O’Farrell attacked over Kardashian jibe

Former NSW premier Kristina Keneally has launched a personal attack on her successor, Barry O’Farrell, likening him to reality TV star Kim Kardashian because of the brevity of his first marriage.

Since the celebrity IT girl, renowned for her style over substance, visited Sydney in November, Mr O’Farrell has taken to describing Ms Keneally as the Kim Kardashian of NSW politics.

On the first day of the NSW parliament on Tuesday, Mr O’Farrell repeated the jibe, saying “the government by Kim Kardashian is over” when answering a question about police numbers in western Sydney.

Ms Keneally immediately rose from the back bench, sauntered over to the dispatch box, and hit back at the premier.

“Given the length of the premier’s first marriage, he’s the real Kardashian in this place,” she said.

Mr O’Farrell was briefly married to Antoinette Holford in the late 1980s, before marrying his second wife Rosemary in 1992.

Kardashian filed for divorce from NBA basketball star Kris Humphries last year after just 72 days.

“An illuminating point of order by the member for Heffron,” Mr O’Farrell said, after Speaker Shelley Hancock ordered Ms Keneally to resume her seat.

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