on the the next item dismissing out of mind that human beings and their diverse organizations are being regarded as products. Money controls this dynamic, and the money is controlled by banks. Banks are controlled by the fed. The fed is controlled by the City of London. The City of London writes the checks for troops who will kill you if you do not obey policy, so what’s the solution here?

  11. Truth and Obamanation do not belong in the same sentence.

  12. Truth team??? A lie is a lie is a lie. If it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck, must be a duck. If it prays like a muslim, lies like snake, must be a politician. Shame on Go Daddy for not standing up for it’s customers. BAD BAD DADDY!!

    coastx Reply:
    June 26th, 2012 at 5:19 am

    The corporatist scheme is the disposable community. If it doesn’t like the one it’s using it just eliminates it and creates a new one that it DOES like. It’s going to be interesting what it comes up with after it’s eliminated GoDaddy, because they didn’t git rid of Douglas Hagmann. This is the case of the snake biting it’s own tail!

    Tractor Reply:
    June 26th, 2012 at 7:26 am

    Looks like Go Daddy has a Big Mac.

  13. The Obama Ministry of Truth Team strikes again. Looks like someone keeps feeding 1984 into Obama’s teleprompter.

    Listen people, DO NOT host your websites through US based companies with US based servers. There are plenty of good foreign services for cheap out there. Make this story go viral, help put Go Daddy out of business.

  14. we keep hearing from some corner(s) of the room how this President has been subjected to unprecedented scorn. That is not true. Or are none of you old enough to remember Richard Nixon? But even if scorn is reaching appreciable heights at this time, it’s for a President who, on March 16th, reduced us all to convicted felons/slaves/serfs/whatever you want to call it, with his latest Executive Order granting him total discretion to, among many other things, seize our personal food supplies from within our homes, and to force us into work (slave) brigades. It’s all over but the act of a sitting President to wake up on the wrong side of his bed (the side with the telephone with which Herr Rothchild or one of those other crummy NWO gargoyles will instruct him).

  15. Here is one for you Obama’s Truth team: The Truth will set you Free…Of course Obama Truth Team, you would not know the truth if it was staring them in the face.

    coastx Reply:
    June 26th, 2012 at 6:32 am


  16. I was going to vote for O’Bama this November but now I’m not going to vote at all. When he waved his executive magic wond and made every Mexican a legal citizen, free now to take your job and fill your schools with non English speaking taco benders this was the final straw for me. Only a non American would do such a traitorous act to our beloved country. It makes perfect sense now that O’Buma’s birth certificate is fake, and his heart and soul belongs to the African country where he was born and raised. Now you know why only real Americans should run for office for the president of the United States.

  17. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++


    DATA ENTRY JOBS $50 to $70/hour

    FORM FILLING JOB $10 to $20/ FORM




    captain obvious Reply:
    June 26th, 2012 at 7:07 am

    we dont want to go to your virused site.
    shame on you trying to exploit peoples need for income.

  18. Free speech keeps politicians in line and so this is just another example that this illegal president from Kenya who was born as a product of a mother who slept around does not want to be called on his shit.

    I can see that coming from a broken home one would be embarrassed with self esteem issues. So now that he is president he has to make up for those short comings at the expense of the greatest nation on earth.

    What a loser!!!

  19. “Change We Need”

    OK there’s your change. He is now dictator. He can shut down your business with one phone call.

  20. A sociopath makes up truth as he goes.

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