Obama’s Forgery and Fraud Have Become a Thorn in the Side of the Union

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Patrick Henningsen
Prison Planet.com
March 30, 2012

Who is Barack Obama? Where was he born, in the United States, or in Kenya? Where is the hard copy of his birth certificate? Did he hold an Indonesian passport? Does he qualify as a Natural Born Citizen? Does he qualify to hold the office of President of the United States?

Since 2007, these questions have remained largely unanswered, not least because the White House’s legal team has gone to great lengths and costs to seal all documents related to the President’s identity. The result of this – is a nation gradually tearing apart at the seams.

Arizona is currently leading a multi-state, head-on charge towards this issue with a bill requiring the president to prove he qualifies for office. Arizona’s Maricopa County Sheriff’s Office has mounted the only official law enforcement effort to date that has dared to investigate the President’s presented credentials –asking the burning question: has there been forgery or fraud committed by, or on behalf of the President?

In a famous passage from Aesop’s Fables, it tells a story of a slave named Androcles who was wandering through the forest when he came upon a Lion lying down moaning and in pain. At first he turned to flee, but finding that the Lion did not pursue him, he turned back and went up to him. As he came near, the Lion put out his paw, which was swollen and bleeding. Androcles found a huge thorn, causing all the pain. He pulled out the thorn and bound up the paw of the Lion, who was soon able to rise and lick the hand of Androcles like a dog.

From a consensus reality perspective, the prevailing mainstream media interpretation of this fable might portray President Obama and his Federal government in the role of the Lion, and the Arizona state legislature along with Sheriff Joe Arpaio – as the thorn in the White House’s paw. The part of Androcles would be played by the mainstream media itself, dutifully rescuing the lion from an annoying state effort to inflict pain on the White House.

Obamas Forgery and Fraud Have Become a Thorn in the Side of the Union Birther Obama3

From a Constitutional perspective however, the roles represented would look more like this: the Lion represents the 50 States of the Union, and the thorn in its paw is Obama’s inability to clear his name in the face of a damning investigation into his eligibility to hold the office of US President. This thorn is buried deep into the fabric of the Union and it also includes the ruling establishment’s own clandestine effort to conceal the truth.

And, what of the slave Androcles? Androcles should be played by the press, the fabled Fourth Estate or ‘watchdog’, supposedly meant to be a dutiful servant of the people of the United States. Sadly, here in 2012, those romantic tales of the mainstream corporate press fighting corruption and bringing criminal activity in government to book are all but ancient history.

So far, media coverage of Arizona’s “Candidate Certification Bill” HB2480 has been dismissive, ignoring the contents of the Bill. The Establishment’s lapdog corporate media have only seen fit to delve into its own pre-laid surface covering the issue, with its own adolescent level analysis dismissing Arizona’s efforts as a mere “Birther Bill”, and attacking Arizona ad hominem as “the Birther state”.

For an event as unprecedented as this, the ensuing intentional media blackout which has descended on Obama’s missing birth certificate story is disturbing – but not surprising. Media coverage of law enforcement efforts to this point has been reduced to personally attacking Sheriff Joe Arpaio and his Cold Case Posse – rather than asking critical questions about the actual evidence they have discovered.

So who is left to play Androcles? In this story, it’s rightly being played by elected representatives in Arizona who drafted state Bill HB2480 and Sheriff Joe Arpaio’s Cold Case Posse of volunteer investigators. They are neither heroic, nor extraordinary. They are merely doing the job which has been laid out by the Constitution of the state and country respectively, that is, rightly serving the interests of their constituents – the people of the United States. And so it should be. The Founders of this nation designed their country whereby the government should be servants of the electorate – and not the other way around.

George Washington once described the ideal relationship between the government and the electorate stating:

“Government is not reason; it is not eloquent; it is force. Like fire, it is a dangerous servant and a fearful master.”

More than anything, the controversy surrounding the President’s lack of authentic identification is an opportunity to test the system and voracity of the laws which are meant to govern how we work and interact in a free Constitutional Republic. Unfortunately, this is not how the story is being framed in the mainstream media.

Sheriff Joe Arpaio’s Cold Case investigation into the forgery and fraud evidence surrounding President Obama’s PDF birth certificate, Selective Service registration card and the missing INS microfilms – is ongoing and will likely unearth many more discoveries that will further cast a shadow on his Presidency.

The fate of Arizona’s Obama eligibility bill is less certain. If the law is killed in committee or later vetoed by Arizona’s governor, it will only go to prove that persons in positions of power do not have to observe even the basic vetting or requirements of proving their identity – as the average American citizen has to on a daily basis.

