‘Only the good die young’: tragedy of model Lana

Swerved across the road ... Lana O'Connell was riding on a motorcyclewith boyfriend Ken Trivett.

Swerved across the road … Lana O’Connell was riding on a motorcycle with boyfriend Ken Trivett. Photo: Facebook

The mother of a young Australian model killed in a motorcycle accident in Thailand has paid tribute to her “special Angel”, saying “only the good die young”.

Lana Helen O’Connell, 23, from the Gold Coast, was riding on a motorcycle with her boyfriend Ken Trivett, 32, when they clipped another bike selling food in a sidecar, outside the Lamsing Hi-So nightclub in Phuket on Saturday, February 25 about 3.30am, the Phuket Gazette and the Gold Coast Bulletin reported.

Their bike then swerved across the road and crashed head-on into a third motorcycle, the reports said.

Loved life ... Lana O'Connell.

Loved life … Lana O’Connell. Photo: Facebook

Ms O’Connell, a swimsuit model who reportedly studied at Griffith University, died from her injuries. Mr Trivett was treated at Vachira Phuket Hospital for head injuries, the Gazette said, adding that the rider on the third motorcycle, Siriwat Phatkor, was treated at Phuket International Hospital for minor injuries.

Ms O’Connell was reportedly not wearing a helmet and alcohol may have been a factor, the Bulletin reported, citing Thai authorities.

Her mother, Marilyn, wrote on Facebook that her family was absolutely devastated and “words cannot explain our feelings at this sad time”.

Lana O'Connell ... died in a motorcycle accident.

Lana O’Connell … died in a motorcycle accident. Photo: Facebook

“She was a beautiful girl who loved life and had so many hopes and dreams which will never be fulfilled. She will always be in our memmory and our hearts.

“Only the good die young. Our very special Angel has gone to heaven. We will miss her very much.We love you so very much Lana and always will. Your loving mum and family,” Mrs O’Connell wrote.

Ken Trivett’s sister paid tribute to Ms O’Connell, thanking her for bringing “sunshine joy into my brothers life”.

Swimsuit model ... Lana O'Connell.

Swimsuit model … Lana O’Connell. Photo: Facebook

“You brought him hope, love most of all you capture his heart. … Today Ken all you have touched are speechless. Our heart skipped a beat upon word of your passing, our tears flowed as your face memories of you flooded our minds. We ask the question why to a life so young and abundantly assured!” she wrote on Facebook.

Ms Trivett added that help was on the way for her brother, who was reportedly still in Phuket, and appealed for donations from family and friends to help bring the couple back to Australia.

Swimwear designer Joanne Rahn told the Bulletin Ms O’Connell was “always so professional and one of the girls who was really earmarked to go far”.

“She was selected for the Mercedes Benz Fashion Week and was always pushed forward for media. I have really fond memories of working with her.”

A Department of Foreign Affairs spokeswoman said Australian embassy officials in Bangkok were providing consular assistance to the couple’s families.

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