Olympic runner killed in road crash

Daniel Batman.

Daniel Batman. Photo: Tim Clayton

AUSTRALIAN Olympic sprinter Daniel Batman has been killed in a car rollover in the Northern Territory.

Police said the 31-year-old was travelling on the Arnhem Highway at Marrakai, about 90 kilometres south-east of Darwin, when the crash happened early yesterday.

Detective Acting Senior Sergeant John Worrall, said it appeared Batman was travelling east in a Holden Commodore when it veered off the road, crashed into a culvert, landing 10 metres from the road.

Acting Senior Sergeant Worrall said a passing motorist discovered the vehicle about 7am yesterday. Emergency services found Batman had died at the scene, police said.

Batman, who was born in Melbourne but lived in Canberra, competed in the Sydney Olympic Games and was the Australian men’s 200-metre champion in 2005 and 2008.

Batman is a direct descendant of John Batman, the founder of Melbourne.

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