Although many would prefer not to face up to it, the whole issue of Obama’s records has become a thorn in the paw of the Union. If employees of the Federal government are not held to the same standards as their state counterparts, or even individuals – then we are staring at nothing less than a modern tyranny.

If we are to learn anything from all this, we should stop to consider who ‘s the Lion in own contemporary political story.

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28 Responses to “Obama’s Forgery and Fraud Have Become a Thorn in the Side of the Union”

  1. His real name is Bari Shabazz, the whole Barack Obama Hawaii/Kenya circus is a red herring, read the terrible truth blog of Martha Trowbridge!

    Second of all he was identified as the Antichrist by world renowned prophet Linda Newkirk when he was elected. No one wanted to believe the revelations at the time and many are still too dumb to figure it out. Jesus put Obama over America to destroy it. It is called judgment. Obama is not going anywhere and he is just getting started!

    Prophecies Org for the Antichrist Prophecies!

    Truth Or Consequences Reply:
    March 30th, 2012 at 12:50 pm

    Oh and BTW folks, Jesus is about to raise up the Sons of God/Supernatural Army and the NWO is not too happy. That is why the Iran War is on again!

    Prophecies Org

    Truth Or Consequences Reply:
    March 30th, 2012 at 1:19 pm

    A country that murders thousands of it’s own citizens in order to launch wars against other innocent nations and kill millions of their citizens needs to destroyed! And it will! The Chinese and the Russians are coming and Barack Obama/Bari Shabazz will be standing at the door saying, Come on in Comrades, she is all yours!

    Quantummonkeybutt Reply:
    March 30th, 2012 at 5:46 pm

    And He (YESHUA) Said Unto Them (The Disciples), “I Beheld Satan Fall As ‘LIGHTNING From Heaven’*.”

    – Luke 10:18; (*Translated In Hebrew As ‘BARAQ u BAMAH’)

    Quantummonkeybutt Reply:
    March 30th, 2012 at 5:46 pm

    (www.) youtube.com/watch?v=XQK54-KtDcwfeature=related

    the sage Reply:
    March 30th, 2012 at 1:37 pm

    Still waiting on the fatal head injury…but not yet.
    Let me guess…Zimmerman.

    Truth Or Consequences Reply:
    March 30th, 2012 at 1:54 pm

    The fatal head wound will happen, it is scripture. Jesus proved the accuracy of His predictions when He walked the earth 2000 years ago. He fulfilled what He told His Old Testament Prophets, to the letter. Do not think for one minute that what He told John in the Book of Revelation will not come to pass with precise detail. I assure you that it will…. and very quickly so!

    hitmanheard Reply:
    March 30th, 2012 at 2:59 pm

    At first I thought you were kidding. The more I read …..I knew it to be true. Very scary times.

    ALEA Reply:
    March 30th, 2012 at 3:01 pm

    And when Barry has gone (and he won’t go for a long time, you have no say in the matter) who will replace him. Do you think it will get better? The carve up of America is a party which is only just starting and you let it continue without even knowing who your enemy is. Thanks Alex Jones, hope you are happy with the few bucks you made while selling your followers down the river.

    Tom Reply:
    March 30th, 2012 at 4:09 pm

    By that time, ALEA, your master will have destroyed every sovereign nation on earth, so it won’t matter. Fu** England.

    Tom Reply:
    March 30th, 2012 at 4:09 pm

    The Bible provides us with the only true prophecy’s. I agree that Obama is evil, and we really don’t know yet who Lucifer’s choice for anti-Christ is. I’ve always felt it was Prince Charles, for a number of reasons, not the least of which is that he wields considerably more power. And because he should have been King of England by now, but his very elderly mother won’t pass the crown on to him. The Bible says the anti-Christ will be a PRINCE of Darkness, not a King.

    But God IS punishing America for turning it’s back on Him. Hell, it could very well be Obama.

    Woden Reply:
    March 30th, 2012 at 6:54 pm

    Yea, but these prophesies are misinterpreted and there are too many 501c snake oil pastors selling their lies-for-profit. You look for the anti-Christ when the term simply means those at war with Christ. Look around you, especially those Zionists and Talmudic-worshipping judaics. You might want to halt pumping your interpretation of Revelations and go to the Hal Lindsey site for end-times, or keep on subject.. You can speculate all you want, but none will know the answer.



    Truth Or Consequences Reply:
    March 30th, 2012 at 12:59 pm

    Do you really think God is impressed that you are from Arizona? America is under Judgment and Arizona is included.

    Dandroid Reply:
    March 30th, 2012 at 1:15 pm

    Texas will never stand up. Its wholly owned by the feds….tRick Perry is their front man.

    Truth Or Consequences Reply:
    March 30th, 2012 at 1:45 pm

    Marshall Law is imminent folks, if you are able, get out of America while you still can. The Great American Holocaust will begin in the middle of the night and you will not see it coming. Cities can be sealed off with a minimal amount of manpower and you will never get out of your location. Bad things are imminent, economic collapse, WW3, false flags, race wars, etc etc etc.. Take a vacation and don’t come back to the USA.

    Dandroid Reply:
    March 30th, 2012 at 6:25 pm

    I am staying! Whatever happens happens but I am not leaving this place nor abandoning my family and they all cant go. When this place falls the world falls.

    Super Duper Man 1776 Reply:
    March 30th, 2012 at 2:35 pm

    THE OTHER 57….


  3. I just hate the fact, that I have to display and prove just about everywhere I go, who I am and what I am doing. I’m tired of being responsible while everyone else rides the high life with irresponsibility. Most of all, I’m tired of my soldiers having to stand up to the highest responsibility of giving their lives for people that are illegal immigrants !

  4. The bureau of justice and love has recently learned of a horrible crime. Apparently little
    girls have been stealing candy from local stores. As you may know, the economic toll of
    this theft is more than our aging society can bear.

    In order to provide for the common good I am ordering a house to house search for these
    lost sweets. Children are very intelligent and can easily hide a large stash outside
    our loving supervision. Therefore, each agent will need to secure the door of their
    room with agent child inside to avoid escape of valuable assets.

    Parents are urged to be patient as the search for missing candy can often take hours.
    Only an ignorant conspiracy theorist would call the noises from aforementioned locked door
    anything but the sounds of malfeasant children resisting justice.

    Please excuse our giddy attitudes and the bloody look in our eyes. These are the inevitable
    and unfortunate result of our glorious quest to recover all the stolen candy.

    Yours Truly,

    Commandante Satan

  5. It may be just a coincidence, but something has taken the thunder and lightning away from MSM news coverage of Sheriff Arpaio’s investigation and Arizona’s Candidate Certification Bill. The Supreme Court’s pending decision regarding Obama’s National Health Care. Perhaps this will be the nail in Obama’s reelection coffin. If they strike it down, the rest of Obama’ house of missing cards will collapse. He never was playing with a full deck.

    Thoughts for Incurable Kinds of Images.
    Click hotlink.

    Truth Or Consequences Reply:
    March 30th, 2012 at 1:36 pm

    Here we go again…Obama’s reelection coffin! WAKE UP PEOPLE, HE AIN’T GOING AWAY!



    Super Duper Man 1776 Reply:
    March 30th, 2012 at 2:36 pm


  6. Like he said we mere citizens have to prove who we are everyday. Why doesn’t Obama? Our federal government is now run by the same people who put Obama in office. The fact that he’s not a citizen one of the reasons he was chosen. You only can get the job if they own and control you. 9/11 told those of us who were paying attention that we don’t really have a government. We have a pack of zionist mobster banking scum that control practically everything/

  7. Why doesn’t Obama? Billo, your not too Brighto! He is the Antichrist and he is destroying America, so why in the world would he need to show his ID! WAKE UP PEOPLE! The American Dream is over and the American Nightmare is well underway…. what will it take for you to wake up and smell the Judgment of the USA!

  8. Personally I think they can make this fraud stick, or at least make Barry walk into the sunset in some way. But, even if they do they’ll just stick another stooge in there.

  9. Who is Obama? Why does no one come forward and say they knew him in college? How about the students he taught in college, where are they? He is like the invisible man up to when he ran for Congress. What and why is he hiding it? Where there is smoke there is fire.

  10. I don’t pretend to be that religious, but I did read up on a few prophecies. I’m almost certain this ape is not the Antichrist. The world will experience great prosperity under the A’s rule, until he turns. People will be eating with golden spoons. This halfbreed has brought nothing of the sort. The Jews tell him what chair to sit on, and how long. His only “disagreement” stems from the resistance from the American military to engage in an all-out war with Iran.
    People will love the A until he changes over, an indication that he will eliminate the elitists, not embrace them. Then he’ll show his true face.
    The ape doesn’t fit, though I could be wrong.

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